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Posts posted by Kurokazin

  1. You can't compare MOBAs or shooters with little to no progression to Warframe. It's more similar to your standard MMO in regards to the grind.


    Also, while I agree some players will "complete" any game in a very short time, Warframe events (but this one especially) send the wrong message. Casual Joe will wonder "how am I supposed to get that pistol if I don't play a lot of hours every single day of the event?" No, Joe, you are screwed: this event requires some pretty hardcore dedication, as did many of the past ones.


    And yes, a good endgame will be expensive to develop, no doubt, but I believe they have to try to somewhere down the line. I honestly don't believe the game can survive on just new guns, frames and maps. At least not as long as I'd like.

    Why can't I compare it to one of those games? Warframe isn't an mmo in the slightest. Missions can only be done with a maximum of 4 people. That fact actually makes the game even "smaller" than shooters, MOBAs, World of Tanks, etc. I can't even imagine one similarities you can draw between Warframe and an MMO. World of Tanks and League of Legends have a lot of "grind"(Getting better tanks, or getting a full rune page as an example)


    Your standard MMO has progression from the get go. You have skill tress to advance in, higher level equipment that is constant development. There will likely never be an "End game" implemented that will keep you constantly playing. Warframe is one of those games you pick up, put down for a while, then come back to. I'd sooner liken it to Killing floor than, say, world of warcraft.

  2. I'm trying to grind out all 3 multishot mods but it's extremely long and taxing. I was hoping someone out there could offer some tips on how to get through this mindless farming as quickly and simply as possible. Such as warframe, weapons, missions, etc. Right now I'm running Xini for Barrel Diffusion(70+ runs, still no luck) with my ember and just spamming fire blast... Thanks for any replies. :)

  3. I don't know why so many people complain about an "end game" Warframe isn't a game that hasn't an "end". It's not an MMO. There isn't an "end game" to league of legends, Counterstrike, Battlefield 3/4, Minecraft, World of Tanks, Path of Exile, etc etc.


    Is it a grind? Yes. Is there any way to make this game NOT a grind without a severe and extremely expensive overhaul? No. Warframe isn't supposed to be a game you play 8 hours a day trying to get every weapon, frame, sentinel, and all of them supercharged+Forma'd x10. It's something you pick up, then put down, then pick up again when you're looking to scratch that itch. The best you can hope for are milestones like your first frame to lvl 30, ranking up to mastery 7 to use a clan research weapon, things like that.


    80% of players will agree with you that the game is very grindy, but there's no clear solution to that without a ton of man hours pumped into the game that an indie developer like DE probably can't afford to do.

  4. Went camping caught fish and had fun. no internet and as a matter of fact guess what im doing on here. WORK inmportant emails and fairly boring stuff. forums is where i come to relax. i know i didnt earn it but getting the whole reward quickly that not only encourages people to play but makes it easier for them to get a reward and go and live a life. like the informant event

    Good on you. I find fishing boring and camping inconvenient. I get a lot of enjoyment playing video games. Gaming and watching a good tv show are what I like to do with my recreational time. You're coming off as if it's somehow wrong to spend any amount of time on a form of entertainment. I don't care how you spend your time, or what your opinion is on what other people do with theirs. All my topic was meant to point out is that we don't need another dozen threads from casuals complaining that they can't get a weapon that has an extremely high probability of obtaining a few months from now.


    If you can't invest 7%~ of your waking hours over the course of 7 days to earn a weapon, then clearly it's not that important that you need to feel frustrated you can't get it at the end of an event. For me, personally, I was going to plug in those hours one way or another because I still have a lot of fun playing Warframe and even if we cut out the tier 2 and 3 rewards it's still extremely time efficient because of the insanely awesome battle pay. I was able to supercharge 3 of my frames thanks to this event. DE could come right out and say "No pistol or melee weapon at all, sorry guys" and I'd still be happy because I'm 400k+ richer with a bunch of clan resources, an ignis recipe, 3 reactors, a forma, and a handful of cells.


    In my opinion the battle pay alone is catering more than enough for casuals as is. If you want to number crunch the amount of hours it'd take to farm all that, by all means. I can tell you right now it'd take at least a few hours doing speed runs ad nauseum.

  5. I did not get my 25 misisons. i have a life to live. while it may be fun for you to sit around inside for 8 hours playing the game, most of us would pick a nice trip to the beach or the movies. i like the the pistols are not exclusive. makes the game not eat up your time


    so you have no evidence  just educated guesses based on what has happened in the past 

    Then don't expect a reward you didn't earn. Do you work for 2 hours and expect 8 hours of pay? No. You're also playing the wrong game if you expect to make any level of progress with the amount of time you have to spare. Y'see, I don't have to look down my nose at people and imply that what I do with my time is valued higher than someone else's, I can actually supply a sound argument. I also question exactly how much of a life you actually live if you spend time browsing the forums of a game this late at night.


    Edit: And yes, an educated guess with just a pinch of common sense. It takes hours if not days to texture, adjust, design, code, and implement a weapon for play. If you were put in a developer's shoes would you spend that many man hours for nothing? Because I certainly wouldn't.

  6. Uhm...your source?

    http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Moa_Event Frost Prime, available at a later date.


    http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sling-Stone_Event Ammo mutation mods, available at a later date.


    http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Informant_Event Exclusive Snipetron Vandal, not currently available.


    Along with all the other vandal/wraith weapons that are completely unobtainable at the moment. This may change in the future. Do you guys really believe DE would go through the trouble of making brand new weapons and never release them?

  7. Will you people PLEASE stop posting about how it takes too long for casuals to squeeze in 8+ hours for the event. Earning the pistols in this event is simply an early access for the weapons, like it's been FOR EVERY DAMN EVENT!


    The ONLY event-exclusive rewards are wraith/vandal weapons, which you can get with a very manageable 25 missions. If you can't play 3-4 games a day over the course of a week then how can you possibly expect to get any sort of rad reward? 25 games, you're barely participating in the event and it's a slap in the face for those of us actually participating that you think just existing and playing the game you're entitled to whatever you want.


    tl;dr. vandal/wraith is exclusive, the pistols will be available at some point in the future.


    You can say I don't know that for a fact, but every event prior to this one has followed the same formula. Now can we please stop beating this dead horse for no reason? Bury the poor thing already.

  8. I hate to be the one who says this but Warframe isn't a casual's game. It takes significant time and farm to get to the higher tiers of play(T3 defense, 35+ minute survival, etc). As a casual you should never enter a game expecting to get the very best stuff, that's just not a realistic expectation. I'm not trying to say "Shame on you for being a casual" but you can't expect a grind-centric game to cater to the extremely small minority that plays. The only reward that's exclusive to this event is the wraith/vandal weapon. I can't recall a single event where that hasn't been the case.


    If you can't accomplish 25 missions in 7 days then you either need to get faster and more efficient in clearing(I can finish these missions in 5-8 minutes depending on the frame). Let's assume you are slow and can only clear each mission in 10. That's just barely over 4 hours. If this leaves a bad taste in your mouth then I'm sorry, but it's highly unlikely that warframe events will ever have their rewards for participation that low. You'd literally have people do a handful of missions then never touch the event, leading to large clans having to do the heavy grind to complete the event.

  9. Doing 5 missions for 3-5 clan weapon mats, or 100k+ credits, or orokin catalysts/reactors are extremely cost effective time investments. This "Woah to us corpus who have to grind 100 missions only to not get what we DESERVE" garbage is laughable. Grow up you spoiled, rotten, little children. Take away the tier 2/3 weapons and the event is still very well worth doing.


    There has also not been a SINGLE event in the history of warframe where a non-wraith/vandal weapon has been exclusive to the event and completely inaccessible later down the road. This is all a lot of unnecessary foot stomping because a portion of the playerbase isn't getting what they want(A single weapon that is EXTREMELY likely to be available at a later date). Life ain't burger king, you don't always get to have it your way.

  10. Truth. This event was skewed from the start, and although I had it in my head already to support the grineer and can't entirely complain about their victories, I can empathize with all the Corpus supporters who are likely to lose the Detron and Prova Vandal. It wasn't a fair test of alliances. The efforts to make up for this with Alad V's sudden influx of Orokin Reactors, which are just too d*** rare to pass up even though I've been supporting the Grin-grins... that's not really fair either. You knew instantly who would win those... the grineer people can afford, it would seem, to lose a planet or two. They do five runs for the corpus and gtfo, ignoring those planets and going to support Grineer interests elsewhere. It's what I've done, I know.


    I'm actually co-warlord of a small clan that's recruiting, and we've gotten an influx of people who are suddenly clanless. I've seen a million and one people complaining about it on the forums, too. It's not just a few clans, it would seem that most clan leaders are selfish b******s. I don't personally care about golden statues, so my clan members are doing whatever they'd like with no objections from me. Even if I did care I certainly wouldn't kick people because the players enjoyment and the rewards they want should come first--you should be able to support what you want to support.


    This event was cool in concept and if it hadn't started out so off balance would have been fun (although mission types other than exterm would be great... it's getting kind of grindy)... but with how little people are starting to care (seriously, the latest few missions have changed like 5% the past few hours?) it's probably too late to save it. People have, as the phrase goes, lost faith in humanity.

    I for one, love everything about this event. The raging and complaining is @(*()$ beautiful and I can't get enough of it. It's revitalized my interest in warframe because this is just entertainment that never gets old. :D "Potentially" missing out on 2 weapons(One exclusive and kinda S#&$ty anyway) and another that will likely be available later on down the road(Because that's how it is with EVERY non-vandal/wraith event rewards) is causing such a shi*tstorm. People take this game too seriously.

  11. I'm just being realistic here. You can tell people that there is a chance for a Corpus comeback all you want, but that would be telling them lies. All the biggest clans are on the Grineer side of things and more and more people are jumping on the Grineer bandwagon. Sticking with the Corpus is admirable, but ultimately futile if you care about getting your just rewards.


    I didn't design this event, so don't bite my head of because you can't handle the truth.

    I'm not biting anyones head off. I'm stating a pretty well understood fact: A defeatist attitude will not get you a win. Even when I'm on the losing side I'm gungho about winning because there's always a chance. You could have 10 people rolling as solo rhinos, clearing 10 missions every 4-5 minutes(Probably faster but that's as quickly as I could do it"


    Enjoy the event, pick your side and stick with it. The weapons will be available at some point down the road, the only exclusive "Never going to see again" stuff I've seen is wraith/vandal and let's be real for a minute; Do any of you even care about a wraith/vandal machete/prova? It's a fun event, I'm enjoying it, why can't you? Win or Lose the battlepay alone makes participating worth it.

  12. The Grineer will win  - I guarantee it.


    Mainly because supporting the Corpus is illogical.




    Because you will still get the same reward playing for both sides, but a S#&$tier version if you stick with Corpus. If Corpus had given out the Detron even if they lost, why then there'd still be a reason for the Corpus fans to stick with them. Currently there is no reason whatsoever.

    And filling up the gameplay feedback forum with "Corpus are going to lose!" helps your situation...how, exactly? I guarantee 90% of people that just started the event as corpus are immediately going to switch sides for the phat loot. This is a golden example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

  13. Your entire argument falls apart when you realize that even if they lost, they still grinded 100+ missions.


    They freaking deserve the correct reward. It is not being entitled at all - they worked their asses off, just like the players on the winning side.

    Did DE put a gun to your head and say "DO THESE 100 MISSIONS NAO"? No. You also get extremely nice rewards just for plugging in 5 missions here or there. The 25 and 100 mission milestone is just a heap of icing on a cake.


    Wanna know what made me pick Grineer? I originally picked corpus but then the grineer were nice enough to drop continuity for me and then I was like "Damn, y'all are real bros, f*ck these guys, I'm switching sides. :D" You're also all acting like you've already lost, as far as I can tell grineer only have a small but manageable lead.


    The reason I say you're acting entitled is because DE could've just as easily said "No battle pay for you guys, and you either win or no reward" I personally don't care what weapons I get because chances are I'm only going to lvl them to 30 then shelve them.

  14. "I GOT DIS BUT I WANTED DIS ONE!" What are you guys, 5?


    They're weapons. Weapons that probably won't be nearly as good as acrid/galatine/soma/flux rifle. What you guys are doing isn't "feedback", it's throwing a hissy fit. Be happy you get something for losing. Damn, people are so entitled these days, be happy with what you get. If you really want that corpus weapon so damn badly then start putting grineer through the grinder, hopping on the forum and stomping your feet isn't going to get anything done.

  15. DE, we really need more options for the visual effects and screenshake. I've done just over 10 missions in your new event and I already have a headache trying to focus and maintain a grasp on just wtf is going on. Napalms have always been a problem for me because of their EXTREMELY LONG blast effect that makes it really frustrating to see where the enemy is. Factor in 3-4 of them and I'm literally firing blind. Then factor in the shield ospreys lighting everything up blue and we've got a grab bag of complete cluster#@*&$@y.


    We also need a colorblind mode because with how tiny the minimap is(And a complete LACK of UI scaling options) it's extremely difficult for me, personally, to see where the exterminate mission is trying to send me to next. Especially when you factor in the fact that 90% of the minimap is taken up by yellow dots(Event exclusive).


    Thanks for the read.

  16. Just stating this now a lot of people are telling me not to use contagion but I will still use it,even if it is not as good I find it fun to use.

    Be that as it may you haven't explicitly stated what you're asking for, opinions or facts. The facts are Soma/Galatine are extremely good on any frame, and contagion is a wasted slot. The opinions are any weapon will serve you well with enough, especially if you invest in formas.


    Threads like these attract "optimized" answers, expect abilities/weapons/mods you might like getting trashed because this game has severe power discrepancies.

  17. I've got Rhino and Trinity, and to be honest, I prefer Trinity for when I want to go solo over Rhino. Just personal preference.


    Two reasons for this: One Rhino has an absolute cap on how much damage he can absorb, even with energy siphon or rejuvination onboard, they don't regen much, where as link and blessing give trinity an infinite absorbtion as long as you're paying attention, and spamming your energy vampire. And Two, when I go after a boss cause I'm farming blueprints for my next frame, Trinity's energy vampire and well of life can stunlock most of them. And Energy vampire weakens them significantly, while giving me energy to spam my blessing ability. The only bosses this doesn't work on I've found is raptor and lephantus. Raptor is still significantly weakened in overall health by it though, and Lephantus is basically immune to almost all frame abilities anyway. Well except for avalanche, it actually does seem to stun/slow him, but doesn't do any damage.


    I actually forma'd my trinity to use Energy siphon as her aura, and then stuck vigor(maxrank) and my highest redirection and vitality on her, which both are just 2 shy of being maxed out yet, and I've got just under 800 shields and 800 hp at rank 30. I'll push up over 800 if I can ever max them out, but that takes tons of cores and credits yet.


    So yeah. Trinity is totally worth it, solo or team play shes viable. Mostly defensive and support. Just don't mind the lobster looks of her.

    As far as farming Bosses, as Rhino I just walk up to boss, rhino stomp, roar, proceed to unload on him. Usually dead by the time it recovers from the stomp. Rhino stomp also works on Lephantis, creating a significantly larger window for busting down each head's weakspot. Rhino is also extremely good for rushing through missions as he can just ironskin and proceed to walk through knockdowns, lasers, fire/ice missions, poison clouds, etc etc. Just because you have a preference doesn't mean you should give out false information.


    Trinity is nice to have for obstacle courses in void(Blessing can help with navigating many laser obstacles), and dealing with extremely high level missions(Such as Defense III Void). In 90% of situations Rhino can perform just as well, if for no other reason than +50% damage for everyone. Solo there's no contest. Rhino is significantly easier to solo grind than any other frame. He has one of the strongest CCs, one of the strongest buffs, and knockdown ignore.


    As for the trinity, yes, it's a good frame, but keep in mind it's a support frame with "god mode". That means you won't be doing a lot of damage, or keeping things "manageable". The hardest missions in the game are survival+defense and as far as those go Frost is probably a better frame to have than either Rhino or Trinity. All the frames are viable but at levels 100+ damage abilities barely do anything and CC/survivability is significantly more imporant, just like any game, really. At some point DPS just takes a backseat.

  18. I know DE is extremely short sighted, what with weapon balance, nekros functionality, adding new and amazing ways to grind in place of any real engaging progression system every big patch, etc...etc. I tried both /unstuck and /stuck when I accidently wall ran my way into a nook that was completely inescapable, during the Chorus Banshee Helmet alert and missed out as I had just barely managed to start the mission before it expired.


    While we're at it, can we get a fix for all those walls in Derelict that are impossible to wallrun up because of that green moss decal blocking our ninja cleats from hooking into the wall? Thanks. If I sound bitter and resentful, it's because I am, sorry about that.

  19. Is this intentional? I've recently run into the issue where I already have storm, ice, and smoke colors. The Alpha pack is 281, but to buy the remaining 3 colors in the pack(classic, Classic+, and fire) individually would only be 225. The same with the Beta pack(150 for the Grineer and Infested colors, 169 for the color pack). Is this intended? Has there been a history of DE manually stepping in and assisting the players with this fairly minor issue?


    Not at all to come off as trying to nickel and dime or be stingy. It's just that most other micro transactions in other games usually would compensate for already owning individual items in a bundle. Thanks in advance for any responses. :)

  20. So I've got 50$ to throw into the game and I've got a few questions that hopefully one of you fellows could answer:


    1). Is the Shred mod worthwhile? When I last played(4~ months ago) puncture really wasn't that highly valued.


    2). If I upgrade from Hunter to Master as a founder, do I get 1990 plat, or only 770? I ask mainly because I've been eyeing the stalker bundle and have spent every last plat I had from Hunter. I'd assume I only get 770, but I figured it'd be worth asking about, anyway.


    3). Is Skana Prime a decent weapon to use over, say, Cronus?


    4). Last one gents. How significant of a role does the design council play in the game's features?


    Thanks in advance for any responses. :) I'm especially interested in question #2 because 2k plat for 50 bucks is a steal, haha.

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