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Posts posted by (XBOX)HyperLightdemon

  1. Regor doesn't drop Ash parts anymore, now he drops Equinox stuff, Ash part BPs have been given to regular Grineer Manics (the black with red lights, not the blue with orange lights) as common and uncommon drops.

    Woah, that's interesting. Despite being a console player, I'm pretty glad I decided to farm for new warframes to increase MR for fun.


    U17 update is sure far away but yeah, it's chilly to see PC get these terrifying decisions made without a warning.

  2. Yesterday happened, I'm a MR13 as Lvl 19 Excalibur equipped Lvl 19 Braton, Lvl 30 Aklato and Lvl 10 Skana.

    I was helping a MR0 Volt player in T1 Mobile Defense, giving him some pointers through chat and the light flickers.

    -"Fug :DD"


    -"Stalker is here"

    -"void boss? I can help with my latron"

    -"no... this is like a shiny pokeman moment, it's different."


    Suddenly I was forced teleport to another room where Stalker appeared at and is eagerly to use his Purging Slash to purify my sins for killing Phorid. Without a doubt to do a left barrel roll out of his fiery slash's reach.

    -"Hyper where are you??"

    -"Looks like he wants to do mano y mano with me alone"

    -"waypoint it for me quick pls"


    I quickly press up d-pad for waypoint so, I wanted to show him what he is looks like.

    Stalker: "Your Waypoint powers are useless!"

    -"fug :DD"

    This hunter unleashed the unholy slash Dread arrow directly to my right shoulder with impressive accuracy. But I survived thanks to my depleted shield and was relieved.

    Never-mind the tanking his Dread damage, Stalker proceed to use his Hate scythe in order to stun me. I knee my weapons aren't strong enough to kill him, yet I reflexively used my Radial Blind for a escaping method.

    But of course, he dispel my fragile power with no effort. Thus killed me off with his Despair barrages and my debt has been paid with my life.

  3.  My elder brother is absolutely addicted to Warframe, he were nagging me to try it. At first, I had a toaster pc and couldn't run even at the lowest graphics to be able to play it. But I got a Xbox console in a few year later and brother had already play on his Xbox, we finally got to play together even though I am the quietest player. (I'm deaf and not use mic)

     He did gifted me those Hawk mod packs, helping me to get through the Vor's prize quest. He always use proto-Excalibur and I had Mag as a support character to assist him. (Thought it's a underrated character till later, realized how overpowered she got.) Brother was in a nearly dying clan, usually a lone player and doesn't use recruit chat to join a squad despite him being 8th mastery rank. (recruit chat use the numbers as a invite to join a squad)


    So, I invited him to somwhat active clan and saw a lot of Dojo contents we did not seen on previous clan.


    Now I'm on 12th rank as he is. Did recall playing Dark Sector years ago on playstation, were really fascinated that brother's proto-Excalibur come from that game. Lore, lore, lore has what got me addicted on even though it's a spiritual successor to Dark Sector.


    I really want to know where is section of this forum that has informations from Prime Time videos, that did not have closed captions.

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