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Posts posted by -10no-GCoda

  1. easily "snipe" (consistent headshots) with Latron, Lex, Paris, Akbolto, Boltor

    and this is a problem, whole clip to kill hi level ancient... its not really a sniping, lvl40 acient got something like 1000 - 1500 hp, so u need 10 arrows, i i am hopng for really slow and powerfull gun, so if u miss u will stuck with realoding for some time, and if you dont u got one dead body garanteed )

  2. I am kinda late for party...

    But what u think about wallhack powers, and why not, aimbot power, its future right? so why not have some aimbot functions for few seconds ?

    aimbot can cost 100 enrgy and give some critical hit bonuses...

  3. i d really like some one shot one kill railgun, or corpus sniper rifle, or some type of energy weapon.

    And speaking of rifles, please buff snipertron.

    PS. And maybe some OneMegaBoltSniper rifle ? ))

  4. even with all update 7 nerfs i can kill pluto boss alone, please make atleast one level that will demand good team to beat it.

    I really enjoed last alert on pluto with lvl55 grineers but still beat ot solo (with 2 revives).

    please please please give us some really hardcore level.

    sorry for my bad english

  5. i really like idea in other topic , about real stalkers who invide your games)

    but i was thinkind about boss defence mission, where 4 players play as bosses and other 4 playing regular game.

    or maybe some kind of versus mode like in L4D

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