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Posts posted by Simmml

  1. 9 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    What does that give DE?

    Happy people playing their grindy game; Maybe it sells a few weapons/warframes based on that. Atlas augment : Hey I should get atlas I want to be a rock man!

  2. Just now, Skaleek said:

    DE wont stir up a ****storm unless they get something from it.

    Which is why I am for offering the mods in a differnt way. You can make them still available in conclave and add them to drop tables somewhere else?

  3. 7 minutes ago, TheChaotic1 said:

    Oh there will be riots in the street, but two days later everyone will be complaining about something else. Probably that there was an event and they had to build their own reward AGAIN (How dare DE)

    We don't talk about this here... (DE is just terribad at communicating)

  4. 4 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Art is subjective, for every person that wants something older changed, another loves it. There is no winning in this scenario, so resources are put in to new art assets.

    Excalibur has had PBR since Update 16.

    Neither his immortal nor his delux do. Delux was something they advertised with this year. Yes art is subjective. But fixing old, broken, obviously sub par things is an objectively good thing. And it would help them! A lot! The amount of people that say 'Nope not gonna play that frame, looks like a**' is insane

  5. 2 minutes ago, TheChaotic1 said:

    1. They put octavia in the derelict because it was underused, do you really think they wouldn't choose the easiest way to get people to play conclave which they have been trying to do for years?

    2. No one would be forced, anyone who would actually be looking for these mods would be far enough in the game to be able to trade for them.

    In principal it's ok to have them stay conclave exclusive rewards that are usable in PvE. It's a compromise I am willing to make if all else fails.

    However I just think back to Conclave event 3 in a row... People were... "pleased"   /s

  6. 2 minutes ago, TheChaotic1 said:

    Honestly I say keep them as only obtained through conclave, then they would all sell for like 15-25 plat, would be a good source of income for people who don't want to do syndicate missions all the time

    And force everyone else to play this broken, hated game mode. I don't think that would be very good...

  7. 1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

    This is inane. If you can point to something that shows them actively putting off fixes that are otherwise ready/quick to implement, by all means share with the class. There are only so many people that can work on any one thing at once, and just because X person isn't busy, doesn't mean he is able to do Y instead.

    The additional mechanics are from DE trying to keep their end of things interesting, doing new and different things to keep programmers, artists, etc. engaged and happy to keep working on Warframe rather than leaving for other projects. We get new shiny things, they keep people around and also working on fixing things.

    Okay start with the most obvious choice: How about we slow down production of new skins and retouch the old ones? Poster boy excal still has no pbr! He is on the advertisement poster for anniversary 4 and has no pbr!?

    This is but one example. I can list more if neccessary...

  8. I have been playing this game for a while and I have to agree. In part. I too think that DE should slow down with the new content and focus a bit more on the older things. I don't think it would hurt them too much to only give us new weapons and stuff every other week, only providing reworks and fixes in the week between.

    As we all know Steve has told us multiple times the story of how they tried to find a publisher and 'You don't update enough so you fail'. That traumatized him COMPLETELY. 

    People going "you should take a hiatus..."I find weird. I don't think that is what DE wants either. It's in their best interest to keep you constantly engaged and entertained; 'invested you will invest'.

    The counter argument 'They do XXXXXX already blabla' is hitting the nail on the head. They are fixing the game. But too slow. This is like having a 1" wood plate and slowly adding millimeter by millimeter to the thickness of the wood while rapidly piling rocks on top of it. The base doesn't get reinforced quickly enough and will collapse eventually. The base game and mechanics are the piece of wood in this example. And all the additional mechanics they start and add are the rocks. All the convoluted new systems will cause the game to fail if the basis upon which they are built is not solid enough.

    My personal opinion is they should realize now that they have a large enough player base that slowing down a little and fixing the game is not going to hurt them, but beneficial. In player retention AND in driving new player influx. I have a lot of friends that tried the game a long time ago and said it was meh. I somehow managed to make them try again a few weeks ago. The result? 'Better, but still buggy and beta'. They stopped playing again.


    TLDR A slight shift in policy would be enough to help the game a long way. Fix more, slow down with the new releases A BIT


    (Edit: I also think that they should try and work on their communication skills a bit. Today is the first dev stream after a month! After the Helminth release there was no reaction from them regarding the cyst for a week! Most players are not even on the forums! So keeping them updated with 'What to expect the next month' as a popup in the update thingy in the Liset would help too I am sure! I could go on, but I hope you get my point)



  9. 3 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    I don't mind the stances dropping, since they are rank 1 and easy to get anyway and the gunmods are random rewards from just playing so it's the same. The problem is on the Augments, as they are high end Syndicate rewards, adding them to droptables anywhere is the same as adding the other syndicate augments to droptables as well, adding them to the syndicates sounds good, though I would prefer if Conclave kept some incentive to be played besides just cosmetics, at least until DE gets around to adding a Conclave Syndicate Weapon (hopefully Twin Nikanas)

    The day they add Conclave Syndicate weapons is the day I stop playing this game. Like I stated in the very beginning: Less than 2% of people like conclave...

    I see no issue with conclave only awarding visuals, honestly...

  10. On 11/04/2017 at 7:49 AM, redeyedtreefrog said:

    Also, if a mysterious machine from the orokin era that is known for mass murder and genocide comes to me and asks you to make a suit sized for a child(or offers to buy an existing one), I'd let him. No questions asked.

    THIS :D A million times this :D You made me laugh <3

  11. 3 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    True. I personally want the Conclave stances, they feel much better and natural than many PvE ones.

    Stances and augment mods is what I am after. Fun cool new things they already have ready made and just need to remove the restrictions and add to the drop tables or shopping lists of the syndicates. 'We struggle to make enough content' <- remove the nonsensical restrictions on the nice content you already have!

  12. Just now, Xriah said:

    Fair enough.

    I was tossing this one around in my head for awhile before posting. Yeah, I think not being able to call Nezha a trap is dumb. I think people who are so offended by this should work on their sensitivity. However, if it really hurts people emotionally to see that, we aren't exactly losing much by giving up our ability to say it. It seems silly to make a big deal out of this on either side of the argument.


    It's a bit censoring here and a bit there and in the end you cut off more than half. THAT is why I am against it. And easily offended people should get off the internet YESTERDAY... The world is a cruel and unusual place

  13. Well the point of introducing PvP mods would primarily be to give us access to the already existing interresting mechanincs. Yes the game needs rebalancing. badly. But for introducing these mods to PvE that step is not really necessary in my eyes.

  14. 1 minute ago, Xriah said:

    Personally, I think it's a little ridiculous that some people are so offended by simple words. We seem to be obsessed with political correctness nowadays.

    That being said, does your inability to call Nezha a trap in region chat really detract from your Warframe experience that much?

    I guess at this point it's more a question of principle..

  15. 4 minutes ago, Aedwynn said:

    That's exactly your problem. You think it's okay to joke about anything, because it's your belief - the result of your culture and upbringing. And you claim anyone who has another opinion must've come from dark ages - in other words you claim that your belief is superior. Guess what? Other side has absolutely same feelings. From their PoV you're a Caveman coming from Stone Age. Illiterate and eager to trample anything he does not understand. By their belief, you are a criminal , deserving punishment. 

    You believe you can joke about anything you want? They believe they can come to your house and shoot your brains out for that. And if you claim that humor is above everything, you should accept that fate as well. Because being shot for beeing too humorous is quite humorous as well. But instead you are afraid of taking responsibility for your jokes and hide behind your beliefs. You claim you have right to joke about anything but you have no balls to face consequences. All because you think you are better than others and normal laws do not apply to you.

    Modern Barbarism, that's how I will name it.

    I can not BELIEVE you are that stupid...

  16. Just now, Nazrethim said:

    Yes, though I would prefer if Tiberon had more raw damage, enough to be on par even with crit/status weapons, and some other gimmick, like inate 2.0 Punch Trough and probably faster reload speed and bigger clip.

    They are reballancing right now. We will see what they will do. Also:



  17. An IPS conversion mod would be amazing. Look at the Tiberon for example. It has its damage spread evenly over all 3 types. Now if I could convert 50% of both Impact and puncture to slash that would be great!

    The percentage drop numbers were place holders. If yyou did read all I wrote in that sentence you'd know that.

    In general I am not opposed to tehm droping from Rathuum for example. More reason to play those nodes.

  18. 1 minute ago, Nazrethim said:

    The augments are synd rewards, I think they should stay that way. They are tradable after all, like the PvE Warframe Augments.

    Gunmods on the other hand are random chance end-of-match rewards, so they could be added to droptables that make sense, like Techs dropping the Supra mod Directed Convergence or Kuva Lancers (armed with Grinloks) dropping the Grinlok mod 'Grinloked'

    Stances are dirt cheap rank 1 rewards so they should be fine as they are, or could be added to Rathuum, and Rathuum always rewarding a Stance or Endo, with the stance pool including all PvE stances and all Conclave stances.

    That would dilute the droptables even further. Which is why I am not a big fan of it. I can see the appeal tho

  19. 1 minute ago, Aedwynn said:

    I am not mixing anything. You fail to understand that any right comes with responsibility. Jokes are made for fun and if they fail to amuse and raise hostility instead, you take responsibility for that. Humour is heavily based on culture. While there are common places and universal jokes, there are also culture specific jokes that won't be funny at all in other cultures. They may be insulting. Same goes for swearing. It expresses extreme emotions and therefore not for everyday use, but for specific situations. You can joke about anything you want in your home/friends circle, but when in public you should behave and if you so want to share that joke ask others if they are okay with it.

    So you'd rather censor everyone to avoid offending 1 person? Cool beans time to go back to the dark ages it seems. I can laugh about all religions and I don't care if your god is offended. If he is he's a damn small god. Just saying. And the fact that it's just this one warframe I can't call a trap reeks worse than a drowned body.

  20. 7 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

    I would especially love if the mods that convert one IPS to the other would be usable. Could turn my impact shotgun into a slash shotgun, oh baby.

    I can see that becoming a bit of an issue, but capping it to for example "converts 50% of Impact and puncture damage to slash" would be neat


  21. I mean... Yes some mods can be dropped by the sentients already for example. My main point tho are the warframe augment mods. 

    An option for drop locations could be endless missions for example. Now hear me out before you scream murder.

    You pick a warframe of your choice and hop into an endless mission. In rotation C this mod has a 2% drop chance (just placce holder numbers, please..). If you go to 40 minutes (also rotation C) that chance increases to 5% for example. The mod that will drop will depend on the warframe yoo used. So a Volt can only drop volt augment mods.

    The problem I have with the already available mods is that they are just boring stat increrases. What I want are mods like http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Rumbled



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