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Posts posted by ImTheBlack1

  1. As long as the group covers each other, and travels as a group to the next Lotus Oxygen drop as soon as possible, I could care less about who's who on my team. Whenever I go for max time, it's always because of good teamwork and coordination, and typically independent of Frame or Weapon choice.

    That being said, I play Frost, so maybe that influences it a bit...


    I totally agree with you that good teamwork and solid communication is vital for success in this mission type. However, even a well coordinated team will eventually hit its dps vs spawn rate/oxygen limit. This is where well synergized frames and their abilities come into play, and this is where you can can extend the time you will be able to survive. In my opinion of course :) .

    However, solid weapons are a must for lasting as long as possible imo haha.

  2. Your team is essentially what I'd run. Trinity also provides Energy Vampire as well; don't forget that.


    Cool beans haha, and I didn't forget :)


    ...She is also the designated reviver. She will also supply the team with energy when things start getting spammy ( not as necessary if there are at least 3 energy siphons being used). Important player right here!...

  3. Rhino's Iron Skin is immune to stagger/knockdown, but he lacks the energy (negligible with energy siphons), and healing abilities. On the other hand, he also adds another layer of CC for the Oh Sh** moments. I dunno. Kind of a tossup between the 2 IMO.


    Is Desecrate REALLY that effective to make it more useful than incredible damage output?


    Trinity guarantees 18 seconds of invincibility. Thats the main reason I choose her Blessing over Rhino's Iron skin. I feel like Banshees Sonic Boom, which is totally spammable, is just as effective as Rhinos Stop when it comes to CC capabilities. Besides Banshee is really only there for her Sonar!

    Yeh I've gotten to 45 mins using Desecrate religiously (on a team without a nova or a banshee), as opposed to the usual 35 mins I usually get to. So yes in my opinion it makes a big difference.

  4. I love doing survival infested, I don't bother with the others. But for myself and the guys I play with, when we want to go for time we just go:







    Means we almost never have to worry about anyone going down and if someone does, Iron skin, stomp and shade mean we never have an issue with revives. I could maybe see putting in a Vauban, but x4 stomps makes it pretty easy.


    Wow that is a very interesting squad! I also love the sound of it, I'm gonna have to try that out :) . How far do you usually get with that squad?

  5. What is your idea of a perfect survival squad? Keep in mind you are going for max time.




    In my opinion, for the Grineer and Corpus, the best squad you be the following: Frost, Trinity, Banshee, and Nekros. If you taking on Infested, just replace Frost with Vauban.




    Frost is needed for his globe and general tanky-ness. 


    Vauban (for infested) will use his Bastille and Vortex to keep infested at bay.


    Trinity is needed to run out and grab the life supports in separate rooms (or generally outside of the globe) using her Blessing (invincibility) and Link (generally can't be staggered or knocked down) skills. With the right mods and the aura helmet Blessing can last up to 18 seconds! Awesome! This tactic is only needed when enemies get over lvl 100 imo. Her blessing will also keep her teammates safe in case a baddie makes it into the Globe or Bastile aoe. She is also the designated reviver. She will also supply the team with energy when things start getting spammy ( not as necessary if there are at least 3 energy siphons being used). Important player right here!


    Nekros is here for his Desecrate skill. In an emergency he can also use Terrify to give him and his team some breathing room.


    Banshee is here for her Sonic Boom, and Sonar Skill.

    Now before I get flamed to a crisp, there is a reason why I didn't include Nova. It's not the easiest task to time a Desecrate after M-prime has been triggered. Yes its possible, but I have yet to see another Nekros who can pull it off consistently. The reason why Desecrate is important is to ensure there is plenty of oxygen being dropped even after the support drop-offs become more and more scarce. Banshee's Sonar gives a 650% dmg bonus with a max Focus mod (correct me if I'm wrong) which in my opinion is a decent replacement for M-prime.

    I love having a nova on the squad, but every time I've had one in the group, theres just not enough oxygen once you're around the 35 min mark. I feel like having consistent Desecrate could really change how a mission like this pans out.

    Also Banshee's Sonic Boom is amazing cc when it comes to choke points. Nothing can get past her (except flying units maybe, I haven't tested this)!


    What do you guys think? What is your survival dream team? Let me know! 

  6. Seems to be a lot of negativity towards Trinitiy's power changes.

    I on the other hand welcome them and really enjoy them.

    Well of life was definitely buffed and the fact that it can cc most enemies makes it a plus in my book. I really only use this skill in nightmare mode when there are no shields or energy. Reasons for this should be obvious.

    Energy vampire is way more fair in the sense of energy distribution to the party. Its not as instant as it was before, but because of this, people who play as trinity have to become more tactical in their EV placement. I absolutely love tactical classes, and this revamped EV is a great way to flex those muscles. This skill shines in high-level defence / survival when enemies don't go down easy and you need to be spamming your other abilities.

    Link getting nerfed to its current state doesn't really bother me. Unless you're up against super high level mobs, the dmg reduction is just fine. The dmg reflection need to be buffed though. The dmg that is reflected is pathetic and useless (looking at you 1's and 2's).

    Blessing is where the magic happens. My build emphasizes power duration and power efficiency so when it comes to high level defence and survival, I am easily able to keep everyone alive from anywhere on the map. I can totally see this getting nerfed in the future (sad face) but if it does then her ability to solo will vastly diminish.

    Overall her changes, for me, make her a more tactical frame to play. Therefore, she is more rewarding to play compared to other frames. Being able to solo nightmare survival modes on Eris is seriously satisfying. After playing all of the frames shes definitely my current favorite. Trinity4life!

  7. Hi,  I am an Excalibur.  I don't know how and when my abilties got locked.  Can somebody please tell me how to unlock my abilities, many thanks!


    When you get out of the tutorial, your frame should be unranked and unmoded. Your abilities are now in the form of mods and can be found be clicking that little wrench icon below your warframe ( in the arsenal window). You have to level up your warframe (by completing missions) so that your mod capacity will go up, otherwise you cannot equip these mods. Once you have around 10 mod slots (or when your frame is level 10 or so) you will be able to equip all of your skills.

  8. My advice you be to search the forums for a relatively large clan (40+ players) where most players don't rush the game. People always rush extermination missions because they are often trying to farm something as fast as possible. Who wouldn't right?

    I do wish the game forced co-op a bit more, but I really really enjoy soloing too. so until a different system is brought up, I wouldn't change a thing.

  9. Just duo'd, and completed, to wave 25 on xini, and got 0 rewards as in no mods, exp, or material drops..


    This happened to me yesterday as well when I got home on the mobile defence mission on ceres, Both missions were the firsts wins of the day. Pretty frustrated with this bug and I hope they get it addressed before the event this weekend.

  10. I sold my normal Frost to make room for Frost Prime, but the pattern on his back and the undyable yellow party really, REALLY annoy me.

    Also, I miss the normal Frost helm. Aurora looks meh, but the Prime helmet is ugly.


    DE, how about making the yellow party dyable and remove the pattern on Frost Prime's back/make a skin without the pattern on his back?

    You can use the old frost helm. I personally have both the prime version and the original version of Frost and I am able to use the old helm on my prime. Maybe you can't because you sold yours? :(

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