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Posts posted by (XBOX)CKazz

  1. On 11/27/2017 at 3:06 AM, DeMonkey said:

    You don't get any plat for Prime Accessories. 2 exclusive cosmetics and 90 day boosters are what you get.

    This is what would deal break for me, I've considered PA a few times but 0 plat is a big turnoff so I skip it every time, sticking to the Xbox specials or just direct plat buys.  Similarly splitting up the goods stops me from buying either package too eg so I'd have bought Vauban prime but wait, I won't get all the cool looks for him and *never* can again without another chunk of $$$?  Pass.

    Bundles suck on xbox/console too as any rare discount we get won't apply to it.  I've dropped a lot over the years on Warframe and enjoy it and appreciate it but I would have dropped a lot more if not for these things.  I have snatched up the recent 'buy frames, riven on quest' with coupons which I think were nice deals and win/win for buyer and seller.

  2. On 11/29/2017 at 5:30 PM, Eltyranto said:


    I bought a set of the infested Zaw parts and then dumped all my remaining points into forma, In hindsight i should have bought a whole bunch of Zaw parts and some more of the arcane blueprints ;)

    As the Xbox version ramps up I must ask why more Zaw parts, trading value and/or reason to have more than 1 of each for yourself?

  3. sorry to necro but using the search function (yay me) and a more recent PoE'r (console) I wanted to add/ask 2 things

    1) doesn't anyone think with such a dramatic re-work they should have unassigned all school focus?  seems crazy not to.

    2) am I missing the path to reset focus in a school just to spend it within the same school again?  free/cost/not in there?


  4. Hummm don't use Rhino, don't use Fragor, can't see the Syandana, boosters nice but... ok 130 more plat, credits a bit puny but ok...

    x2.5 the price?  Plat is already expensive for us xbox live-rs without any discount to it, and our discounts in using it are only one-offs for 'solo' items.

    Interesting attempt but I can't get behind this one.  I've bought a lot of plat, cosmetics, frames/ships, gifted etc.  Just wanted to provide feedback.

    [Frankly figured it was a must by until I caught up with the price and too much plat drop-off to consider]

  5. 17 minutes ago, FoxyKabam said:

    why did you bring a month old thread back from the dead?

    I did a search, PoE is coming to consoles in a week and wanted to chime as all the same things apply.  Otherwise I'm sure I would have gotten 'use search' right?

    Thus the (Xbox One) tag, I didn't consider it to be a big necro as we're just now about to get it, and as I catch up I had something to comment on.

    Is there a better place for those of us about to get this new content / as we get this new content to comment?  Wasn't on this General Discussion topic a month ago.

  6. On 10/8/2017 at 8:47 PM, Shichibukai88 said:

    More like all the crybabies about zenurik getting changed. So yeah in general.

    That's kind of a silly stance IMO, they added it to the game and it brought some frames and builds that otherwise wouldn't have come to the fore, to the fore.

    Like it or not it was meta long enough to have a real effect.  I played before it, during it, most used school, and I'll now play after it.

    But I know I'm interested in focusing on the warframe I'm fielding, not the operator fielding it.  So this seems to feel odd regardless where you come out on the energy.

    Further, people will deal, they'll just go back to the consumables which work pretty well and for anyone who's played a decent length, are resource cheap.

    It's just a shame the school for the caster warframe is starting to feel more like the school for the caster kidframe, which I'm not sure anyone wants to use regularly...

  7. LFM players to dig into Sorties (mmm Rivens), drain some Kuva --- and dive into PoE and take on the Eidolon behemoths!

    GT:CKazz [long time player, knocked dust off to catch-up with more recent changes]


  8. On June 5, 2016 at 5:12 PM, (XB1)This Is Pequod said:

    Do we have any idea when this is yet? I'm trying to take two days off work to really participate in the Rathuum event with my clan and I have no dates to give.

    yeah it's tough, guessing not this tuesday as we haven't heard anything yet - next week Tues would be my guess

  9. It is rather messed up, I have a Valk and recently pushed for Trinity Prime - the former I don't know if she'll keep a spot in the lineup (ticking time bomb?) and the latter do I even potato let alone formas and re-levelling.


    I have some others I'll take but seriously 99%-75% resistance is a WORLD of difference to how long one can go (new Trin cap, x25 the damage coming in) and the go to in a pinch now has a much shorter duration and can blow up.  Woot.


    Not even getting into Excal and Mirage at the moment but yes, it seems they've nerfed top tier typical lineup for a challenge calling for them - where the PC got to deal with it AFTER the challenge.  Meanwhile insane enemy scaling continues.


    Not saying a lot new here but chiming in, not sure DE really knows what they're doing with this scattered approach, most of my friends Overwatch more right now and I join them more often than not - more balance and enjoyment to the wide cast of characters, everyone does have a place and a role.


    In Warframe precedents are set what frames make the grade and what don't / aren't really necessary, big commitments are made to such directions to make it work.. and then all that changes.  Really feel they need to tread more carefully IMO.

  10. So no official kickoff date for (or even mention of) Shadow Debt even though we know it is in there (7th, 8th, more wait..)?

    Dex anniversary items sounded like day after, so 8th?  Really hope Shadow Debt is immediate!  

    (Bonuse - Can stop telling people in trade chat we don't even have those mods yet!  Way behind ftw)

    Edit - that new user tutorial / starter sentinel isn't part of this or anytime soon (x1) right?  Going to try and get my wife to try it when it is.


  11. Item drops, increasing chances - many games do it many ways, and often it revolves around weapons or other equipment.


    Has there been any thought to providing enhanced loot chances in that fashion, focus school(s), etc?  Right now its a couple frames only, requiring you to play or party with such frames built/used in a certain fashion.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Melos-mevim said:

    there are many stances that need QoL updates and need more animations and combs than they currently have, when if ever are they going to be brough up to the same quality standards of more recent stances?

    And frankly even missing stances, clearly things weren't 100% done, eg dark dagger polarity matching neither of the dagger stances

  13. my biggest chuckle out of all of this (i've been the high kill and solo ash for focus and weapon levelling, i've been the limbo for frame levelling but still with some good weapons to assist) - all types work here and are just fine

    when I want focus i'd just as soon I have players levelling frames, weapons, not killing much - just watch some points and try to stay alive best you can

    when I want to level a frame and/or not a great loadout, hey mirage synoid simulor, nezha etc, go own it all

    inbetween is cool too

    I create groups, join groups, just start it up and see what I get, or especially for top off focus, solo it for a bit from time to time

    and other spots can be as good or even better depending on resource needs, eg Corpus for Oxium can be great, although you may need a group there for more of the oxium ospreys to spawn

  14. net net yes, not only do you not need certain team makeups, you dont even need full teams.  I've done 4 3 2 solo with 0 problems.


    few frames missing and worth some special mention here IMO -

    vauban is a lot of fun with vortex for lining up kills and loot

    ember WoF and firequake, good weapon loadout is an utter beast

    ash bladestorm wrecks and is my fave for soloing most intercepts

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