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Posts posted by (PSN)enightmare69

  1. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Ashielle said:

    Any explanation as to why the Oberon pack is £8 more on the PS4 but pc and xboxone have the same price as previous warframe packs? We have no added content.

    Is this a pricing error or are we really being screwed over for playing on a different console?

    I am gonna go with.. yes.. I play Warframe on the PC and PS4. I started on the PS4 and have spent a fortune in Platinum and Prime access on my PS4 (I have every Prime Warframe to date) and not spent a penny on the PC version.. the PS4 is my "master" and the PC is purely for the fact I have a 1080 gfx card for the better gfx than the PS4 version. With the price difference I am actually tempted just getting Oberon Prime on the PC instead of the PS4 so I at least have 1 Prime for the PC.. I hate being over charged simply because I am playing on a different format.. it shows poor business practice and an insult to your customers.

  2. 2 hours ago, (PS4)jimmybish said:

    the thing is im on ps4 banshee access is there its €69.99 but oberon is €79.99 how does that work ?

    Yup.. UK PSN Store is similar.. 

    Accessories packs are both the same price but..

    Banshee Prime £57.99

    Oberon Prime £65.99

    that's a 13.8% Increase in price.. inflation is 2.3%

    Yeah.. I was waiting for the PSN store to update so I could buy it so the minute I got in from work (I finish 7am UK Time) I could have a quick blast before bed.. not paying £65.99 for it, especially when there isn't a Prime Sentinel included.. not a fan of mace and shield.. I will just spend something like £15 for some Platinum and buy the blueprints from someone in game.. I already thought £57.99 was a bit steep but I was going to pay it.. £65.99 is just not something I am willing to pay, especially when I can get it ingame on the market for a fraction of that price.

  3. I am looking for a few people to help me unlock the Sedna junction so I can proceed with the next two quests

    I will be on later tonight around 9pm (GMT, UK time) and I am looking to unlock the Sedna junction, all I need is one final requirement

    "Collect any 3 Mods from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on Lua"

    I am at 2/3 for it but just can't seen to get the last one which I need to unlock the next two quests "hidden messages" and "the war within" as they require Sedna junction to be unlocked first. Would anyone be able to help me? I have tried in game chat but never get a reply..

    My PSN is ENightmare69. Feel free to add me even if you can't help as I am always on the lookout for people to team up with as all my buddies have dropped the game for Ark (Which I played years ago on PC so bored of) so I have nobody to team up with other than random public play. I am Mastery rank 11.

  4. Hi :) on PSN I am ENightmare69, and born and raised in the UK so speak English, though my friends say badly.. haha

    I will be on later tonight around 9pm and I am looking to unlock the Sedna junction, all I need is one final requirement

    "Collect any 3 Mods from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on Lua"

    I am at 2/3 for it but just can't seen to get the last one which I need to unlock the next two quests "hidden messages" and "the war within" as they require Sedna junction to be unlocked first. Would you be able to help?

  5. I am looking to upload a clan logo but would like some info regarding transparency


    Does my image have to be a PNG with transparent background? If the background is black will it class that as a color and so give a large black square around the image? I have created a design but don't want to spend that much platinum only to have an image that doesn't look right.

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