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Posts posted by Ragnarok160

  1. 19 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

    You know what annoys me waaaaaaay more than leechers?

    People accusing ME of leeching, or basically randomly accusing people they don't know of this.

    I am someone who is near Rank 25, has every frame and damn near every weapon, maxed and formad, and who has been playing the game for longer than they had even heard about it, let alone started playing themselves. Trust me, I don't need or care to leech. Just to let some of the wolf cryers know.


    The reason I am apparently a  "leech" is all because I am not using "muh meta", despite my results being rather satisfactory, typically superior even, much to their umbrage. Not just with vets either, I even got a newer guy a couple of days ago thinking they are carrying because they are spamming heals, even though this ain't Overwatch and I never asked for any Mercy heals to begin with. They didn't even know about efficiency mods but were spouting about being SO needed. I never rely on a healer unless I happen to be using one myself,  I build my frames and loadout to the point that I generally don't need a Trinity.

    yea trinity "mains" are cancer

  2. Just now, Yung-Azrael said:

    Well, regardless of your opinion of the people who complain about this, this is an issue because it does happen and is quite common. So that's kinda besides the point.

    i love you yung, your the only person on this post that gets it, i like how there are two kinda of people posting, the ones that say "yea, this is a problem" and the condescending "i have answers for everything"  but so far you've posted neutrality. this post i'snt about overhauling the system or bashing noobs. its acknowledging the problem and knowing yes it affects some people and some people handle it differently and at the very least saying "im not ok with this" rather then saying "oh well its always there so whats the point fixing it" and its not even a matter of fixing it. its a matter of improving the community and its outlook on the current state of the game.

  3. I feel like over the 2 years I've played Warframe the leeching problem is getting worse, or at least isn't being addressed at all. My first question is what criteria I use to report leeching, a lot of the times i use harassment since it seems like the closest but i don't want to get strikes against my account if i end up bring wrong. It also doesn't help that when i call out leeches people in the group tell me "its not a big deal" or "stop worrying about it". it is a big deal, i get when i see mr 10 or lower players that really don't know what there doing but when I'm doing max sortie spy missions and mr 20 people aren't doing anything, well that's a problem. Then there are people who go into missions that are 60 and higher bringing trash into the mission so we have to res them every couple of minutes and 90% of the time the person claims they are trying to power level there frame/ weapon. I'm not asking for a kick system or anything (lord knows humanity isn't responsible enough for one) but at the very least let us do something about it. if DE wont address it then at least the community should frown on it.

    Typical cases of leeching

    Spy- at least 90% of the time i play spy there are leeches, more so at the lower levels but about 70% of the time during sorties, just today i played a spy sortie as Ivara with 3 Lokis, the mr 12 loki got a point and i took 2 points, the second i did 2 players were at extractions, one was mr 20 the other mr 15. There's no reason i should have to take more then one point as Ivara and im getting sick of the age old excuse "i'm not good at spy". you cant say your bad at spy then burden everyone with carrying you. i was bad at spy at one point and all i did was look at the guides then bam i was a pro at it. its getting to the point where i'm doing sortie spy missions solo or when i get in a room with 3 leeches i purposely trip the last point. usually if someone else at least took one point i don't trip since it wouldn't be fair to him. also please dont bring rhino or frost into a sortie spy because the second u tell me u don't have a stealth frame or your bad at spy ill usually reply with "oh so you qued knowing you weren't going to do anything"

    Def- i don't see it nearly as much here but usually in def people will place themselves in rafters or on a certain corpus map theirs a low hanging platform below the point that people sit on. The most common case i see is when people go "afk" then when they go down they magically are back, jump around for a minute the go "afk" again. please stop don't this because after the 3rd time i'm not going to res you anymore. usually when people go afk a lot i ask them to leave so they can stop burdening the team. They don't respond well to that and usually tell me "stuff happens" to which i usually reply "if its so important you cant be online for 5 min then leave" course no one does that because they are leeching team affinity.

    Cetus- i see many people sitting at the front gate during the whole bounty quest

    Farming areas- massive leeching, unless u have an ember or other large CC frame that's stealing ur kills there's no reason you should be running behind the Nekros gobbling up polymer or argon and like i said before STOP BRINGING TRASH INTO HIGH LEVEL MISSIONS. There's a time to farm, a time to lvl, and a time to win and mot(void) isn't one of them.

    Akkad/Hiercon- both these maps are very good for quickly power leveling but i'm getting mad when i see everyone on my team getting 300+ kills and theirs 1 person with 2 kill, ik its a bit trust based since everyone needs to be killing to share the team affinity evenly but there are people that heavily abuse that and bring limbo into one of these 2 isnt an excuse for you not to be fighting.

    Limbo/loki - the 2 leechest frames i see, i see people going invisible or putting themselves in the rift then going afk in missions for leech team affinity. please stop these are both beautiful frames that get a bad name because of people misusing them

    sorry the post is so long and i want everyone to know that yes the first part of the post called our MR, im not saying if your low or high your really better or worse but there is a certain amount of skill that is expected of you. 

    happy hunting tenno

  4. During one of the missions in the new event there was a fog enviromental factor, any way that this will become a permenant feature, i think the idea of limited visibility gives a sense of challange and panic to combat that makes me want more.

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