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Posts posted by RaveRaptor

  1. Oh no. Such original ideas.


    Lets tear apart your first "idea" to start.

    Sora's first ability: Destroying enemies and confusing them, that sounds like an ability reserved for a third ability. If it both destroys AND confuses an area of effect, only taking 25 energy, thats a major balance issue.

    Second ability: So pretty much the bow, except uses energy. Real original there, buddy.

    Third ability: A weapon buff that should be the second ability, lets further make weapons over powered.

    Fourth ability: A real game breaker here, so restores AND grants unlimited energy use? Thats insane. If there was a bit of control like, grants other frames unlimited energy and restore but not yours, that can be abused by having another "Sora" in the game so one can use the ability, then the other can use it free of cost and everyone can steam roll entire missions by spamming the first ability and swapping back to the fourth ability for a refresh.


    Now onto the second idea you think is original "Lotus". Really. You're going to comment on originality when this guy uses Lotus, the one who gives missions, as as a concept. Original. Really?

    First ability: Well I can see where you took your inspiration, but you decided to add a little fanfictionfinese onto it by adding the AOE effect.

    Second ability: I actually see nothing wrong with this. But heres where your lack of originality shows again, and you have to turn it into your unbeatable fanfiction frame by adding ALL WEAPONS! Super neato cool beans!

    Third ability: Again your own lack of originality shows that you stole this idea as well, except this guy put it on the third ability, again this can be easily abused.

    Ability four: Nothing wrong with this, plenty of abilities like it.


    So in reality, all you've actually done here was expose that you are the guy with unoriginal ideas, as you blatantly stole ShiningArmor's "Lotus" concept, made it super overpowered and then came here to post how original you are, three days after this guy.


    Go home, you're grounded.

  2. Yes. It's "over" because there's an article written on hype and rumor alone (seriously, that article is 100% speculative and rumor mill). Allow me to educate you on the existing state of things: What We Currently Know About the PWE Deal (Reddit)


    So if by "over" you mean "nothing at all beyond DE saying 'We'll think about allowing you to possibly invest in a percent of our company shares which we dictate'" then yes, it's "over."



    P.S. it really isn't. Joystiq, MMObomb and a lot of those sites saying "IT IS DONE" are just generating hype/sensationalist articles designed to get views and spread further panic. They were written with 0 facts beyond the 2 facts of "Perfect Online Holdings has expressed interest in purchasing stocks of Digital Extremes" and "Digital Extremes has acknowledged the interests but has yet to say a single thing about the matter". Please, for the love of Booben, STOP with this panic spreading sensationalist rumor milling.

    Not only that, it's very well known Massively often has misleading articles with lack of information. They posted this almost two hours after Warframe players were talking about it

  3. DE will easily make a lot of money with PW. It's a good thing, so they can focus more on content, instead of forcing out a new weapon every week for people to buy.

    You don't know how bad PW is, they will get money, but not in a good way. Imagine throttled content.


    Say you just got a new frame, you had to buy it from the shop because now it takes two weeks to build a frame, not counting the time it takes to get all the parts. So now you have your new frame, now what? Well lets put an aura mod on it. But hang on, the Aura slot is locked? So are four of the standard slots, it seems. Well it's a good thing you've been saving up those lock boxes, and after dropping $20 bucks, you can now open a few of them. So after opening all of these boxes, you're down to your last key out of twenty, all the other prizes were: Loki left arm, Mag left leg, Fast hands, Uncommon 5 Fusion Core, Ammo Drum, Grand Finale fireworks, Excalibur Chest, two extra lock boxes, Mod Upgrade Catalyst 25%, Standard Mod Slot. In anticipation, you open the last box in hopes of getting the Aura Slot you need, and you get another Fast Hands.


    Time to start over again. But at least you have a mod upgrade catalyst you can use to give yourself a chance at upgrading your mod or destroying it forever.

  4. Please hang in there DE!

    The community has your back, if you rely on us. We can and will help you out of the PWE mess (once we legally able to)


    I promise you this though, 90% of the playerbase will be gone in a day if this:




    Becomes this:




  5. Would it be stretching to make the assumption that the Perfect World thing is just for certification and such for the Xbone cross-over? 


    I've never seen a game with the Perfect World name on it that i liked. so we can hope that while they may be involved in some respects that Perfect World Wont be involved in any development in the future.

    On the surface, it can be, but when you look deeper into it, you'll find theres something more malicious to it. If PW only wanted rights to the Xbox distribution, why go for majority shares of DE and not just enough to gain the rights for the Xbox distribution. Buying majority shares shows they want to influence the company, and if they do, they will in a very bad way. I've seen this happen before and I don't want to see it happen again

  6. My Personal Experience with Perfect World Entertainment.


    This is going to be a bit of a long read, so feel free to scroll past this post. No need to post a TL;DR since people seem to have put in a good explanation on how damaging of a company they can be.


    Several years ago, I participated in a beta test for Perfect World, when I played it, it was a glitch-filled WoW clone that had a cash shop before being opened to the public. I learned from this that it was a sign of bad things to come when I first logged in.


    In a mid-level area, I don't remember the name of the place as everything from the name to the location setting was bland and generic sounding, I managed to get myself stuck in a wall. Now in most beta tests for open worlds I have experienced, a GM would be able to pull you out of this situation with either a fixme or killing you so you could respawn elsewhere. When I contacted a GM and made the bug report, one did show up, but helping me was not on their mind. Upon the arrival, I was told to wait, and for what felt like a half hour, another GM showed up. They then both proceeded to make fun of me for getting stuck, as well as calling me a stupid American, all in broken English. It was then I decided to log off and never bother with a PWE game again, despite getting three more beta invites.


    My ordeals with them would not come to an end, as they wanted to attack other MMOs I played. When Champion's Online beta was out before the one month of Gamestop's pre-order beta invites were active, I had already forgotten everything about PWE, I was enjoying a game that had plans for a cash shop, and when the game came to full release, the cash shop was opened and had a few decent things. I had already purchased a life time subscription and was set. After many months of playing, all good things had to come to an end when PWE had purchased the game. Now at the beginning, things did not seem too bad, yes content updates came in rather... Slowly... But it was still decent to play. It wasn't until more and more cash shop content was added that you could not get with a simple "Gold Membership" ($15 a month) could get you. Then came the introduction of "Vehicles" and lock boxes. Now some people may not realize this, but vehicles and mounts were actually in the game before PWE decided to make a thing about it, one being off the top of my head was the raptor mount you could get from the Viper dungeon on Monster Island. However, PWE made sure to have all the old items pulled from the drop table and removed from crafting tables. Then if you had purchased a vehicle, they also made sure to gut out this feature with the lock box system, making the vehicle useless until you pulled the parts that would make it useful (Which were made very rare among a cavalcade of garbage cash shop items). It is true that they honored the life time subscriptions that people had, but it was clear that they would not make any actual content updates besides cash shop heavy ones, and even managing to ruin events such as the Blood Moon event and more. Many areas were removed like the beginning two starting areas (Desert Conflict, Tundra Conflict, etc) and having you start in Millennium City, originally a mid-level area now poorly converted. They even managed to rip out the adventuring aspect by adding a clone of WoW's Dungeon Finder, except heavily unbalanced, allowing someone to just go through poorly written and made dungeons without ever having to leave the starting area. With that, the items/equipment system was overhauled to not be user friendly, forcing users to purchase "Catalysts" from the cash shop if they wanted a guarantee of upgrading an item. As of now, Champions Online only exists as a shell of the former promise it was.


    So when it comes to Warframe, I hope DE does not sell anything to PWE. They do not even need to sell with such a strong community. The game's success is something incredible, being released on both PC and consoles, something that very few MMOs receive. If they were to sell to PWE, the changes would become unnoticeable for a short time, then the re-release of Founders and Prime Access packs would happen, content updates would come to a slow crawl, and more than likely players would be forced to buy keys to lockboxes to receive mods/warframe parts/blueprints/rare materials.


    I hope this is something that never happens. PWE is the King Entertainment of Free to Play games


    Edit: I forgot to mention that Champions Online had a "Revive" cash shop item added that when you die, you can revive on the spot with ful stars (Stars modified your stats and gave a bit of control, you'd have to kill mobs to build up your stats, but you were next to useless in dungeons without being 5 stars). I also fear that PWE would have the daily revives removed and put them behind a paywall, similar to Champion's

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