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Posts posted by ikitclaw

  1. There are many different types of warframes currently in the game with extremely different skills and one of the complaints I have seen is that as new warframes are introduced people say De is moving more and more away from the concept of a ninja. Well a nice answer to this is a shadow warframe.

    1st ability: the warframe extends his hand out towards the enemy targeted and becomes one with his shadow. In this state the warframe can not move otherwise cancelling the ability, the warframe can also use most abilities in this state. if the attached enemy comes within a few metres of another enemy the warframe can move in the enemies direction to leave the currently attached enemy and attach to the target.

    2nd ability: the warframe reaches out and absorbs the shadows from nearby enemies and allies, damaging them and placing a shadow poison onto enemies not allies. if the ability is cast while attached to a target, the target is healed.

    3rd ability: the warframe manipulates the shadows nearby to cloud and confuse enemies, causing them to fire randomly either at friend or foe.

    Ultimate: this ability can only be used if attached to a target. the warframe possess the currently attached target and takes full control of the mob, enemies will attack the controlled mob if the player fires upon them. Also, the ultimate doesn't work on bosses.

    These abilities can work by themselves, but work best when attached to an enemy. The warframe may seem OP but keep in mind the second ability damages allies as well, not to mention the third ability can cause enemies to still attack allies.

    Overall, this warframe is mostly about causing confusion and dealing damage over time while remaining safe. This doesn't mean the warframe wont appear an entire mission (although that sounds interesting) as allies can shoot and kill the attached mob thus revealing the warframe, as well the warframe would be one of, if not the, most fragile frames in the game to make up for his survivability.

    EDIT: getting alot of flak for ability 3. could anyone suggest a replacement?


    I have made an updated post with improved ideas and abilities: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/216847-warframe-concept-updated-and-improved-shadow-warframe-eredus/

  2. I was thinking about DE's logic behind the current RNG and why they would make it this way, was it more money? most likely, problem is they don't understand psychology and that continuously failing to obtain something doesn't encourage the player to buy platinum but instead discourages them from further playing the game entirely. the real factor in encouring players to spend money is time. an example: you just realised that you have to wait 3 days for that research and even then you must wait another day before using that weapon, well theres always buying it straight from the market and it comes with a slot and potatoed. If DE realises their flaw and replaces the current RNG with pseudo-RNG then so many member of the community will be extremely happy.

  3. I have played warframe for a long time, I've seen the best of it and the worst, but the one thing that almost everyone I asked hated was the RNG involved with a hefty chunk of the game. As a result I decided to think about how DE could improve it, one thing that came to mind was something dota 2 does which is progressive RNG. (please tell me if I got the name it wrong) This type of RNG is random but it works by improving the chances of obtaining the item you didnt get, an example would be if your farming a frame, you get the chassis, next run you get chassis again, at this point the game would improve the drop chances of the systems and helmet. this would continue for the next piece obtained: you get systems so the game improves the chance of the helmet again. 


    this type of RNG would eliminate most of the rage that warframe gets. but I can see it now, people saying "but DE need to get payed" and I agree with them they do, so they could make the chance increase not a huge amount.


    Thank you for telling me the real name which is Psuedo RNG.

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