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Posts posted by Dat_Krawg

  1. now i have seen so many posts complaining about how the dojos are unfair on small clans and how they will never get to the cool stuff well i have a solution/concept


    leveled rooms


    make each room kind of like how mods have levels 

    start off with the basic being nothing more then a rust bucket barely flying through space and have only limited abilitys (like say the science lab could only make 1-2 of the weapons and base level and at a slower speed) and steadily you can level it up to different stages with more resources (making the appearance change over time steadily unlocking more gear and things as it goes) or if you have the resources right off the bat you can build to a set level and go from there.


    tell me what you think guys

  2. If you noticed they said that there were almost 30 new weapons released, almost half of those are dojo only and they are quite interesting ones at that. I don't mind grinding mats with my friends but the forma gating and the rediculous resource reqs means that it will take us months of sinking resources into the clan before we get any results while it will literally take others days before they will see results. That's an insane difference.

    this i can agree on now i run a small clan with my friends we number only about 12 and we are always together in almost every game we honestly dont mind that we have to grind for out rooms even if its a ludicrous amount but the fact that there are these unique weapons which since they requier an advanced dojo we are likely to never see it makes me sad.


    now the op has been stateing  cool add new people to your clan and make friends that way but where a close knit group and dont feel the need to throw in a whole group of random people just so we can see what these magic weapons are 

  3. the past 6 days i have gotten the same login reward each day a rifle ammo box and i know that its not just me as my friends who started playing with me have gotten the same thing.


    it seems that once we past the 5 day mark of starting to play and logging in every day at the same time its been ammo box ammo box ammo box .


    has anyone else had this and its a system to stop people trying to get free reactors/catalysts or is this just a horriable freak occurrence?


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