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Posts posted by Baskakov_Dima

  1. Hey thats a part good idea i think. Giving 3 frame slot and all weapons may not be a good idea because if they want to be fair they must give all other player like 2 other free slot and bunch of weapons to compensate. But i realy love the "so he can try all the gameplay styles and choose the once that really fits him. " Thats a good dam idea. Tutorial should let the starter try the 3 frames and the weapons against enemy before they chose. In my time i chose excalibur and i remember it was like ( 1 , 2 ,3 this one ) totaly not knowing what gameplay i will have lol.

    Why not to give it? 2 more frame slots and a bit more weapon slots isn't a lot of plat. Well, isn't a lot as soon as you buy it.


    At the same time, makes the start a lot more comfortable, which is very important for a FtP game. 

  2. In my previous question, people told me what to spend lots of plat that I bought on. Now I think about buying some things by trading them, but I think that as a noob I am very likely to overpay as I am not familiar with prices.


    So, can anyone please give me a link for a good list of nowadays prices?

  3. As mentioned above -- takes at least a few days of gameplay to get all the new starting frames and test them.

    Given that you have some descent gaming experience, and have a good friend(s) to help you with the start (this game has too much content for a noob to conviniently start with such a tutorial) and grinnding (Or you really think starting frames with no potatoes are OK?).


    If I didn't have such amount of gaming experience,  for example, didn't read so much of Wiki, I would just stop playing the game, like did all of my Steam friends long before I even started it, and like would my girlfriend who likes games, if I didn't train her. 

  4. As I just started playing the game but still enjoy it a lot, I will use this section for a serie of complaints about this game being such noob-unfriendly.

    In this suggestion I will cover the very first steps.


    When you make your first account, you have to make certain choices of equipment and can't aquire things you did not choose in the first several hours of gameplay: primary, secondary and melee weapon, warframe... I spent around an hour in the Wiki and around half an hour reading different "quickstart" guides just to end up asking a random guy in the Steam group chat about what to pick up. It's hardly possible to choose right if you do not have someone to annoy with hundreds of questions.


    What I suggest is to give every player all the starting Warframes and Weapons, so he can try all the gameplay styles and choose the once that really fits him. With a bit of extra slots to make it possible to hold them.


    Most of Free-To-Play games allow a noob to try at least most of the playstyles available, not making him to think so a lot when he just starts. I am not sure if it's legal to give examples, so I won't. 

  5. First, thank you all! 


    Now, got it about slots. But how many of them to buy? For all frames and weapons possible? Or not?


    Then, what is a potato?



    SLOTS, SLOTS, SLOTS. REACTORS and CATALYSTS for favorite warframes/weapons.


    NOT full warframes/weapons. (Possible exceptions: Mesa, Vauban) Craft them, see if you like it, then decide whether to use Catalyst/Reactor or not. Rank 30 it, choose to sell it, keep it, whatever.

    Why not to buy them? Can I buy full sets from players? 

  6. wanna join Deus Ex Tempus?


    1) we roleplay being tenno


    2) we are disciplined


    3) many experienced players



    Seems like you have like 2500 members totally. I doubt all of them really like roleplaying... Or do they?



    You could always ask in Recruiting channel :)

    Nobody helps in there.

  7. Hit up the Clan Recruitment sub-forums. There may be several clans that fit your criteria. Good hunting.

    Thanks. :) The only problem -- there _so_many_different_clans... But I will try.



    wanna join Deus Ex Tempus?


    1) we roleplay being tenno


    2) we are disciplined


    3) many experienced players



    Will read it now. :3

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