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Posts posted by Kurokazin

  1. And someone said no one cheats on PvE on my thread.


    As long as the game involves other people and people do not like being second to other people, cheats are going to be made and used.


    Even people who have legitimately put money into the game will cheat and lie that they don't because they spent money on the game.

    Happened in Planetside 2 and it will happen here.


    In behind the computer screen there are a lot of scum who hate nothing more than  to be last and will cheat in anyway they can because it is the only way they can enjoy a game.

    By winning even when a game is co op.

    "Scum"? I'd call those people smart. lol. Sure, cheaters never prosper, but when you weigh your options of grinding countless hours away on a video game, or taking a morally questionable shortcut, only the stupid and self-righteous would pick the latter.


    Also, define a cheat for me? Personally, I utilize a huge range of animation cancels including the helicopter glide, jump and slide, wave-dashing, groundslam cancels, the Lex instant reload trick, etc etc to drastically reduce the time it takes for me to get from point A to point B, as well as dishing out significantly more damage. Is that cheating? They're obviously not intended features(At least, many of them aren't). They require slightly more inputs and a little practice getting it down pat.


    Going to assume you always got picked last in dodgeball, because anyone that looks at a competitive spirit and thinks "SCUM" obviously hasn't had many fond experiences of the concept.


    Right. With that shredding done and over with, back on topic: I'd hope that a rollback won't be necessary as the hackers will be banned and this has been going on for...what? 2 hours roughly? So people just got about 4 hours of gameplay time "free". Yes, getting that super duper Flow modx3 is nice, but the grand majority of us got triple mods on things like pistol gambit(lol), to add to our 3 page collection of pistol gambits(lol).


    I may be biased, though. I just caught onto the glitch 15-20 minutes ago, so it would suck a bit to lose my progress(Albeit, the small amount there was) and free stuff is free stuff, lol. DE may see it differently, but I don't see a rollback being needed, and if there is, hopefully there'll be some kind of reimbursement along the lines of cool alert missions with rad rewards. /hopeful

  2. Why would you enable it?. I'm always playing with a buddy of mine who plays a Nyx and I had to turn it off because of the green particle effects EVERYWHERE. I could not see a god damned thing. My only options were: A).Wait  B).Spray  C).Swing like a guy being attacked by bees.


    Seriously, don't get bent out of shape over PhysX, it's better left off until the particle effects are toned down.

  3. I've got a few more kinda vague questions that I can't seem to find the answer for no matter how much googling and forum searching I do.


    G). How good is the stealth aspect of the game? Is it a reliable way of clearing levels/progressing? Or is it more just a fun little minigame you can do whenever you feel like it?


    H). There's a bonus objective prompt in the lower right corner of the screen at the beginning of a mission. Sometimes it doesn't show up or I forget to look for it, is there any way to see it again without having to cycle through all the possibilities and trial/erroring my way to accomplishing it?

  4. I've had a lot of questions concerning the game that has no clear answer or limited information. I'm hoping you kind gentlemen can help me figure some of these out.


    A). According to the tips ingame there are "Hidden mods" in the level. I've been pretty vigilant but I have yet to find any/see any secret "passages" that may lead to one.


    B). Are the color packs more apparent than the stuff you start with? As it stands the only siginificant color changes are on the warframe itself and hardly make a difference for any of the weapons I've found.


    C). I've noticed around, people talking about "X mission is best for farming X". Would an awesome inidividual be willing to compile them all? IE Mission that's best for credits, Mission that's best for mods, etc etc.


    D). Is it worth it to sell mods, keep them, or use them for the marginal increases to "off-spec" mods that I will use?


    E). To follow up the above, is there a limit to how many mods you can have in your mod inventory? I see 32 slots but will it merely provide a scrolling option or am I limited to what's onscreen? I've always been careful not to hit the cap so I don't know for sure.


    F). Are there any currently weak warframes I should steer away from? I've read that Ember has trouble competing. I've yet to invest money in the game(Will soon!), so I don't want to waste my very limited funds getting a warframe that I may struggle with.


    I'm sure there's more questions that I'll remember later, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Thanks for any replies. :)

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