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Everything posted by Cold_Arrow

  1. Niiiiiice, good S#&$ very happy with a few of those in particular
  2. One of the most difficult things I currently find to explain to new players and friends trying out the game, is how the elemental mods combine and interact with one another. And while the elemental combinations themselves are pretty straightforward. The way you have to load in, and place the mods. Or the way you have to arrange them on the modding screen, to get the right elemental combinations. Ain't really as simple or intuitive whenever I try to explain it to others, or think about it And with the recent devstream, where the showed of a custom UI element for weapons specific traits, and unique effects, for more clarity. It got me wondering again about the possibility of a perhaps a UI element, on the modding screen for weapons, where you can just select how the elemental mods combine? Instead of having to fanagle the mods around. Trying to make sure they are aligned and sorted correctly. Read from top left, to bottom right. And having the swap the polarities and mods around, to make sure the elemental mods combine in the right way, whenever you need to change them . I dont know. To me it always seemed like a thing that was still kind of missing from the modding system, that would make the modding screen perhaps a bit more logical for new players. And just be a nice QOL change for older players so they don't have swap all the polarities and mods around whenever they want to change or upgrade something about a weapon built, Anyways, thank you for reading / considering. Have a nice day ( ^ ^ )/ * Half tempted to make a mock-up for it using some assets of the elements and stuff. But the other question would be where it might fit on the weapon modding screen. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131202192538/warframe/images/thumb/3/39/Elements.png/600px-Elements.png
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