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Posts posted by Kortellus

  1. Ok so I was just getting use to the idea that ancient disruptors are the single most annoying enemy ever, hit you from any direction taking away your shields, power, and knocking you down. Oh and they are armored to boot, almost forgot they charge you too! So yeah not difficult not challenging just annoying especially when there are 36 of them in the same room! But now there are the chargers...they pretty much zerg rush you ever 2 minutes and do like 100 damage with each hit no matter what you have on your character. Not sure if that is intentionaly or not but its rather annoying that all anyone can do is gorgon the holy hell out of infected missions now because melee is completely out of he question unless you want to get revived 3 times a match. For a "space ninja" game the melee system isnt very indepth. I thought this update was supposed to be one of the fixes to that issue. By maybe adding combos or somehow increasing the usefulness of melee. There are tons of people who want to just be melee primary warframers, myself included, but its still just..not plausable. I would love that to be the main focus of the next update, overhauled melee system with combos and or a way to keep up with gorgon wielding shoota boyz.

  2. I agree wtih this wholheartedly. I've been wondering this myself for quite some time now. I know they are getting the gameplay ironed out before the story but I mean we need something. As far as we know the Tenno just meditate in front of the solar system map until they pick a place to go. It would be very neat to see a sort of hub world where, as you said, we can all trade goods, weapons, resources, mods, and other items. It would also make finding a squad much easier because everyone would be in one central location and people could have callouts for help on certain missions or doing alerts. I for one hope the devs see this post and take all of what you said into consideration. One thing that I think would be cool as well, but probably will never happen, is to have your own war room of sorts. Perhaps every player has their own space that has the weapons you've aquired on the walls and even a place for you warframes to be stored when not in use. Maybe even allow other players to join your war room to trade or chat in private space.

  3. I keep getting the message evolution engine has stopped working. The game has crashed for me a grand total of 8 times. Ive only been playing the game for about 2 days now. Seems to happen when either A: joining a squad or B: after the first cutscene. Anyone else? Also I'm a founder now but I dont see a "discount" on platinum, prices seem the same.

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