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Posts posted by s3kShUn08

  1. Just so you know you used to be able to do multiple of the same halls. I dont know which Update it was that took it out but it wasnt in release notes. I have 3 of every hall except grandest because I was going to move 1 and deleted it then found out I couldn't rebuild it. Now my symetrical floor plan is screwed cuz im missing one grandest hall. It's annoying to say the least.

    So far I still have around 2k in capacity despite the loss of one grandest hall.

  2. Edit:

    The capacity to have more than 60 rooms in the dojo. Currently the room cap is 60, since we had no idea that there was even a room cap we now have no way of expanding. if we wanted to increase out tier we would have to demolish rooms. Not to mention all the unused doors in our Grand and Grandest Halls.

    On that not this makes reactors useless as at a certain point, 5-6 would be all anyone would need as they wouldn't be able to use the energy to go beyond the 60 room limit and the maximum energy needed for that plan.

    This was not the death star I was promised.

  3. Your problem is with support. Ranting here only gets to players at best. Directly PM a dev for attention, ask nicely and stop sounding so &!$$ed/entitled.

    You got back materials at Ghost-rate, instead of the Ghost-Moon mixed rates that most others received (as far as I recall reading from some threads). You're the exception, not the rule. It's a bug, not a conspiracy.


    Congradulations on getting it. If you spend as much money as we have...YES we feel entitled because we PAID for that entitlement.

    Of course I'm ₧sed it's taken 4 support guys to, actually they still haven't figured it out. In the meantime it seems that any other person that has played this game understands the problem at the very least.

    And YES support is a problem, at least by posting it here others get to see exactly what kind of support they can expect.

    I've had messages sent to DE that still have yet to be read, I'm looking at you DESteve

    and besides isn't this what the support ticket system is for? to bring a problem directly to them for inquiry and for it to be summarily resolved?

  4. WOW, I'm sorry but this support team is borderline useless. after my last ticket i received this:


    "Our system does not refund the materials based on the current costs of a room but registers all contributions that were made in order to build a room. This means that all materials that were contributed to a room are being refunded if the room is destroyed. I am sorry if you feel that this number is wrong but I can ensure you, you have been refunded the correct amount of resources."

    GOD forbid that I'm actually reporting a bug about your absolutely flawless system that has absolutely no faults in it and works a 100% of the time.

  5. so 3rd and 4th abilities are lame,

    3rd should be:
    Dead Web, Neco hits a taget and tendrils of biomass shootout from the target ensnaring the target and X enemies surrounding him.

    Necro gathers corpses and fuses them into a Biomass weapon, (for creativites sake I have 3 options.)

    1st Necro gathers corpses and fuses them together summoning a weapon (scythe similar to mire in styling only more creepy and sharp, A infested themed canon similar to function as the ogris or something similar within all the weapons categories.)


    2n Necro gathers corpses to him and uses the biomass to create an armor that turns his arms into weapons, similar to 1st in function but different in execution and visuals. In this instance he would be dual wielding whichever weapon type the player chooses. So if a player melees the most he will receive melee styled armor or if he uses primaries he will receive arms that act as dual primaries. 

    3rd Necro gathers corpses into a sphere (size dependent on  level and amount of copses) that fuses into a "mini boss" that is similar to infested in theme that will rampage for 40. 50, 60 seconds and the level matches the caster. 

  6. We got all our mats back just fine. We had built before the tiering system. those rooms gave everything back just fine.. we still have 74 forma to burn on the dojo. out of the 90ish  i guess its because you messed with the tiering so much. all the way up to mountain then you went back to ghost.  Wich makes sense. You are a Ghost clan at that time. so ofcourse youd get the mats back of those costs. you screwed that system up by going to the highest tier then being kicked back.

    Not really our fault as we were never notified that we would be downgraded from Moon back to Ghost after the Barracks rooms addition.

    Tiering up is permanent so there's no way we could voluntarily tier down.

    The problem lies on the system end which registered us as ghost post "barracks" addition despite being a moon tier prior to that update. SO while we are currently shadow status the materials used in those previous tiers should have been refunded to us as it was the actual cost to make those rooms.

  7. So, just to clarify and make sense of this in 2 lines:

    - You built the rooms at different clan tiers, using ghost, then shadow, then etc etc costs ?

    - After the patch, you deleted the rooms from various tiers, and, all of them only provided the ghost tier costs as a refund?


    If the above is true, yeah, i'd be &!$$ed lol

    Suppose its a good way to find out why you shouldn't put money into a game classed as "beta".


    Send clear support tickets, get your point/facts across in a few lines, it might help the recipient to "understand".


    If you live in the EU, and purchased platinum in the last 7 days, you can request a refund and DE are legally bound to do so.



    Your 7 days is probably past, but, something to keep in mind;)

    Yup that sums it up. 

    And no purchased in the States.

    It's taken three tickets to try and get the support team to understand and so far all I get is the above quote, though granted my first wording of the first ticket was probably to ambiguous which led to a misinterpretation of what I was asking. SO far DEMatt and DEWill have both been under the assumption that I'm asking for more materials than we put in. When as previously stated I'm simply asking for the materials that we ACTUALLY spent.




    Umm why do people always bring the beta card.  "Ohh it's beta that's okay.".  It doesn't matter if its beta or live, it's still real life money.


    This is probably why games are starting to have games in beta for years.  So they can do whatever and fans will pull the beta line.Ohh it's beta that's okay."

    I have already spent $100 USD on this game, for that much I expect service/support to be great, no matter what state the game is in. Repeating the same game mechanic to me as an "answer" is obviously not fixing my issue. And from my experience so far support team does not understand the actual mechanics of the game.

    A good support agent in my mind would start by asking more questions to get a clearer picture of the problem rather than simply repeating how the dojo system works to me.

  8. omegas_legion_clan_emblem_by_musashimiyaOMEGAS LEGIONomegas_legion_clan_emblem_by_musashimiya





    I am s3kShUn08 (pronounced séksh'n ayt) you're warlord for the evening. OMEGAS LEGION is a casual clan currently with 7 members. Our purpose to have fun and kill a few things along the way.





    We have SKYPE, ooVoo, or we can get Teamspeak 3 depending on who has what, or whose on this or that at the time.

    Mainly you'll find us on SKYPE for chat and ooVoo for voice chat.




    Omega, the leader of the legionnaire of elite troops, the training alone has a mortality rate of more than 90%. Those that remain are the elite and battle hardened veterans worthy of being called a legionnaire. Omega Lord, is a warlord of unsurpassed strength and is the sole leader of the legion. Under his orders the legion spread its influence throughout the omniverse bringing stability through strength. (More to follow as its still under construction)




    1 DO NOT Harass other players, ESPECIALLY NOT IN CLAN CHAT.

    If two people have a personal issue take it to PMs or just ignore each other.


    2 DO NOT Be a smartass, especially towards the Warlords.

    Everyone is free to chat and there are no taboo topics, but insults or threats

    of any kind, whether to a Warlord or other members WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
    This will result in either a warning or immediate expulsion depending upon severity.

    ­• 3 DO NOT randomly start missions of those that are idling/afk/changing loadouts.
    Simply ask in quad chat if they are ready. If no reply assume AFK and find another lobby

    ­• 4 DO NOT Start S#&$ with other clans. Last thing we want to deal with is a gigantic flame war.

    ­• 5 DO NOT invite every Tom, $&*^, and Harry you see if you are Legionnaire or above.

    Please direct any new recruits towards either Appsin or myself for approval.

    ­• 6 Contribute to the dojo whenever you can. We have already made

    several additions between 3 people with the majority of it really being 2 people

    at the very beginning. Main things we need are Forma for more rooms other than that
    contribute to flags and other decorations you see as you please. Nothing is required,

    but help is always greatly appreciated




    How to join?
    PM me on the forums s3kShUn08

    [DO NOT PM me ingame, I'm mostly likely either AFK in a mission, or editing in the dojo and not looking at chat. Also I WILL NOT accept in game PMs until I have been contacted prior to request]

    Feel free to post in this forum as well as I am usually following it.


    Whisper Appsin in game between the times of 13:00 - 03:00 PST

    [DO NOT PM him on the forums. He will most likely never see your post as he rarely logs into the forums like myself]

    Legionnaire and up may present new potential members to either Appsin or myself before any recruitment is officially recognized.






    Simply to gather like minded players to have a good time and a few laughs. We enjoy competition for the sake of competing and the fun of the game. We aim to expand our clan into the 100+ members potentially. 1000+ is too much work, but if we ever get there we'll divide the clan structure for others to help manage the clan.
    And lastly TO HAVE FUN! Its a game and I plan on entertaining myself with it for a long time to come.





    A team to:
    • Do Void Runs
    • Do Defense missions for Void Keys
    • Grind a Boss
    • Hitch a ride to alerts
    • Complete the map
    • Relax and have fun with




  9. well since it seems the support team knows zilch on the actual dojo system, tiering, or cost of materials in general I thought I'd post this here. After 3 support tickets my issue still has not been resolved and aside from quoting a single game mechanic, I haven't received any actual help on this matter. For a $100 investment into a game I expect support to do just that.

    Now onto the main topic.

    The problem is simple WE WEREN'T REFUNDED THE 100% COST OF MATERIALS!
    Not we built this in this tier upgraded and destroyed the room expecting more materials.
    Ok so the original dojo tiering system was based on the clan halls correct?
    Well we had built several rooms as the ghost tier, then we built 2 halls and realized costs scale up, so we built more rooms, and finally we built the grandest hall and a few rooms after that. So several 10s of thousands of materials were needed to make those rooms but we had just considered it to be the end so we didnt care, we wanted the grandest hall.
    Then the update with the barracks came in and we were reset to ghost clan once again, and decided to build even more rooms, eventually we built a barracks upgrading to shadow tier. and built more rooms after that. Then 9.6 update came out and we thought "oh cool now all those 1000s of mats we spent can be replaced with the newer rooms!" becuase it said 100% refund. Well we deleted the rooms and it only gave us the cost of materials to build the rooms at the ghost tier.


    Needless to say we were ₧sed. (hate auto censoring -__-)


    We had essentially been cheated 1000s of materials and the only response i received was,

    "When you destroy a room the total refunded materials will not exceed what was actually used to build a room in the first place, the clan gets 100% of the materials contributed returned to the clan vault, the clan size is not relevant as this is a materials refund based on totals contributed. We cannot add additional materials to your clan vault that your clan did not contribute in the first place."
    Now I don't know how I could possibly make this any clearer other than to make a timeline of when and  which rooms were built in what tiers for exact costs and what the cost of materials we actually received was. Only a DEV would have access to that and at this point I ENCOURAGE a DEV to go look at the actual data and not mindlessly give me a quote of a game mechanic which I already understand and doesn't solve my issue.
  10. The dojo is a pretty bland place and most folks don't stay for more then a little while

    in the dueling arena or to contribute resources.

    I think there should be other activities that will draw in players like skill test challeges with a score board posting the best player or an acrobat training area.

    Maybe you could have something silly like pets or games you can play with other clan members...i dunno something though.

    What I would like to see is on login you are loaded into your dojo by defualt.

    This all ties into my current new room ideas found here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/87065-new-dojo-rooms-concepts/?view=findpost&p=957317

    The main idea is to turn the defualt load map into a room where people can access it. This way people in the hall meet in the Star Chart room to go on missions. The other idea is an arsenal room so players can load the loadout/arsenal area and get ready for missions or change loadouts between duels.

    New players load in a default hall, has only Star Chart room, Arsenal room, a Main hall, a Few connectors and that's it. All the details are in the link so check it out and add your own ideas as well.

  11. This system ruined all our dojo plans. We were trying to connect two elevators on either end and only had 2 rooms left to build when they changed the grid system and room sizes. we now are deconstruction more than half of the clan and have to rethink our layout because now are current layout will not allow 2 elevators on either end. we had 12 X connectors with reactors on either side and the last 2 X connectors we were gathering materials.

    Not only is are clan plans useless the new artistic style is so minimalistic it's bland. There's literally nothing in the new halls and for symmetry sake it would have been weird to use different connectors on the opposite sides. WHY the DE never used a grid system based on increments of 5 and 10 in a game that uses meters as its unit of measurement.

    Original room sizes were 62m and 34m New rooms are 30m 15m 10m and ill assume 60m for the new halls. How hard would it have been to scale the current models to the new sizes honestly?

    My biggest gripe with this isn't even the change in itself, its the fact that they didn't communicate with the community ahead of time in order to tell us changes were going to be made in the dojo system that would affect our builds.

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