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Posts posted by (PSN)RockstarJungle

  1. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

    So you're saying content droughts are good for games? And what happens when the newer players "catch up" to the vets? Is that it? Everyone is done? This is not how games work.

    There will be a constant cycle of new players that'l never stop. There are player generation of course, but one generation is not more important than the other. Newer players "catching up" is nothing more than normal progression. You are overestimating the difficulty of higher level play. It really isn't hard to do. I'm sure you haven't done it because the only difficulty is waiting to get there, which is understandably ridiculously hard. Also, we got PLENTY of players ready for this higher level content and with the drought having the newer players "catch up", we'll have many more. This higher end content provides us with a LOT of fun and exciting gameplay. I recommend you give it a shot, but believe me, I understand 100% if you can't. It's ridiculously boring, tedious, a time costly to get to the higher level content, which is why we are here. New content for endgame players gives us a reason to stay and actually play. You can't seriously think a vet's only purpose in game is to guide newer players to where they are. This is a noble gesture that I do as do many others and vets guided me when I was a noob, but it is a gesture only, not a mandatory requirement, nor is it our game goal.

    What do you mean why not have more new player content? All we have is new player content. That's almost 90% of the game, which is why we are here.

    That's cause you are trying to generalize it. The observation was under the assumption that we have Much more Newer players in the game right now than we do have older ones. Not New players who try the game in general. When the newer players in the former catch up, The content drought would end in that situation. Why would you assume i meant a content drought forever? Thats such a ridiculous notion that i thought that it wouldn't even need to be expanded on when i used the word Drought. 

    As far as overestimating higher level play? I said in the post itself that it was an easy game to comprehend. The only thing that is different between a newer player is the God tier equipment that the newer/lesser MR players do not have access to.  Alot of those vets are jerks anyway who will leave squad if they see a MR2 in there. If those players in question had it their way, It would be No new players into the game at all. The same ones who take advantage of the newer players and get them chat banned. And yes it is just a gesture, to help them but i didn't mean it as your new purpose in life. Just one thing you could do to pass the time of the metaphorical content drought. 

    I didn't say new player content, i believe you may be quoting the last sentence of the post, it said "Newer player/Lesser MR" content.

    But yes, all that is just the reasoning behind it of course. 

  2. 40 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:


    That's the whole point. It wouldn't be content for new players. Why does every single piece of content in WF needs to be accessible to new players? They already have months or years worth of content to go through. I mean, we're not even asking that the most important gear in the game like primes and arcanes or whatever be gated behind this kind of high level content. Just that it be available so that the option of a challenge can actually exist inside Warframe. A few non-essential cosmetics would be more than enough as rewards. 


    Because what does new content for end game players do? New maps and new gear such as (rivens for example, new players cant use those) Some are crazy, adding insane damage. What does that do? It makes it that much harder for those new players to catch up, and they already have it rough by having MR 10+ players Basically leaving if they get into squad with them (For being new) As silly as it sounds. 

    A temporary drought for higher MR will allow new players to catch up it'l be less intimidating, It will also allow More new players point blank. The older players can simply help the new ones in that theoretical drought. 

    Why not have more new player/lesser MR players content instead? so they can get the only thing separating them from the ones with the 200+% damage/instant reload/100% status chance/invincibility for the duration of the mode, God tier equipment. And yes thats all that it is, this game isnt that hard to comprehend. lol 

    Is my observation of course

  3. Im a little confused, why not just use the weapon thats not the melee to shoot the enemy? Were you somehow referring to a area of effect pistol whip? Or maybe for when you run out of ammo? That pistol whip wont be the thing to save you if you run out of all your ammo and have no melee equipped. Those are observations of mine, if i got it wrong then forgive me. 

  4. I strongly do not think it is 15 endo per mod. I think it's like 5 per common mod, and 10 per Golden/rare/prime mods. 


    edit, actually i just checked. Its 15 per gold mod, 10 per silver and 5 for any other lower mod. So yeah i dont know what happen.

  5. That sounds like a internet problem in general, For instance, 98% of these players cant even build there own frame without looking at someone else's build or ideas on the subject, Or skip even further than that, they cant even add properly without their smart phone. Knowing that, i wouldn't expect much from them and just be pleasantly surprised if they are on somewhat of the same intellect or brain-wave as you are. 

  6. Maybe he felt like you guys were making a mockery of your saiyan race and he tried to avenge you but unfortunately fell a little short. All of you died a death shrouded by obscurity and will be forgotten by all in due time. 

    A moment of silence for our fallen tenno brethren who ran out of revives and was depending on someone who would do such a foolish or brave thing as to take on an army and die along side with you. So much blood shed, and for what? a few items? Would this scene have occurred if Death was permanent? Only the lotus knows. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Harrock86 said:

    The "items picked up" stat, obviously.

    muhahaha. I always thought that, the items picked up stat reflected on their intelligence. I mean, only a mindless-brute would think about attacking the nearest living thing. It takes a intelligent person to make the most "profit" from the fight, or to have a actual purpose being there. XD

    thats funny tho if u look at it. a n00b running around picking up all the stuff cuz that's all hes physically able to do. lol

  8. That ember specter, she shot me in the head the Very first time i opened it. But i was off guard i'd say. I was laughing so hard. So the second time i opened it, i threw halo up and just slashed and burned her to death. Was quicker than the specter before her however. I know it sounds crazy but i really do think she kills you instantly if you are idle for any part of the session. Have not tested it though. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Enno69 said:


    - For the spears, remove the imo useless deactivation mechanic (all it does is inflict some additional damage, and that doesn't scale) ; instead let DS be recastable, though with a limit to keep it balanced - only two/three instances of this skill can be active at the same time.

    So thats what it was. I thought it was weird that the slam damage was doing like 2k, and the spears of mine was doing much more. i see now. However i think they should keep the deactivate. If you notice, he has his own deactivation animation and it's a small thing but it still kinda adds to his playful facade role. It's might be just me, but i'd take in dept character development over Mindless damage from a frame any day. So if the choices were, Take out completely and Buff his damage, or buff damage to be a 2 stage attack, or leave as is. I'd take the last two options. But like i said, that's just me. 

  10. 53 minutes ago, Azvalk said:

    Of course he's already very good at the moment, I am also doing the best mission score every time I use him, but the damage comes mostly from my weapons.
    To explain it simply..
    When I use the 1, I have the impression to make me drain my energy for not much, and when I use the 4, indeed, I control massively the ennemies and can easily kill them in some shots, but the 4 himself only kills weak enemies, and makes laugh the bigger ones, they don't even lose half of their health away. And it's just a shame, because he is great to play.
    I heard somewhere, that if each warframe were of a particular sex, and that there was no choice, it was for some reasons, and so the devs were aiming to have a male warframe and a female one on a theme.
    On the theme of fire, Ember is the female, and Nezha is the male.
    And Ember... really makes fire everywhere, and has been so powerful that she has been nerfed..
    So, it would only be logical, and justice, to increase the power and the fun of Nezha a little, by all these little ideas of synergy of his powers. ^^

    My spikes when i press them Kills everything. However that's only because i can spam them right after i take them down. So i overpower the battlefield radius with my spears, Thats not due to a "maximization build" from someone else, But from Nezhas own two feet. I make spikes Everywhere. The stats i was talking about earlier, I dont use a primary at all. Just pistols and a melee. 

    But the thing that gets everyone with nezha (In my opinion) is that he isnt their only frame. So when they first start playing, they go online,  and type "best warframe and best build, best weapons ect" So they end up buying things for (lets use nidus in this example) and it's two things wrong with that if they switch to nezha and expect somewhat similar results and what worked for nidus/harrow/ash/frost prime will work for nezha as well. What i noticed about nezha, as someone already said in the forums before that- He isnt a tank, hes not a healer, hes not a DD, he's just....nezha. What i took from that was probably more than what they meant it to me. But I personally dont think any known builds out there will work for nezha. (That's just a guess) But what will work is a devotion to the frame, meaning you buy him the Best mods, best ect.. basically play how you want to play making survival be the main objective. Nezha, or any frame for that matter doesnt deal anything while he's bleeding out or dead. Think about what mods will benefit Nezha's skills and Nezhas skills only if you want to main nezha, Is my observation. 


    Sorry for the rambling on. I just felt like adding to the thread if anyone looks in the future XD

  11. 7 hours ago, dan.io.wal said:

    With Nezha's deluxe skin incoming (ahem I need it now) I feel like it's about time that his kit was looked at. I'll preface this by saying that I love nezha. I love him dearly. He's my most played frame in game, and to me he's one of the most fun frames to play in the game. That being said there are a few things I've noticed over the last two years that could really use a touch up.

    1. Casting animations are much too slow. I've been wanting this since I first started playing Nezha. Nezha's fast. That's his schtick. Only time I ever die or need reviving is when I'm recasting warding halo. 

    2. Speaking of warding halo I would love to see a small synergy between Blazing Chakram and Warding Halo. One of my biggest gripes with Warding Halo is that it can't be recast until it's destroyed. My suggestion? Create a synergy where if your health is full, and your warding halo is still up but damaged, allow blazing chakram to be used to replenish/recharge your halo. This would not only fix the main issue with warding halo, but give blazing chakram more utility. I don't know many people who actually realize that the chakram can be used to heal, and that's actually really sad. 

    3. Divine Spears is the weakest part of Nezha's kit by a long shot. The fact that Ancients completely screw you over and disable all usability alone makes it nearly useless vs the infested and sometimes in fissure missions. In the story/lore of Ne Zha, he has a flaming spear. Maybe apply a burn affect to the spears, as well as the ground/area around it the spears. Any enemies that walk into the aoe will have a 100% chance to be staggered by fire and take burn damage, allowing for a little more damage but more crowd control as well.

    4. Maybe just increase the overall width of firewalker? That would be a nice little change.


    Let me know what you guys would think of these changes. I really love this frame and I just want to see him become even better. 

    Is there anything at all, info or screens about his new deluxe skin coming? It's so unfair that the nidus frame was released like a year ago and he's already not only have a deluxe skin, But has it released before nezha's. A frame thats been there since like 2015. All because of popularity. Its messed up. 

    Also about the abilities, The way i got my nezha built~for fun alone, The idea of using a online build by some know-it-all makes me want to throw up. lol, anyways i think it was a while when i wanted nezha to have a buff to his skills, But after coming back to warframe about a month now, i noticed that he's a running apocalypse. Or a best kept secret. With no riven mods, and only one prime mod, my nezha deals more than pretty much anyone in squad and takes no more than 5% of the entire damage in survivals. With riven mods/prime weapons equipped i think my nezha could probably do 2 hours in survival by himself with no camping. But that's cause i specifically buy everything for nezha and dont play any other frame. Point im trying to make is, He is already strong by himself and with mods he's extremely strong As is. But to players who just starting out or just trying him out, and dont know....or basically if hes not your main, You are in for a world of hurt. Generally speaking of course.

    Being that he's my only frame i use or ever cared about. I would not mind any of the upgrades you described, they were very well thought out.

  12. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    You need to reread what you are responding to. 

    With all due respect, You might need to Read period

    Also im done here, Type whatever, i wont come back to see it. 

  13. On 2018-08-01 at 3:21 PM, (PS4)RockstarJungle said:

    I noticed this thing on my warframes neck monday. Actually saw it before then, but thought it was a glitch or something. I noticed it grew on monday. I cant stand it. It's a Gross, Ugly, Repulsive, Hideous, Disgusting Eye-soar and i wish i could get rid of it Right now. But i understand i have to wait 7 days. I Wont leave my ship till those are up. So my question is, after those 7 days are up, will it be gone for good off of my frame with no chance of it coming back no matter what? (Immunity) I only use One warframe, AND i will literally Delete/sell my entire frame collection to make sure i dont get it on my main frame again. 


    This is my very first post in this thread, and it has not been edited Or anything. Notice the use of words, like "I" and "Personally"

  14. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


    So... When I say post interchangeably with reply, it means something different to when you do? Or do semantics only work in one direction here? 

    Of course a reply is different than a post is. Without No reply from a user, he wouldn't feel obligated to reply back. 

    Excellent advice. Now, this is the point where I point out that the option was available to you from before I ever responded. 

    If you already decided to do that before you replied, than why reply in the first place. 

    Absolutely true, and I'm not trying to. I'm just pointing out that what you want is specific to you, nobody else has to want it, there's nothing you can do to make others want that. 

    I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i, I cant stress the fact enough that i've always used the word I i i i i i i i in my post whenever i spoke of my feelings towards the issue. Find one post where i said "everyone wants it removed" Do you not know what the word i mean? Did it look like a lowercase L to you and that's why you skimmed over it time and time again? lol

    Bad news, Tenno. Those are subjective issues. This is a subjective issue. 

    It is subjective as well, However it's a more worthy debate topic than someone's personal feelings about a subject as simple as this one. You are grasping things with straws now. 


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