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Posts posted by ADFXOzymandias

  1. Yes the mastery tests should be a tutorial. Why I "learned" how to defend a cryopod when I hit 18 is completely beyond me.

    As far as whether or not Warframe is getting too complicated, yes and no. Yes to completely new players, and I have several friends who were too overwhelmed at first with the sheer number of systems in place to continue playing. I think the players who happen to love games like that will be right at home, but it does alienate a large portion of new players.

    I don't think the game should be simplified though. Doing that would be regressing back a little bit too much. I think a milestone system would help new players understand new content and reward them for getting into it. Just something to guide them along piece by piece instead of being bombarded with unfamiliar information.

  2. Despair hasn't been nerfed and will still perform just as well as it did before the Spira.I get that nobody likes to have their favorite weapons supplanted, but there will always be something that performs better on the horizon. I will say though, I think objectively better weapons should be moved to clantech or require more resources to craft. Has the idea of Stalker's weapons having unique effects been passed around yet?

  3. At this point, T3 keys have become more difficult for me to obtain than any others. I have insane amounts of T1 and 2 keys from doing just about everything, a huge stock of T4 keys from Interception, and no T3 keys at all. The A and B rotations of Derelict should have a decent chance of rewarding T3 keys.

    Currently, I have no reason to enter Derelict missions. I have Nekros, I have Ember and Nova Prime, all Corrupted mods, and there are better options for experience. The only thing I can use from Derelict are Neurodes, and again there are far better options for farming them.

    tl;dr Derelict could use a little love.

  4. Ever wonder what must be going through a Butcher's mind as he's running toward this walking avatar of death who was responsible for the genocide of hundreds of thousands of other Grineer? They must pump them full of some powerful psychedelics to get them over that mountain of terror.

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