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Posts posted by (PSN)Sybaris-

  1. This would be assuming DE is consciously choosing these rewards, where, instead, the game is choosing them based on who is winning.

    There isn't someone at DE HQ waiting for the current conflict to end so they can click a button and set the next conflict's rewards. It's automated, and made to favor the losing side.

    While I would've preferred equal rewards to make it a real choice event, it still stands the event isn't rigged in one direction.

  2. Hiya seannowxxl!

    "inb4 lock" (In before lock) is a common meme used when a thread is in the running to be locked by (in our case) staff or a Community Moderator :)

    Moving over to Players helping Players.

    Thanks Danielle for replying, now I can laugh with everyone :P.
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