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Posts posted by KnorrSoup

  1. Hi, I'm trying to tell someone about this event or tactical alert (not sure which one it was) that happened in Warframe quite some time ago. I can't seem to find it anywhere and being quite old, it's difficult for me to track down.


    Basically, I think it was a Corpus mission, but the enemies dealt drastically more damage. Everything else was the same, the only change was that you could die almost instantly if you ran out into the open due to gunfire. I think it was received quite well, though some were mad at how hard it was. I'm not even sure if it had a name in the first place, but I do remember commenting in the feedback thread for it. Does anyone else out there remember and can help me out?

  2. I just can't help but feel the relays are a bit of a waste of potential. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a place where Tenno can hang out and organise things, but they really just turned out to be a place where you turn in medallions and see the void trader.


    Most of the other things featured there, such as getting syndicate rewards, looking for teammates for missions, changing loadout, etc. I can do from my liset. There's no reason why I would want to sit through a loading screen and walk agonisingly slowly into an almost empty room when I can just use recruiting chat.


    To add to this, all relays are the exact same, the only difference between them being which one the void trader will show up in next. A large portion of the community feels there was no reason for there to be so many relays and were happy to see them get cut down to a smaller amount, and I can't help but agree with them. Fewer relays will mean the population is less spread out, and there will be less places for the trader to show up in, making him a little more predictable.


    Additionally, many are hypothesising that DE intentionally made a few fomorians harder to kill so they could intentionally blow up some relays. I'm not sure whether this is true or false, but again I can see why they would do it.


    On top of all of this is the fact that the event is not very appealing. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who ENJOYS having to farm newly-introduced materials to make a key to do an uninteresting mission 15 times in a row. A lot of players don't enjoy or don't even have an archwing, to make matters worse. The event also took place over Christmas, meaning some people went and possibly still are away from the game.


    Overall, the event was a trainwreck from the start. Unappealing rewards, uninteresting and repetitive mission, large amounts of farming, little consequence for not participating.

  3. It's up to you really. If you set the mode to solo, you're going to have less enemies to deal with, and you'll also be able to pause the action when you press escape, unlike in public mode. However, if you are lucky enough to have someone join you, the mission becomes considerably easier if you use teamwork.

  4. She's my most used frame, and I agree that she is totally underrated. I can't even begin to list the amount of times I've saved a cryopod from being destroyed when things turned bad with her powers. She is exceptional at CC, and if you time her abilities right, nothing can run past her defences.


    The thing is, though, she is ultimately a support frame. She doesn't do damage - she buys you time instead. This is great in that her abilities scale VERY well against high level enemies, but it means you are relying on the other 3 people in your squad to take the enemies out while you keep them stunlocked. And since may players want to be the star of the show, this is a big turn-off for them.


    Can't wait for her prime version.

  5. New players aren't going to have the knowledge or time to game trade chat to acquire the prime parts they need to sell to make the plat they need to buy prime frames and weapons. So unless they're wallet warriors (in which case they'd probably just buy PA), the "niche" of easy to acquire frames like Rhino and the like is as entry level gear for newbies still getting used to the game. One of my clanmates just reached MR3 and he's started out doing the solar map and getting Rhino, simply because he doesn't want to buy plat to get a Rhino Prime.


    Which is fine, considering how hard it is to acquire prime frames without plat.


    Mind you, I wouldn't be averse to prime gear having higher MR requirements than normal gear, but still, this "why would people ever use vanilla guns over primes" is basically a case of veteran bias. New players use vanilla guns and frames because they don't have the resources to acquire primes. That's the niche of Boltor over Boltor Prime. BP needs a great amount of void diving or, what, 120 plat last I looked? Boltor takes some common resources found on the star map? Remember, newbies don't have huge stockpiles of keys to get prime parts with, which means they can't easily get prime parts to sell on trade chat to buy the prime parts they want. With trade chat being ultra-spammy to begin with so even if they had a number of keys they still might not make a sale.


    Meanwhile, upgrade systems like this instead of sidegrades make it easier to balance the game. You talk about how bad balance is now, can you imagine how it would be if every single gun had to be a sidegrade to every single other gun? It would be even worse, I assure you.

    You know, you put up a good point. But still, there exists a big problem where new-amateur players are asking others "which gun should I upgrade to/Which gun should I farm for now that I'm ready for voids?" and most are going to tell them, "Boltor Prime", thereby still cutting out a lot of other weapons.


    And yes, I recognise the importance of upgrades, but like OP pointed out, more weapons like the Latron Wraith need to exist. Still (arguably) as powerful as the prime variant, but in a different manner.


    To add to this, there's a problem on the opposite side of the spectrum, where a lot of weapons that take a lot of effort and resources to make simply aren't worth it as better weapons exist for cheaper. As pointed out above, the Rakta Ballistica is a perfect example. 100k rep is a lot, and it definitely isn't worth it for a weapon so painfully mediocre.

  6. I fully agree with OP. The powercreep in this game is becoming ridiculous and it only seems to be getting worse. As more and more prime versions of weapons and warframes litter the game, who is ever going to want to use the original versions? Why would someone want a regular Rhino, who is mastery rank locked, when they can get Rhino Prime off trading, who also comes with a stat increase? Why would I ever choose to use a Sicarus, Kraken, Bolto, Ballistica, Seer, etc. etc. when they are all outperformed by a Marelok?


    Whilst I recognise there need to be different weapon tiers in the game (i.e, MK-1 weapons shouldn't be as strong as their regular counterpart, and the more you invest in grinding for a weapon the more powerful it should be), your choice in a weapon should be because you like the way it handles and because it suits your playstyle. I feel very forced into using a Boltor prime/Paris prime in high-level voids because nothing else seems to really get close enough to the damage they deal.


    Warframe is, I think, getting close to having 200 different weapons for you to choose from. Unfortunately, it only seems like 10 - 15 are worth using, and the others are all mastery fodder. There needs to be a serious wave of buffs to bring them up to par with already existing weapons.

  7. Absolutely not.

    Even IF warframe PVP is perfectly balanced (Which it most likely never will be), having clans (or alliances) group together to earn a high K/D ratio is a terrible evaluation on how good someone is at PVP. It would most likely have clanmates use "dummy" accounts to deliberately get themselves killed to inflate their real clan's ratio. This could even be further inflated by having a smaller-sized clan, or even a clan of one person.


    On top of that, rewarding an extremely exclusive mod worth thousands of platinum to an entire clan would probably wreck its value and be a huge middle-finger to the 110 or so people that either earned it in a previous event or were lucky enough to be given it in a livestream.

  8. No, it doesn't, read again.


    As for your last sentence, there's no point in thinking about "creative" ways to use your power when all your powers are NULLIFIED completely by those Nullifiers.

    Then what is the point you are trying to make?


    And you're still thinking of ways to directly damage the enemy with abilities. An example would be to use a mobility power to bring yourself to a vantage point to shoot the shield, or an ability to increase run/melee speed, so you can build up momentum before coptering into the bubble and attacking.

  9. im not on a crutch so please dont assume im on one. if youre surrounded and using a nova, are you going to use MP or antimatter drop? of course you're gonna use your best if it will save yourself, if it allows abit of breathing room why not?

    But you don't understand, often times pressing 4 ISN'T the most efficient and effective way to deal with enemies. There are times where target priority, utility and energy preservation trump this.


    This assumption is just as ignorant as the few elitists in this thread that makes an assumption that every goddamn people on this forum that complain about Nullifier is a press-4-to-win-bi*ch.


    Fact is, the problem with nullifier isn't about how hard it is, but how un-fun it is. It basically punishes every aspect of powers in the game even those powers that are not press-1-button-to-win. All it does is make Warframe into a generic PvE shooter. What's that? You said you want to use your hysteria valkyr build? Loki Invisibility build? Nope, F-you.

    Your last sentence kind of proves the point I am making - people are relying on their invisibility or invincibility to save them. I agree with you that warframe should be about exercising our abilities, but it should be about using them in creative ways rather than using them as damage utilities.

  10. What you, and a large portion of the community have done, is put themselves on a crutch of only spamming their most powerful abilities because it has always worked. We saw a huge discovery of this when Viver-Fever struck, and people found the most effective ways of killing as many enemies as possible as quick as possible.


    Now that we are beginning to have enemies immune to this, people don't know how to counter them, since this tactic of using the most powerful abilities has ALWAYS worked before. A warframe has four unique abilities, PLUS a huge, diverse range of guns and melee weapons. The problem is not that the enemies are too powerful, it's that a lot of people have not worked out how to deal with them.

  11. 1) When hosting a void run, always offer placed to clan/alliance first before opening to recruiting.

    2) Wait for all players to be in before starting an elevator.

    3) Say "Hi" when entering a mission mid-game, "ty" when someone revives you, and "gg" at the end of a long, successful mission.

    4) Waypoint rare mods and resources.

    5) If someone tries to afk during a mission leaving you to do all the work, do all you can to fail the mission. Don't pick up oxygen, let the enemies attack the pod, attempt to ripline/switch teleport the afk-er into a spot where they will die.

  12. I just posted this in another thread, but I feel it's still applicable here.

    It is *conjectured* that the Soma Prime will have a slight status increase, a very slight damage increase (+2), and a larger magazine and ammo pool, according to data miners. Possibly a new polarity, too.

    Now, I'm one to say that Warframe has a terrible powercreep problem and that it's only getting worse, and I was dreading the addition of a Soma Prime. However, if the changes explained above were the only changes to the gun, I think I'd be happy. It's a slight increase to the firepower of the weapon, and a larger magazine and ammo pool will turn it more into some kind of LMG.


    @Shad0wbl0x: Is that not counter-intuitive? If you want a challenge, how is using an extremely powerful gun helping that? Would it not be much more of a challenge to have guns brought down to a less-powerful level and therefore having the challenge of endless missions start earlier? I also have a feeling this would *start* to help eliminate the problem of 150-or-so weapons in the game being nothing more than mastery fodder.

  13. PSA: It is *conjectured* that the Soma Prime will have a slight status increase, a very slight damage increase (+2), and a larger magazine and ammo pool, according to data miners. Possibly a new polarity, too.

    Now, I'm one to say that Warframe has a terrible powercreep problem and that it's only getting worse, and I was dreading the addition of a Soma Prime. However, if the changes explained above were the only changes to the gun, I think I'd be happy. It's a slight increase to the firepower of the weapon, and a larger magazine and ammo pool will turn it more into some kind of LMG.

  14. I think it's really inspiring. Think about it from an art director's point of view - when are you ever going to have so much freedom to do something so unique and expressive? It seems to me that modern shooters are turning very generic -i.e. military shooter man or military shooter man in glowing armour. Warframe's design is not like anything I've really seen before, so I guess in a way it's iconic. It's wild and crazy and I'm completely in love with it. Not only that, but there's so much diversity in the frames, such as height, leg length, waist width, shoulder width, etc.

  15. I only dread the amount of clipping it's going to have with your frame. Plus, syandanas are thin and some are see-through. A big flowy cape is sure to block half of the screen as you're running around. The idea is cool, but I just don't think it'd work very well.

  16. All I want is for Ancients to lose their ripline now. The new infested units brought CC to the infested, and they brought it hard. Now you have to keep moving around, no more camping on top of boxes, no more throwing a vortex and going afk. That's great, that's exactly what they needed. I just absolutely hate running at the speed of sound, flipping and wallrunning as I dodge attacks, only to be sniped out of the air by a ripline. I want Ancients to go back to the charge 'n' slap.

  17. Keep in mind that if they were to stay untradeable, the syndicate weapons are going to be very unbalanced. Who would want the Red Veil's weapon when Steel Meridian's is one of the most powerful weapons in the game? This would lead to new players (and most likely players who are in the process of ranking up through syndicates) flood Steel Meridian to gain that extremely powerful weapon. They would also have no intention of switching to another syndicate since syndicate mods overlap/are tradeable.


    Besides, sigils are meant to be the thing to represent you and your syndicate choice. Perhaps if you really think it should feel more rewarding for honouring your faction, there could be a small bonus for using the weapon with an equipped sigil of the same syndicate?

  18. The only change I want to round out the new infested is to get rid of ancient riplines. They're so cheap and broken, especially since they have a nasty habit of going through solid object. With that gone, the new infested have some nice CC to match their horde, which means now you need to move around a lot instead of standing on top of a box, because let's face it, that's all you really needed to do before.


    I personally don't think the new infested are OP, I think the community is just having a bit of a "culture shock" from seeing what was arguably the weakest faction now becoming much stronger. It's a discovery phase all over again - we're all still learning the builds and tricks to deal with the enemy.

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