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Posts posted by ThePresident777

  1. In the past, when there was no Star Chart Loot in the Void Reward Table, endless missions rewarded more prime parts.  Last week, we did a 36 minute T3 survival and received 2 prime parts.  We used to get double to triple that before DE diluted the Void Reward Tables with Star Chart Loot.


    I get the point behind saying that there is a small percent chance of getting a prime part.  But, having a higher percent chance of getting a prime part implies a lower percent chance of getting Star Chart Loot from the Void Reward Table, and visa versa.  Compare that to a system where there is a guarantee or high probablity of a prime part. even if different parts have different probabilities of dropping relative to each other.

  2. Long before Nyx was able to ping pong damage between Absorbs, when Nyx was no more popular than any other Warframe, DE nerfed the F*** out of Absorb's radius.  Absorb was never the number one reason why people used Nyx but it did give her another alternative to Chaos at high levels.  Players complain that Warframes have only one useful ability so out of no where at no one's behest DE nerfs Absorb's radius, making sure that Nyx players have only one power worth using.  And, again, this was before DE made Absorbs ping pong damage between them.

  3. Threads frequently are dominated by one opinion and operated in a "prove me wrong" fashion. People start with "<thing> I don't like is ruining the game" and work backwards on justification. When they start with the conclusion, they get dogmatic. These kids start threads to issue demands, not to have discussions, and the most hyperbolic of those threads attract other people for a circle.. hug... about that topic. The differing opinion gets burried because the person holding it "just doesn't understand the TC's brilliance" even if the topic itself reads like a meth-fueled hyper-religious doomsday rant.


    Basically, a "I like this the way it is" thread is presenting the opposing opinion on an equal footing.


    ROFLMAO, I had to +1 just for "reads like a meth-fueled hyper-religious doomsday rant".

  4. All the pod sitting missions and tiny maps have to be annihilated because they promote passivity and inaction during game play. 


    And that's the irony of the Greedy Pull debacle, people are using it in tiny maps while sitting on top of a pod, like they were doing before GP and will be doing after GP nerf.  Yet they complain about stuff in one spot.  The entire team, the whole mission, is stuff in one spot.  Don't cure the disease, just keep wiping the puss out of the wound.


    DE making pod sitting the most rewarding mission type is promoting passivity and inaction during game play.


    DE has to unnerf the spawner because it's slow rate promotes passivity and inaction in game play.


    DE has to leave coptor in game because it rids the game of passivity and inaction in game play.

  5. H>Pod Baby Sitting Festival, Space Ninjas Need Not Apply 

    H>Pod Baby Sitting Festival, Space Ninjas Need Not Apply 

    H>Pod Baby Sitting Festival, Space Ninjas Need Not Apply 


    DE made the camp grounds.  DE made the camping gear.  Then, when people use it, DE nerfs it.  Then they make more camp grounds and more camp gear.    Then, when people use it, DE nerfs it.  Then, DE makes more camp grounds and more camp gear.....................This is what DE calls evolution.  Breaking and reissuing the same thing over and over again, ad infinitum.


    If DE is going to keep nerfing Space Camping then why not just get rid of it all together?


    And why is everyone Space Camping?  Because DE put the rewards there and not in Space Ninja.  DE constantly steers the player base around with rewards.  The sure fire way for DE to get something nerfed is to make it good.  Then, all of a sudden there are 200 threads a day calling for "NERF OP" and DE complies, says the players asked for it.  The people who swamp the forums afterwards, out numbering the nerfers, cursing the nerfs are always forgotten.

  6. The fact of the matter is that the OP is conflicting and poorly written, as I've described previously in this thread.  It's no strawman, derail, etc. to point out the OP's poor wording and conflicts or to point out DE's own words on how they want the game to be played:

    Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

    The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.



    If people don't like how DE wants the game to be played, they are free to say so.  But, if they are going to misquote people or deny what DE has publicly said then there is no discussion to be had and the thread is a verbal circus.

  7. I realized, as many of you readers have that 4 spam isn't the problem, it's what the game is designed around


    It isn't about the gunplay and melee, or using powers to synergize with it. 




    It's about this: Farming


    Yeah we have fun guns and cool frame powers to use, but what's the point when doing all that within a reasonable session of playtime for a healthy human being isn't nearly as effective as doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill the same uninteresting enemies with their cheap and samey cheese mechanics for better rewards? 



    That is the way DE wants it played and they said it on February 8th 2013 on youtube, before the March 21 2013 Trailer on youtube:

    Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

    The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.


    The Core of Warframe is supposed to be 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army.  Warframe is supposed to have Massive Armies and 4 Tenno are supposed to Devastate them, i.e. "doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill", so that 4 Tenno can kill a lot of enemy, i.e. Devastate Massive Army.


    It's a contradiction to say that Warframe is about "doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill" then imply that DE has not made the game as they actually wanted it played because of "doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill".  If Warframe does not play as DE actually wanted it played, it's because of other reasons, not because 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army.


    I remember the old spawn code when enemy spawned so fast that even when everything in a 50 meter radius was nuked, there was danger coming right back in an instant.  The nerfed spawn code destroyed the enemy Massive Army.  What we have now are stragglers ala Dark Souls, not a Massive Army. 


    If Tenno are sitting around waiting for something to do it's because there is no Massive Army anymore.  The spawner now slowly spits out stragglers, instead of a Massive Army.  The Tenno then proceed to Devastate the stragglers, as they are supposed to with "doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill".   But, then they sit around waiting for the slow spawner to get back in the game.  DE broke the game by nerfing the spawner, not because of "doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill".  That is what is supposed to be done ("doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill") against Massive Army.  And that was supposed to be just The Core of Warframe ...


    And, again, if the OP is about adding mini-bosses (elites, bad asses, big honchos cabrone, alpha meanies, call them whatever you like) to the Massive Army, it's obscured by claiming that Warframe is about "doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill" then impling that DE has not made the game as they actually wanted it played because of "doubling up on the latest wombo-combo strategy so you can kill".

  8. Again, the OP was edited to add a call for the removal of coptor, AFTER I up voted it for the parkour improvements.  There is no way I would have voted for coptor removal no matter how good the suggested parkour improvements are.


    Also, building up momentum is Stamina in reverse.  It's a speed limiter just the same.  Warframe is not a racing game, so players will be too busy shooting and using powers to build up speed.  Starting slow and eventually getting fast is slow.

  9. Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4 means exactly what it says:  4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army is the core of Warframe.  Draco is something else entirely.  Draco is pod sitting in a tiny map.  The same game play DE has been defending for nearly two years now by moving it around the Star chart, giving it the best rewards, and creating more pod sitting Tenno content all the time (Mesa, Frost, etc.), while nerfing Survival and everything else Space Ninja.  DE never allows true competition between play styles, etc.  It never gives equal rewards to both Space Ninja and Space Camper, letting the payers decide for themselves individually which they prefer to do, Space Camp of Space Ninja.  It always tilts the playing field in favor of Space Camper.

  10. https://warframe.com/news/devstream-55-overview:


    Greedy Pull

    We understand that Mag and Draco have become synonymous with easy grinding, and while we will never object to players finding optimized ways of earning experience and items this current meta is counter-intuitive to how we believe Warframe should be enjoyed. For now, our team has formally announced:

    • Mag's Greedy Pull will be seeing a change in the near future.
    • We want to keep functionality but minimize any potential abuse.
    • Adding cooldowns are not a solution, we want something that works without limiting playstyles through cooldowns.


    It means something that has nothing to do with the OP.  They're going to nerf Greedy Pull.


    They'll probably kill Draco too for good measure.  But, DE is the one who gave Draco the best affinity in all of Ceres, in the entire star chart even, instead of making all Ceres nodes equally good for affinity.  They'll find another node to make into the go to place.  Then wait 6 months to nerf that.  Then make another node into the go to place.  Then wait 6 months to nerf that. Then ........  DE always creates The One True Node some where in the Star Chart, always a small pod baby sitting map.  Then, takes a stand against their creation, then quietly opens another one, rinse and repeat.  The Star Chart is riddled with the silent wreckage: cyath, viver, kappa, cambria, ........


    The irony of it all is that DE could have made it all very eventful, an opportunity for Lore, like the destruction of the Relays.  Instead they decided to unceremoniously nerf to the cries of the vocal minority ("be brave DE be brave", they say).  That's what passes for evolution around here.  That is Warframe's Lore:  create high powered content, nerf, create high powered content, nerf, ................. without end.  The majority who enjoy the high powered content are always having it ripped out of their hands because a vocal minority said so and DE creates more high powered content despite what the vocal minority said they wanted.  It's a rotten way to do business.

  11. 0)  The title says (No Tl;dr).  The OP has been edited to add a TL;DR.



    1)  The title say "Why Not Design Your Game Around The Way You Actually Want It Played For Once" while the OP complains about having to slaughter hordes of enemy for loot when the fact of the matter is that DE stated publicly more than 2 years ago that the Core of Warframe is 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army:

    Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

    The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.



    2)  If one wanted to make a case for combos that work with 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army, it wasn't helped by complaining about 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army.



    3) The reason why the first 30 minutes of Survival is boring is because DE nerfed the spawner.  It doesn't resupply the map with enemy when they  are destroyed, like it used to.  So, the faster the enemy die, the more down time there is now where as the spawner used to respawn enemy as fast as they died, if not faster.  And when the squad is in more than one room, the spawn code just shuts down.  It wasn't like that before at all.  Survival used to be a fun and fast paced mission.  Now it's another pod sitting wave based mission like defense except it's not so obvious.  And people think that Tenno are OP because of it when it's not the Tenno that are out of whack, it's the nerfed spawn code that DE broke last year without anyone asking them to.



    4)  That warframe trailer (that is so commonly used on these forums to claim how the game is meant or aught to be played) ironically shows the enemy incapable of using cover and mindlessly trying to pile on the Tenno while the Tenno seem to be lathered in bullet repellant and don't know anything about cover either.  The only thing resembling a combo move there is Rhino Stomp followed by Slash Dash, something possible in Warframe since before the trailer.

  12. There are a lot of times when missions lack enemies thanks to the spawner being nerfed.  Any way it's sliced, the loss of coptor is a huge loss in movement speed and freedom that parkour can't provide.


    Also, there are some wide open spaces (earth maps and The Simulacrum, for example) that we will not be able to get across quickly now.  That's another strain of fun exterminated from Warframe.


    We fought the removal of coptor for over a year now and DE wants to kill it again, after pretending to finally accept it.  And this thread was originally about better parkour, not getting rid of coptor.  That's why I voted for it.  The upvote tally on the OP is a sham.  No way does it represent a vote to get rid of coptor.

  13. It's "normal" for the most popular mission to have it's reward table nerfed.  It's "normal" for the least Space Ninja mission in the least Space Ninja map  to have the best reward table.

  14. Alt-tabbing and reading some TVTropes for the next hour or two because the other 2 - 3 guys can solve the entire problem themselves is a match making issue.  It's not a reason to nerf some one else's high powered content (then put out more high powered content, then nerf, then put out more high powered content, then nerf ..........).


    Yes, there is a reason why the phrase mastery fodder exists, because it's weak content and the majority prefers strong content, not nerfs.


    That's why it would be a positive result for the game to have Weapon Tier Potatoes and a much better match making system, so players can really have choice, the kind they can invest in.

  15. The OP assumes that we are not having fun moving fast and fluid like Space Ninjas and Devastating Massive Army, as intended:

    Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

    The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.

  16. The keys are useful because it allows players to keep playing in the void and the keys have always been avaiable strictly as rewards.  What's diluting the void drop tables is enemy loot, that can be found in the Star Chart even, i.e. Orokin Cells, credits, and Fusion cores. 


    We complained about RNG, so DE increased RNG by making cells and cores scarce.  Then we complained about void reward table dilution, so DE increased the void table dilution by putting cells and cores in it, and credits.  Keep in mind that this is star chart enemy loot that DE is clogging the void reward tables with.


    That's DE's MO.  They listen to our complaints, then make matters worse, then pass off the current problem as the solution to the last problem they created, then call it evolution, rinse and repeat.  Think of that the next time you think of parkour 2.0, star chart 3.0, "balance" or anything else in Warframe.

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