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Posts posted by -S-O--Sephiroth-Crescent

  1. Condition overload has the same problem as the old one but worse.. infinite scaling while doing less dmg. should have kept old mechanic with stacking with itself and end dmg BUT made it a max of 3 stacks with 120% each.. that way its not as hard to get (makes it more accessable) and doesnt break the game as hard as old one.

  2. vor 49 Minuten schrieb nonscience:

    Three times 400 damage in under 2 sec vs 1000 per 2 sec holds to it if you're into dps. Twenty percent increase in damage isn't nothing.
    Still no problem against 150 units so far with the few formas invested, I like it and it works.

    Now if you're speaking about how it feels compared to the original, that's up to you, no argument.


    About this comment, just for perspective.

    A bump of 50 damage in this case isn't insignificant, it's a 14% increase and in these days where people complain about loosing 6% over the new serration mod (that's the real total loss in damage), I don't understand the logic.

    Also, the status should not be understood as a 20% increase but a 200% increase, since you're three times likely to get a proc.
    Just to have a fair comparison, nothing to do with saying you're right or wrong.

    Ferrox has a 8% HIGHER crit chance and a 2.8 BASE multi...and  MORE punchthrough give the vandal opticor MORE dmg ^^

  3. vor 34 Minuten schrieb IllogicalLogic420:

    Farming one isn't a viable option.....as stated......multiple times......I'm just annoyed that people don't read, or that they do read and choose to ignore. It's fine though, nothing against you ❤️


    Also yeah I just found out a few minutes ago that we apparently DO NOT need to do every single thing in Nightwave. I asked for a source in that other thread and am awaiting one to be provided.

    Thanks for the reply!


  4. vor 33 Minuten schrieb IllogicalLogic420:

    First off, great job on nightwave ❤️


    I cannot, no matter how hard I try, find a group to do a successful Tridolon for the Hydrolyst task.

    I thought I finally got a good group......killed the Teralyst so easily.......then words I can't say here, started to kick in.

    We somehow managed to capture the Guantilyst, THANKS TO ME (since these [censored] players didn't bother to get any, nor try to keep any alive, I did all the work)

    And ended up failing the bounty because these players, who clearly knew what they were doing, decided to, for whatever reason, become lazy, and go full [censored].

    Why don't I go solo? I still have a mote amp. I was the DPS guy though, Lanka, Chroma prime, ect ect meta meta whatever. Doing a solo with mote, would expire time before completing all 3 Eidolons.

    That's all important because it plays into this: a lack of time, and false advertisement.

    There's only 14 hours left. I have a life, I can't complete this task now.

    The tasks are supposed to be for a week, but the first round only lasted, what, 4, maybe 5 days? I forget what the timer said when nightwave first started.....if It was 5 days, or 4 days and some amount of time.

    A week is a week is a week. A week is 7 days, not 4 or 5. 4 or 5 days is 4 or 5 days, not a week.


    Again, great job DE ❤️ but you're pissing a lot of people off. Please, just stop with this cheap, lazy artificial timegate stuff to give the illusion "of more content."


    inb4 "go play something else" well I'm glad you lack enough of a life to spend 18 hours each day playing this game.

    Dont need 100% of the missions only around 65% or so and if you dont have a decent amp or setup farm one 🙂 

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