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Posts posted by (XBOX)APinho

  1. 3 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    I had to start playing these solo too. Just way too painful in a group.

    Reward table is too diluted.

    I think that solo or not the chances are the same. In solo at least we don't have the headache of telling people to kill the uglys inside de red zone and they still do it outside.  It is muuuuuch faster (with a group that has no understanding of mechanics it takes 25 to 30+ min. Solo 11 to 15 tops). 

    And I may die once or twice but This way I believe I can maintain sanity with nooooo stress :)

  2. On 2024-02-01 at 11:58 PM, --F--NerevarCM said:

    You mean that gigantic bright yellow circle on the map?

    How come your cicle is yellow? my os red. can you change colors?


    On 2024-02-02 at 7:34 AM, DstroyR_Prime said:

    Netra-hell? I see nothing hellish there.


    I do it solo now so I don't have to deal with people that keep killing outside the red zone. I can solo in 11min.

    I really do it for the shards and getting stuff like the regular arcanes and stuff that I can get with standings is just a wast of my time. 


    On 2024-02-02 at 9:49 PM, Binket_ said:

    "Hot-fixes paused", damn-- fog engine really took it's toll, huh?


    You hit the nail in the head mate. I wanted to quote everything you wrote. If you being complaining for 5 years I imagine I will be complaining for 5 more years lol. guess is time to stop investing in this game like I did with eso.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Did you watch the video?  It sounds like they're doing that and making improvements on what we've got.  

    Of course I don't know how impactful those changes will be.

    Sad Love You GIF by Muppet Wiki

    lol, I'll accept the hug... It made me laugh hard lol. 

    Just to make a point: a month and a half too 2 months solution doesn't solve the problem now :) I'm done complaining :p

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Anything on other weapon damage instances that aren't benefiting from multishot?  Should we assume these are all intended?


    From the devshort this week, it at least sounds like beneficial changes are coming (and not just an additional mission) but they aren't giving details yet.

    I don't think you guys get it and it is sad. Do you see all the comments about netra-hell? Players are upset with reason that we are getting bad rewards for a hard mode mission. Stuff that is attainable in a vendor. Dev want to introduce a new game mode that no one is asking for instead of fix what is broken and have to wait around 2 months? Do you see our point? Look I luv the dev team and Rebecca, but you guys are not seeing the problem or don't care to explain it. We need to wait till the end of February to get a suppose solution for something that will come in March.

    It doesn't effect new players and you just don't care.



    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Void2258 said:

    So no fixes for Netracells and they remain horrible for at least a couple weeks then?

    I came to the conclusion that the DEV team don't care about it because it doesn't affect new player. So why fix it??? We will have to wait 2 months to get a new game mode that no one cares right now instead of fixing NETRA-HELL!!! 

    Couple weeks? No mate , the no fix but a new game mode is coming in MARCH. So no solutions for Netra-hell for around 2 months :(

  6. On 2024-01-31 at 10:10 AM, Aruquae said:

    I got a legendary core before I got a Tauforged shard…that’s saying something. 

    Im sorry for your pain, but that was funny. I feel you mate, I really loved wispers in the wall, but netrahell really got me going. I think they don't care because is not affecting new player. And that is the same mistake ESO Dev team did, not to listen to vet players and they lost a huge amount of players like me.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    I can't even find a group for them half the time, and I know good and well I can't solo them because I'm not modded to the hilt.

    check out one of Knightmareframe vids on YouTube. check the one about best melee warframe and the one about arcane I fluence. I use Voruna with a I fluence hate but you can use a weapon that you like and if you have a riven is even better. I don't have a riven for my hate but it helps me. I just posted a vid on my YouTube of the solo run last 10 min. angelopinho or something like that (not sure). if you can't find the build ill send you my. better to do it solo than to get aggravated with people that don't care about the mechanics  and to have a looooog mission and get nothing for it.

    in any case if you need it, ill make a short vid on the matter so you can do it solo. fyi my vids are terrible cause I have no idea how to do it. I just post from what I record from the xbox :(

  8. 2nd post on this matter, maybe DE will hear someone on this.

    To be clear:

    1) I don't mind the running around for the terminals.

    2) I don't care about people not killing the mobs outside the red circle (I'm doing it solo now) no more headaches 

    BUT this is the 3rd or 4th week that I get trash. My drops has gotten consistently worse. Last week I got 1 legenday arcane, this week nothing, zilch, nada. and one of my missions that goddammit netromite spawned in the wall so I had to quit and the mission was gone.

    Almost everyone is complaining about this mission and DE wants to fix this in the next update?!?

    I'm sorry but that is a bad deal :p

    • Like 4
  9. On 2024-01-27 at 12:23 PM, _Eclips3_ said:

    Not the "If you don't like it, don't buy it"

    1. Feedback is not just to criticise but to guide developers towards creating better products.

    2. When a bundle is padded with filler or lacks substantial items, it can feel like a deliberate attempt to exploit consumer willingness to pay, which goes against fair pricing practices.

    3. If consumers silently accept subpar bundles, it sets a precedent in the market, encouraging developers to continue or escalate these practices. 

    Rather than dismissing concerns, developers could offer more flexible purchasing options, like allowing players to buy individual items from the bundle. This approach respects player choice and can alleviate concerns about overpricing and filler content.

    I respect your point of view and agree with it. Having said that, I liked it and I both it. Should it have being cheap yes. Than again if thought it was something like the heirloom deal, I would be upset, so much so I didn't get it.

    Maybe I got too excited and was happy when I got it.

  10. I really luuuv the "luna renewal dragon flourish" seasonal stuff. I think that the bundles come with alot of goodies for the Plats. 

    Got 2 bundles with plenty of busters, kuva and lovely skins and rivers.

    I did however saw someone complain about it because of 40 items for plats. I would respectfully tell that person without offending anyone that "if you dont want to spend the plats, don't buy it."

    peace and love from the dragon wood year!!!

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