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Posts posted by OrlockCedar

  1. "This thing isn't THAT heavy, considering I used to run laps at the Centre with a Jat Kittag." She continued walking with Orlock.

    "Well, you've definitely conditioned yourself well...Wait..." Orlock facepalms and sighs. "That last part sounded horrible..."  

  2. "Well...I think I already took that way a few times already...and I think that way leads back to the foundry." He rubs his jaw before fixing the Tiberon on his back with a sigh. "Why did I take a full loadout in here...?" 

  3. Orlock hears the footsteps, and turns quickly. When he sees the other Tenno, he lets out a small sigh of relief. He bows his head slightly in greeting, trying his best to hide his irritation. "Greetings."

  4. Orlock slowly takes off his helmet and tucks it under his arm. His curly jet black hair is medium length, and his eyes are a dark emerald green. He now holds himself in a straight, professional manner. He looks around in an irritated manner, angered at his terrible sense of direction, and the headache he had due to accidentally making so many backtracks and circles.  

  5. The Proto-Excalibur would be blaring some form of music from his helmet as he fires a few more shots before quickly slinging his Tiberon over his back again, and pulling out his Angstrum from his thigh holster. Now the whole firing range was ringing with the sound of rockets being launched. The same, almost robotic persiton he had with his Tiberon.

  6. The Loki Prime smiled in delight behind the helmet as the good-as-new Soma was retraced into his palms. Now with another mod of many attached, he gave a look down the ironsights and nodded, manuvering his arms to sling the machine gun.

    He suddenly flinched as the transmutating Tenno nearby gave a bellow and smacked the mod-desk. Other Tenno around looked in fear, others in disappointment. The Loki shivered a little and began walking away to the center of the Foundry.

    The Proto-Excalibur closes the display before grabbing his Tiberon, and moving to the testing area. He had targets set up for medium and long ranges. He loads a new magazine into his rifle, and fires at the targets. The burst shots from the Tiberon hardly made a sound, and the Proto-Excalibur hardly moved from the kick of the shots. He quickly loads another magazine into the rifle, and sets up moving targets. Just like the moving ones, they were easily picked off by Proto-Excalibur.
  7. The Loki Prime had nodded quickly and his right hand rose to the back of his neck out of embarassment. He quickly faced the mod-desk again and checked on the progress of his Soma.

    The Proto-Excalibur moves over to a different mod-desk, before opening the holographic display on his arm again. This time projecting a list of different mods. As he does, he slings his Tibron off his back and sets it on the table. He moves the display over the rifle, and the modifications in the rifle show up on the display. He starts pushing holographic buttons to fuse the mods to make them stronger.

  8. The Loki stumbled forth and spun around, his face of fright behind the helmet. He rose back to a straight stand. "Woah." He glanced between the proto-excalibur and the mod-desk and spoke out again, "Are-.. Are ya' ok?"

    The Excalibur staggers back, closing the holographic display on his arm. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine. Sorry about that."

  9. The Loki Prime entered the foundry.

    Stopping to a halt in the middle of it, he glanced about in petty awe. The room was hustled with mechanicals and a dozen or so worktops, tables and desks for modding, crafting, fusioning or transmutating. There was quite the population of individuals, warframe-clad and not, aswell. But the Loki was slightly uneased by this; he wasn't too comfortable with big amounts of people.

    Strutting up to a worktop, he rolled his golden tinted right hand over the mod-board access and the table folded, re-folded, switched about and finally placed itself out towards the Loki. It had now been reformed into a modding table, with a few key parts added; such as a cabinet for modifications, etc.


    The Loki Prime glanced up and down the table-top and clapped his palms together. His head lifted briefly to look at the others about him before pulling off his machine gun Soma and placed it down into a recepticle which automatically fitted around the gun and clamped it into place on the table.

    Soon, a screen came up showing the Loki's modification inventory; he had found a modification recently on a mission and he scrolled down pagefuls to find it. After a certain amount of time, the Loki Prime pointed his index finger at a modification, labeled 'Hammer Shot'. He nodded to himself and pressed confirm. A box popped up labeling the price and he stuck out a dozen or so credits, inputting it into a slot.

    After a few moments, the credits were taken and the Soma was taken under the worktop; now being worked on.


    The Loki turned around to glance at all the individuals working on their own weapons, someone beside him was busy transmutating mods; to no avail, hinted his constant cussing. The Loki cringed at his gentle rage and looked about elsewhere. Now he simply waited.

    The Excalibur steps inside the foundry. He seemed to be distracted by the holographic HUD attached to his exposed, infected arm. He became so engrossed, he ran right into the Loki Prime's back.
  10. It seemed the Loki Prime was already on his way through a pair of automatic doors, kicking his feet along the grass like an adolescent would do with a football.

    Having nothing better to do, the Excalibur sheaths his dagger, stands slowly, and slings his Tiberon over his back before following the Loki Prime.

  11. The Loki Prime looked up from the artificial turf to still find no one really around. He had looked about quietly, his foot brushing along the grass.


    'They must be hiding from me.The Loki thought sadly in his dazed head.

    Shaking off the thought, he got up from his bench and glanced at his arsernal also having it's own small pile on the right end of the bench.

    His hands went and traced along the Soma's black, white, blue theme and unique appearance; he admired it's complexity. A smile beneath the helmet soon faded as he slung the machine gun, soon whipping up the Brakk and pointing it about, arms outstretched and mimicing noises heard in the battles. "Psshh. Psshh. Pow!" He murmered with a youthful grin. After holstering the Brakk, he brought up his choice of melee and poked the pazza sugatra hanging from the hilt. He shrugged and sheathed the sword slowly.


    He then hopefully looked about the Dojo once more; to his demise, seeing no one. The Loki Prime tapped his protruding horns a little in ponder, trying to think up a pass-time. 

    He got an idea; and headed to the foundry area.

    The Excalibur on a bench looks up when he hears the noises, and drops the dagger he was twirling. He lets out a low growl as he picks it up.
  12. The Excalibur walks a ways, looking over his shoulder slightly at any Tenno that he passed by. After a ways he simply shrugs and claims a random seat before slinging the Tiberon off his back and looking it over. After making sure it was in good order, he rests it against his seat, and unsheathes his dagger. looking down the blade, and giving it a few quick flips in his hand. 

  13. A Tenno ship docks at the Dojo. A single Tenno steps out of the ship. He carries a tactically modified Tiberon on his back, a dagger sheathed on the back of his hip, and an Angstrum holstered on his right thigh. His Warframe is...different. One could best pick it out as an Excalibur, but that could only really be determined by the horn protruding from the forehead of the helmet. The rest of the Frame is so different from the original. It has a much older look to it, and his right arm, upper chest, and neck show exposed Technocyte. He walks slightly hunched, but holds himself professionally.     

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