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  1. The elbows of gauss prime are very stretched out no matter what kind of animation set i pick. Also there is a lot of clipping parts one side of the arm is going through his elbow. Pics below:
  2. Inaros ramses doesn't take dark colors very well. When i want to try darker colors. The skin has lots of white rust around it. I don't renember this being a thing. Pictures: default colors and darkest Black. https://twitter.com/DefiniatlyHuman/status/1758421146955887028/photo/1 https://twitter.com/DefiniatlyHuman/status/1758421146955887028/photo/2 +An image post made in 2019 to compare: https://twitter.com/Debbysheen_/status/1154890693527183362/photo/1
  3. Hello. I have a couple of issues with gauss looks and i would like to know if these issues can be fixed: https://twitter.com/DefiniatlyHuman/status/1750124508713754860 On default gauss skin type there seems to duplicate textures due to cloth physics: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEmwwqsWYAA7QHu?format=jpg&name=medium Gauss Deluxe meanwhile has weird blades sticking out of it's arms they appear when you use certain poses or movements: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEmwwqmXMAAoGWL?format=jpg&name=small Gauss prime arms have a very werid stretch and his arm spikes like to clip a lot when carrying primary weapons: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEmwwqoWYAEbP5O?format=jpg&name=medium That is all i wanted to say.
  4. Gauss deluxe has a weird blade sticking out i guess it is a parazon? To easily replicate this issue equip excal umbra noble animation and equip a pistol.
  5. 1) When holding certain weapons there is a weird blade sticking out. 2) Different lights on sides. Images:
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