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Posts posted by (PSN)Sybaris-

  1. Guy: "Hosting t3 surv camp need GREEDY MAG"      

    Me: "Hey Greedy mag has been nerfed for like a month now, it will only pull to the mag itself, not the other people, so it won't work anymore :/"

    Guy: "mine WORKS SHUT UP FUKER"

  2. i thought that too till he was taking parts off the whole U17 update. i think they release that points for the first then the other parts of U17. if it is so obvious why they forgot to put frost rework at the list?

    I don' think it's important enough to be on the list. It's just a few changes, no new ability and everything being made OP like Excalibur. He's just listing the major things in the update, I don't think much people care abut that rework IMO

  3. But... but... what about Natah?? ._.  EDIT: Yay, I was worried for a moment because it said that the quest will come on xbox ^.^                                                                                                                                                                           

  4. I honestly don't know why you need 2 Trinity. On PS4 I am ALWAYS the only Trinity, heavily build for EV and I still do blessing all the time. IMO blessing shoulf be just for healing. If you need the 99% dmg reduction, you're doing something wrong. I always get asked for my build (95%of the time)/get compliments and I never heard anyone scream E VAMP!! That seems to only be a problem on the PC btw.

  5. Well you specifically mention Loki Prime Systems which is no longer rare. Why? Because everybody and their brother is grabbing Mesa and nuke farming T4D over and over. Loki Prime Systems drops in T4D and thus is becoming more common and less valuable in trade.

    Another unfortunate side effect of the new and boring Peacemaker Mesa Meta.

    Since Ash Prime Loki Systems now drop on t3 sabotage missions. I got 3 in 3 missions... so it's even less rare
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