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Posts posted by Alazais

  1. But what they need to do is change the system. Walls and walls of RNG is NOT an effective method. How about implementing an actual system? Like having rewards actually removed COMPLETELY from the tables past a certain wave/time. Or like I read somewhere else, the more times you don't get an item, it's drop chance increases.


    There's just a lot of much better ways to adjust the drop tables than this absurd RNG

    Agreed. Problem is, you need to target the people who are getting absurdly unlucky with their drops, aka somebody who has 100 hours farming for a single thing, at that point or even before I'd honestly say they deserve it, and not mess with the system so much that it's a  case of "doesn't matter what drops cause It'll just fall out the sky after I do my 15th run" thing. I don't envy anybody who has to try and fix this but I would say for the vast majority of players, the system isn't entirely broken.

  2. It's all RNG, just because it isn't working for you doesn't mean it's broken. 


    Use my results as example, 2nd T4 Survival, got Loki Helm at 20 mins, wow super lucky right?

    However, getting the Rhino Prime BP from T3 Exterminate, arguably an easier drop especially as you can do them faster? Nope, 35+ runs and still never seen it. 


    Yes it sucks but it's the very core to the nature of this game, if they made it any easier people would just quit 3 days after an update when they got everything. My suggestion, pray to RNGesus and keep at it, or take a break for a little while.

  3. I took a month break and since I came back I noticed that rare mods have a golden pillar of light when they drop, really awesome and I love the change, but I just saw one drop that had a purple light, didn't notice what it was at all though... tried searching everywhere but can't find any info, was this just a graphic bug or what does that mean?


    Thanks in advance!

  4. Firstly, I must wonder how long you're staying, and secondly, why you're not using slash when you're searching for one very specific rare drop. Also, how long are you staying? Also: The system is designed for years of play. Not getting it RIGHT NOW doesn't mean anything is wrong. It means something designed for years of play can't be done in a single day. Which makes a startling amount of sense.


    Also, as others have said, Trade channel exists for a reason. That reason is "I WANT THIS RIGHT NOW!". So, if it's MUST HAVE...

    Yes I'm well aware of the fact if i got everything I wanted right now then i'd have little reason to log into the game, after all the treadmill kinda is the game. Still just nice to hear i'm not wasting my time or actually doing something wrong, Usually stay 15 mins for the key then leave.

  5. Use transmute.

    For lols I spent about 250k on that earlier today, got a bunch of random crap as usual. 4 Rare mods turning into True Steel ftw :D



    I mow 'em down with my braton prime, first time I've been glad that it's mainly slash damage.


    Actually this is quite a nice idea, time to dust off my braton prime or maybe flux rifle.

  6. Spent more than 20 hours in Cambria Earth on Nekros, searching for Tranquil Cleave, it's gotten to the point where I'm honestly considering using a slashing weapon to slice the butchers in half to try and get double desecrates :/


    Where for art thou TC? 


    So half /rant and half "am i doing it wrong?" >.<

  7. They usually patch the game on Wednesdays, you'll only find hotfixes on other days of the week, that should be your first clue that they're talking out their arse hehe.


    They were probably referring to nerfing Trinity which would in turn nerf the ability to reach super high levels of content. But they're assuming that by nerfing her that she would be unusable but we really don't know any details yet.


    Fighting for the highest paying rails during conflicts, then only playing on 0% tax rails outside of conflicts.


    You get all of the reward, and don't need to return any of it.


    You're making an assumption based entirely of credits. I for one do not and would never do dark sectors for credits, sure it's a nice bonus but the true value of dark sectors lies in the exp rates and unique mods, personally I'd do any dark sector mission that offered the highest bonus exp to the type of weapon i'm trying to level up. Void keys still offer the best credit income in this game, by a long shot.

  9. Wtf is "greedy milk disease"? lmao it sounds so &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; I can't take the OP seriously at all.


    If people are unhappy with an alliance owning the rails, they should attack and win. Nothing in the game is preventing them from doing that, if you think Eclipse has too much money to ever lose you have to ask yourself are they doing something very right? or wrong? 


    From here it looks like they're doing it right, the system was never intended for everybody to be a carebear with 0% tax and no attacks on the rails, c'mon grow up and man up. If you want something to change, then make plans to change it, don't just make a whine post here and expect people to go "oh gosh, this can't be happening, better mount up on my moral high horse and ride into battle!"


    If an Alliance gives out no battlepay and takes large taxes it will lose it's rail (working as intended) and if an Alliance offers good battlepay with high taxes, it won't lose it's rail (working as intended.)

  10. They're not doing resets anymore, and although it still says beta, it's been out of beta for most purposes for a long time, it's just in a state of constant updating.


    I honestly couldn't imagine a day warframe wasn't in beta and we didn't get regular updates, my world would melt :DD

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