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Posts posted by ADFXOzymandias

  1. I find it very situational. I'll use the obvious example of Valkyr for a frame I don't bother putting redirection on. Armor and health is always more important for her. I tend to use redirection more on weakly armored frames, or frames where I jump in, pop my ultimate, and get out. It does well enough against any stray fire I take before everything is dead. It can depend on your team setup too. I solo a lot, so I usually pick shields over health when I don't have the ability to heal myself. If we have a Trinity, and to a lesser extent Equinox or Oberon I'll sway more towards health. It really depends on the situation.

  2. I don't get why you're so upset. The question of whether or not the Twin Grakatas are better is irrelevant. You're acting like the release of a weapon with some more favorable stats means that your preferred weapon is somehow useless. You're basically saying "I don't enjoy this weapon so you shouldn't be able to either." Your Aksomati will perform exactly the same as it did before the Twin Grakatas came out.

    Nobody enjoys seeing a bit of power creep encroaching on their favorite weapon, but at some point it's destined to happen to every top tier gun in the game, and at the end of the day it's just something you have to live with.

  3. "It's their game experience, they can do what they want." That pretty much sums it up. Although, if it was changed to MR6 I would understand since it is competitive with the Soma Prime, the Phage, and the Synapse.


    Personally, I think a good step would be to release more weapons that are competitive with the "God-tier" weapons. As things stand now there is a very short list of end game equipment, and while they obviously want to avoid releasing increasingly powerful weapons as to not introduce a power creep, I think they should try just as hard to not release mastery fodder. The Boltor Prime is in the position it is because there isn't much to choose from as far as end game weapons are concerned. When someone asks what the best weapon is, there shouldn't be one answer. But until that day comes, try to stop worrying about how other people are playing the game.

  4. I've been having the same problem without the observer spawning. I am yet to complete this mission because there simply aren't as many enemies as the game thinks. I spent a half hour scouring every corner of the map and found nothing. To top it off, I didn't get the quest from the sentient because I had to abort the mission.

  5. I think it's nice to have this kind of thing in a game, just for immersions sake. That being said, I don't think this should be pushed to the front of DE's list. It's not really a major concern considering that their faces are covered by helmets up until the last half second of their lives.

    Would it be cool? Yes. Is it worth taking up time and resources currently going into gameplay enhancements and content? Personally, I don't think so.

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