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Posts posted by Knightmarez

  1. well *some* crossbows maybe had the clip. but it's DPS is so poor.
    Even so, back in the old days i bet the reload time was appalling.

    I still think my idea of Smaller clip size, Longest reload in the game , higher damage, overal same dps......is the way to go. The weapons should *feel* different. They should be extreme in their strengths and weaknesses, not just grey goo

  2. Costs 1 forma and performs TERRIBAD.

    I would like to see this weapon offer a unique FPS experience, not just be another rifle firing blots with a nice model

    I accept that it's dps can't be the same as the boltor prime, or anything like that...fair enough.


    It should still be well....a crossbow!

    remove the silly clip thing, make it fire 1 arrow. make that arrow be *Amazing*.
    Lots of impact And Puncture.
    Fast flying
    Inate punchthough.
    High elemental/crit chance.

    Something REALLY nice.


    make it a Single shot with a LOOOONG reload. Cripplingly slow. painfully slow. Even with Fast Hands omg when will this thing fire-omg i just jumped down and did a roll Rage RAGE RAGEslow.

    Like a *real* cross bow.

    All it is now is a bad rifle firing bolts with a cool looking skin.

    My suggestion makes it something with perhaps one of the highest single shot damage in the game, but at am extreme unwieldly disadvantage.

    Make it the slowest reload *in the game*. but with epic one-shot-damage.

  3. I'll be honest and say i only pick male frames. I don't feel comfortable in female ones. Not sexist just saying.

    I'm sure this was something the dev's discussed, but wouldn't it be great if you could actually have one gender of each frame?

  4. on one hand i like the idea, but on the other hand, it will make the gap between normal players and rushers only bigger.

    The silly rusher will go through such a room in 0.3 seconds while a normal player may need a full minute.

    Resulting in the normal players just giving up and waiting for the countdown to reach 0.

    This is about high end content. The Rushers only rush because they are farming and its so easy they build for speed.

  5. Personally listening to the cryers is fine when dealing with low-level runs. If they cause gamer rage then fine....don't let them be in the low level content.

    But ruining the game for people who invest 100s of hours is flawed.
    I don't mind there being really difficult problems that are key-board-smashing-rage-inducingly hard...as long as its at the end-game content, and as long as its really kinda-my fault for not having skill/good teamwork.

    Like the old seeker grenades that would stick to you and stun you. I wouldn't mind if a boss had those. Or if only lvl 50Seekers used them.

  6. It's too easy. And not just the fact that the mobs level up, but the levels themselves

    I think that once you invest 100+ hours into warframe, you're loving the game, and not getting extremely hard maps ruins the sense of accomplishment.

    I would love to see the high-end tile-sets be harder to get though. From difficult jumping puzzles, to crazy corpus laser-grids.

    and not as a side-story, like they are in the the orikin locations, but as the only way to complete the mission.

    I also want to see Enemies along these paths.

    I want to be forced to use revives. I want to complete such levels with my elite clan and go '' holy S#&$ that was hard, Remember the bit when we were pushed to the limit not only in our builds , but with out skill as gamers? I'm so glad we were on coms or this would of been a massacre! Wow, the dev's really made high-level maps hard as hell! I was falling a sleep grinding it before this latest patch."

  7. I think the orange ex-corpus who explode are done badly.

    1. when they pop instead of looking like they were hit with a slash weapon and being cut in half, they instead pop like a paper-thin pinyata.

    2. they are so common and do so little damage there is no fear or tension, even on the highest levels.

    3. when i see a pack of them, i just run past them playing tag, hearing them pop behind me, no matter what level they are.

    So in conclusion....

    I would like to see them spawn very rarely, perhaps at higher levels. When they pop they should look more visceral and 'fleshy', and last but  not least, when they DO pop it should be SCARY. Blast damage *and* a wide AOE. Preferably setting off other ones near-by causing a chain reaction.

    I want to see just 1 or 2 of them in a pack, and be forced to hit them as a primary target. not tagging them like some kind of twisted version of ''your it'' from primary school.

  8. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a inate buff that all warframes gave.

    ......Just saying....it looks weird when scrawny frames use big heavy fragors, or when rhino's go twtich-crazy-speed.

    That is, Thiner frames (nekros etc) would get lets say...a 10% bonus to attack speed. Heavy frames (Rhino's etc) would get 10% less attack speed.


    thinner frames (Nekros etc) would get a 10% - to damage, and Heavy frames (rhino's etc) would get a 10% bonus to damage.

    Medium frames like excalubur stay the same.


  9. How about this, her ultimate causes her to suck health on close combat strikes, the more she hits things the faster her attack speed, slowly ramping up to insanely fast, with the limit only being how must the UDK engine can handle safely.
    This ability has a very long duration, starting at over a minute. Her attack speed is also increased when she takes damage.

    No invinceable.
    the kind of abilty a beserker would have.
    More damage. life steal making it sustainable.
    Still vulnerable to being insta-killed by some weapons.
    Rewards skill.

    Oh....and the screen should have weird effects visually, like the Map and Hud look like when you are hit by an ancient disruptor.
    The player shouldn't be able to see numbers.

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