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Posts posted by (PSN)Gangalito

  1. Recently the arcanes that can be purchased from vendors were all changed from blueprints to fully built arcanes. 

    I've already spent 100k rep on a set of arcanes.  Now to acquire built arcanes I have to either spend an additional 100k rep or use up very rare resources such as Nyth.  Totaling 200k rep or 100k rep+ rare resources.  When people can now just spend 100k, literally half the cost I'll have to pay just because I bought them earlier than others.

    Can all arcane blueprints be changed in to built arcanes please?  It seems incredibly unfair to make people pay twice the cost of others just because they got to the PoE earlier.

  2. Are Nekros' shadows affected by aura's?  Say I have rifle amp equipped. Will his rifle wielding shadows have enhanced damage?  I'm looking to polarize his aura and it will affect my decision as to which polarity type I put in.  If rifle amp works with the shadows I'll go offense (v) but if not I'm gonna go utility (-) .  

  3. Is this still something that's happening?  I know he can now charge his 1 and his passive is better, but is this all that's happening?  His 1 is still horrible and useless, his 2 is still horrible and useless, and his 3 and 4 are easily outclassed by other frames.  We spent all this plat on the deluxe skin, which is nice and all, with the promise of a rework to make it so we'll actually play the frame we bought the skin for.  He got a very small bandaid and that's it.

    Can we expect more or is this really it?

  4. 4 hours ago, Llamatronian said:

    I think if everything is dying that quickly, you don't really need thralls. Sometimes your team just overpowers content without anyone needing to really try.

    Try something harder, like staying longer in an endless mission. Endless fissures are a good challenge, especially in place like Mot, and offer extra rewards.

    Maybe do more Interceptions, where each team member has their own area to cover. The relics per hour rate is higher than Survival as well.

    Also, if I'm playing a melee build, I would like to thank those thralls for their contribution to my combo counter. 😉

    I get that, but is it really that important that allies can damage thralls?  You're right that anyone could just do higher level content and maybe the thralls will actually be usable. 

    The game has literally no incentives to fight enemies any higher than 100, which still die extremely fast, not just to me and my friends who are all MR25, but to anyone who's mid-level MR  or higher.  It's common that an MR10 or higher can quickly drop a level 100 sortie enemy  This game isn't build around difficulty.  It's built around killing large numbers quickly.

    This all just comes together to hamstring one of Revenants core mechanics for no payoff.   The only real fix for this is to make the thralls immune to ally damage, but not to the Revenants.

  5. Every time I try to enthrall an enemy the other players in the session immediately kill it.  This makes this ability completely useless beyond getting maybe 1 aoe location for the fire thralls produce, or if I'm fast enough I can get 1 of the 50 overshield drops.  It's impossible to actually use the spreading effect.  It's impossible to actually use the thralls in combat.

    I think Revenant's thralls need to be immune to allied damage.  Keep it so Revenant can still damage them since there's mechanics that work around this.  Allies don't factor in to that beyond constantly keeping any Revenant from actually building up a force of any kind.


  6. I was going to enter a defense fissure right now with umbra excal.  I had zenurik equipped and was going to change to madurai since excal, having a channeled ability, doesn't benefit from zenurik's bubble (it's main attraction), however once I got to the focus screen I decided to stick with zenurik.  Sure I wasn't going to benefit from it, but at least I won't forget to switch it back after and run in to a situation where I need zenurik's bubble but don't have it.

    Why do I have to make decisions like this?  Why can't we just have focus schools attached to individual loadouts instead of this stupid ultra selective system.  This same situation was already addressed with arcanes and syandana's.  This current system disincentivizes players from using the focus school to it's fullest potential.  I can't imagine DE wants to accidentally persuade players in to not using their content.  So what gives?


    Tail Wind - Combined into a single ability with Dive Bomb. Can be charge cast on the ground, launching Zephyr into the air where she then hovers. In the air, Tail Wind still flies in whatever direction you’re looking, and Dive Bomb activates if cast while looking straight down.


    Why not make Zephyr's Tailwind act like it does now, with the added dive bomb mechanics while also resetting aimglide duration.  Adjust her passive so she doesn't lose altitude while she aimglides and has perfect directional control with an increased duration.   This will give Zephyr more fluidity in her ability to maneuver while in the air by allowing her to "hover" at a distance the player chooses instead of a static altitude set by power duration.  This would also allow her to "fly" kinda in a way that's both useful and different from Titania's.

  8. I just don't get it.  It's not that I dislike the whole operator/kid thing.  I just don't understand the point.  Ok, so there's two times it's actually useful, kuva farming and eidolon farming.  Beyond that though, is anyone going to actually shift to kid in the middle of a standard combat?  It's damage, mobility, and survivability are all lower than that of a warframe with weapons.  I just don't see myself or anyone else ever doing this other than to justify all the work they put in to it. "I spent 100+ hours working on this little kid, even though it's outclassed in every way.  Might as well use it, right?"

    The concept is kinda neat I suppose, I just don't get the point in all the work.  Yes, I get the whole eidolons and kuva thing, but why the heavy focus on something that's only going to be used when DE actually forces us to use it?  

    IDK, that plus the crazy amount of time it's going to take to grind focus just doesn't seem worth it beyond (just like before) getting passives.  Oh, except now we have an amp to work on as well and from everything I hear the grind for that is pretty insane also.

  9. Why isn't this a thing?  I just don't get DE's logic.  Having a focus option in our loadout's wouldn't increase it's OPness or anything.  It'd just make it so we don't have to switch it every time we change frames, which is incredibly annoying especially if you build your frames around certain focus schools (like most people I know).

  10. Is it just me, or is it basically just a thinner version of the same head with the princess leia buns turned vertical?  Just gonna wait till it's up on alert I suppose. 

  11. On 4/25/2016 at 4:23 PM, KBurn85 said:

    Trinity (Prime) IMO, is one of the nicest fashion frames out there, especially with the strega skin/deluxe pack, so I decided to build one. Got her to level 30, added a potato, and tried her for some time, but I'm not seeing rewarding play with her.

    I found that not only she's squishy, most people don't even care for her abilities. It takes a lot of effort to keep her alive for very little reward. I was surprised that even mid-level level 40 mobs can easily kill her, even with overshields.

    EV has been long surpassed by Zenurik+Energy Siphon. You can get more energy out of EV, sure, but Zenurik and killing enough mobs to drop orbs is more than enough. The argument is good for other frames, but merely as a redundancy. Also, can't cast EV if all your energy is leeched away, which makes it as weak as all the other passive energy restores. Its only marginally useful in an energy reduction sortie, but then again, 2-3 pizzas throughout the mission is enough to pull you through.

    Blessing is a lot of work for immortality, which not all frames need or want. If they wanted immortality, they would have brought a Chroma, Frost, Valkyr or Wukong anyway. The self harm mechanic needs specific timing, and hiding in an secluded corner and timing it well. Given how squishy she is, a single shot might be enough to take her out in the midst of it.

    Link would have been good but for the fact that your team mates will wipe them out in 3 seconds.

    Well of life is easily substituted by rushing in with life-strike, which is quicker and easier anyway.

    Not only that, CC is severely lacking, and prevention is better than cure. I feel like link should link something like 20 enemies over a massive area, for both CC, and so your teammates wouldn't just come in and kill everyone you're linked to.

    Am I missing something? Everyone says Trinity is top tier, but I'm not seeing it

    As stated there's EV Trinity and Blessing Trinity:

    Blessing isn't really used as a heal, you have to equip something like the glaive with self damage with Quick Thinking and Flow (Primed is best).  You damage yourself so you have 2 health left and immediately bless after.  This allows you to constantly have a 99% damage reduction.  Even being hit by a level 120 Bombard, with the 99% (it's more like 99.999999%) you won't even take a scratch.  This can be kept up indefinitely.  With this build the only important stat is duration.  Max it as best you can.  You can drop efficiency down as much as you like, you still have energy vampire to replenish energy.

    Energy Vampire build is the opposite of Blessing.  The idea is to get your duration as low as possible (13% is achievable)  which causes your EV's to go off in a second or less.  While using the augment mod you will constantly be replenishing allied shields and energy reserves.  This build also has the best single target killing power in the game (get to 10k kryotic on Hiercon and you'll see).  The combo is to use Well of Life, and quickly after use Energy Vampire.  The Well of life will increase the enemy's health  by x10 and since EV does damage based on max health, you can cast it before WoL is expired, and once WoL does indeed expire, the damage will still be calculated on the inflated amount.  You can instantly drop any level enemy with this combination.  I see people saying it doesn't work, but it does.  Just tested.  The hardest part about it is timing.

    Link builds aren't really a thing.  I mean they are, but not really.  Some people will use them upon occasion, but that's about it.

  12. 2 hours ago, Spot. said:

    Holding down the action key to cancel it for would probably work best.

    I like this idea.  I'd prefer it to be reversed though, where a prompt appears on screen and holding action button will activate the speed, instead of having speed applied automatically.  This would also give individual players more control by allowing them a short window to do things before going to hyper mode, or opting out of the speed entirely.

  13. 18 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

    If it HAS to be some type of roll to cancel, why not make it the backwards somersault to cancel?

    This isn't any better.  I use backwards roll frequently as well.  It's a great way to abruptly change direction mid-air, much like side rolling while aim gliding.

    The best way would be to just not attach it to a movement ability.

  14. This was mentioned favorably as a way to cancel volt's speed buff during a Dev stream.  DE, please don't do this.  Why have a movement ability get canceled out by a movement?  I'd even have an issue with rolling out of Limbo's rift except nobody plays Limbo.   I roll pretty frequently while moving around.  Why give us this awesome parkour set but then hamstring it with things like this?

  15. 56 minutes ago, magusat999 said:

    Draco isn't bad. people tend to get on trains and ride 'em until the stack burns off. A lot of people talk down about Draco because theyve been reading toxic posts and they think that is what the "In THING" to do is - bash a place in a video game. I was in one topic where the person was bashing Draco, and as we talked he admitted his PC didn't have the capability to play heavy places like Draco. People get stuck in these "trends" - like talking about Draco, Draco, Draco... until people who haven';t even been to Draco are talking like they know something, because they think what? That they will get thrown out of the glee club? I say use your own judgement - there are people who want things that will hurt other players... What is the real motivation here? How does not having a place to quickly level help you? How about a lower level player? is a new player "bored" with places like Draco? Who does it really benefit to bash Draco? And finally - is it realistic to actually think there will never be a place like Draco? I mean - Draco is just the newest iteration of places like it. there is a NEED for a place to easily and quickly level up. DE knows it, and people who are smart and have no agenda know that. So lets get off the "Draco train" because there is another train right behind it.

    There might be a few people on these forums with Draco problems -but for each one of these people whining, you can go to the actual game and find 50 people in recruitment that evidently have no problems with Draco... i think that speaks louder than anything as to whether it's a "problem" with people or not. there are those who play, and those who sit in forum all day trying to spoil the game for everyone else. maybe the forum can be a new mission type???

    I completely agree.  In video games there's a tendency to demonize the most efficient way to increase in strength.  Efficiency is seen as exploiting a glitch to some degree, even though it's not even close.  People getting upset at the phrase "there's always gonna be a loot cave" is a good indicator of this.  This is life folks.  This is video games. Just as Rule 34 exists for a reason, this rule exists for a reason as well. 


    My complaint isn't about Draco being used to quickly level things.  I actually think the affinity rate is pretty fair at Draco.  My problem is that Draco is the only way to achieve a fair rate.


  16. 2 hours ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

    So lately I've been buying my weapons & frames with plat & I had a thought. Should they also come with some built forma aswell? I mean you are buying weapons/frames & most likely want to forma em to fit the mods you want. So should plat priced frames & weapons come with built forma? Of course you can buy them separately but when you buy weapons/frames with plat. They come with a Catalyst or a Reactor. Should it also come with at least 3 built formas?


    You're buying the frame/weapon.  That's it.  You're not buying the advanced, beefed up version of the weapon, which is what formas do.  You can easily purchase formas as well if you wish.  At least you get a potato out of the deal.  Keep it as it is IMO.

  17. 3 hours ago, Hayabusa97 said:

    Don't need to have the most kills and I never said I was good at evading damage. If damage is a concern, It's because I'm not using enough ammo or I didn't Viral proc it yet (halves health). I'm not entirely reliant on Boltace Spin attacks (and I'm especially not one of those stupid hallway heroes in Defense games)

    So basically you just rely on everyone else to complete your missions for you while you run around "avoiding damage"?

    Questioning the need for forma's on gear and calling it "forma spam" is ridiculous.   No matter what anyone wants to say forma's are THE key to gaining power in this game, and ADVANCING to your fullest potential.  Try jumping in a raid and using an weapon with a low number of forma's.  Your other 7 teammates will not be happy.  What about sorties?  You really think a pee-shooter of a boltor is gonna kill those level 90 enemies?  Games like this are all about advancing in power to your fullest potential, yes it's a very fun game, but fun or not, it's a power game, much in the manner of Diablo, or WoW, etc (sorry could only think of blizz examples lol).  Power games that aren't fun die.  This is why warframe is still around.

    Restricting yourself from using what is in fact the MOST IMPORTANT part of achieving any kind of power level is pointless, and only speaks of your own hubris while keeping you from enjoying the game to it's fullest.

    PS.  I find "hallway heroes" to be extremely annoying.  I admit, having to run up and down that long stretch to collect gear every wave gets really old, really fast.

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