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Posts posted by Steeldragonz

  1. 35 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


    LoL. Amen on this.

    Then - "Dang, I got three R5's. That was a good run!"

    Now - "When did I get another 100k Endo??"

    I still remember spending hours farming for a Vitality mod back in the day. Rage too.

    LMAO right, i still have screenshots somewhere of the old systems haha. 


    Edit: i have one friend who swears at me because i have never had to think about Endo, and he has had to go out and earn more and more for the mods he wants haha

  2. On 2023-11-07 at 9:04 PM, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

    I always find it funny that the person can be extracted after running about 50 meters, but the drone always has to go like 500+ before it can be extracted.

    Also isn't it Loki that's best for speeding it up?  I wouldn't have thought Volt's speed or Nova's wormholes would work on it.  Especially since you'd have to be able to reliably get the drone to go into the wormhole in the first place.  Loki just repeatedly switch teleports it ahead.

    exactly this, either abuse volt, or abuse switch/wormhole to force the damn thing to go at my speed... yes it means that a high power/range build is needed depending on the frame... and you might not be the dps or whatever for the bounty... but shortening the stage itself from 3-4 minutes to 1-1.5 is worth it for me. Mostly because i see it as a role within a pub/squad. Then all i generally do is hope that out of the other 3 someone has a higher dps/specific frame for another part of a bounty stage. 


    Like say Plague star, volt/nova/loki for the drone section, titania for the first pickup/vault protection [if you care about killing anything in stage 2 anyway], the nova/loki/volt for stage 3, then a mesa for stage 4. More often that not i find that at least 2-3 of these roles are filled in a pub for normal or plague star making the bounty just breeze fast.

  3. As the title says, doing the Duviri Experience, and my first mission was vs the Dax Gladius, hadnt played this in a while and thought i just wasnt getting my timing right. Then i noticed that i was taking no dmg and nothing was hitting me. If nothing hits the play i cant parry them to get to the next stage of combat. Stood there long enough on stream, to record and then type this post. and still not taken a single hit. 



  4. Even thought I dont need to run this anymore, as I got the 284 before the hotfix went in. I think that this is the best way. If everyone has a key, whats the issue. No need to worry about the share and leave that happens. matchmaking will only pick from those that have keys. Personally after doing this mission i wont be going back there again unless something specifc [new mr fodder] needs me too.

    This is a 4 hour content island for dagath and doing it to get what you need is enough. sadly...

  5. I must just be impatient, i got all 284 i needed to build 2 dagath and the dorrclave last night after the update before the hotfix... either way time wise it was faster doing it solo than in a team, but i did feel the spawn rate was kinda terrible as i could easily get to the end and still then have to wait for another 60 mobs to spawn and kill because extraction.

    On the other hand doing it in a team in normal or SP is just slower as it generally feels like at least 1 [sometimes 2] people in the squad dont understand/dont bother bringing a Defixios slowing it down... either way im done with this for now it seems and it only used about 7 or 8 beacons [i had got 22 or so ithink, and i have 15 left] because of the random SP into normal squad thing [hotfix]

  6. 3 hours ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

    The mental gymnastics you had to pull out for this post, just wow. You did think about just joining a friend or clan/alliance member who has a lich/sister, right???

    And if you dont have any? because they have all finished them as well. Most of us dont just leave lich/sisters just sitting on our map to randomly take stuff for fun.

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, (PSN)TooSoonDude said:

    I have a brand new lich so I would be spending at minimum 3 hours on an objective for 1k points.


    he also has a Hek and that should speak for itself

    this is my point right here. I would need to start one, and spend ~180 minutes doing it just for 1K points... that is sheer insanity.

  8. During the first Phase of Nightwave, [by this i mean the initial weeks before its possible to go past the 30 ranks] shouldnt have Sister/Kuva based objectives. These generally are just a pain for those of us that either dont want to engage with the mechanic, or are finished with the mechanic. Having to Start a Kuva/Sister just so you have a thrall/hound, or so that you have a Kuva/Sister claiming territory just for 1k Nightwave points is insane waste of time.


    To be clear, I have all the Kuva/Tenet Weapons, which is why I feel this way mostly. But each time i see it and think about how some dont engage with the system on top of those of us that have finished farm/upgrading/melding those weapons, I feel like its a wasted objective [and daily, so for example today i wont be doing anything in warframe]

    • Like 4
  9. On 2023-04-29 at 5:21 PM, (NSW)daggerclaw627 said:

    excalibur, rhino, ash, loki, frost, banshee, valkyr, hydriod, mirage, limbo, equinox, wukong, gara(because of naruto), revenant, garuda, wisp, grendal, and citrine are all bad kid names and there are probably more but they're great warframe names (mostly)

    hey my kid is called Revenant, and their twin siblings are Hydroid and Yareli what are you trying to say

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, SquissySquiddy said:

    Unlike normal missions where it's feel like 4 men doing a 1 man job, the missions to retrieve Grendel is challenging in a fun way.

    It promote team work, communication and proper strategy. You cant just go in willy nilly and expect to survive. For example I ran with a Trinity and Mesa for the defense mission, my job was to manage my 4 and keep and eye out for nullifier, Trin provide energy and shield, Mesa killing the bursas and other enemies.

    Warframe has and will probably continue to be a multiplayer focused game,  and more game modes or missions that promote such concept would be nice, a good example would be eidolons hunts and a harder mission that require proper coordination would be really fun.

    what do you think ?


    This issue here is....who needs team work and other people when you can use nidus and solo, like a normal mission... atleast thats what a lot of people did right?

  11. 1 hour ago, (XB1)WP ScorpionWind said:

    @Steeldragonz It's because the modern era of gaming has become about what is new and shiny, games don't last more than 1-2 years. As a result the moment you have everything or have completed the main piece you stop playing. People don't play just to play or for the community anymore. Call of Duty Modern Warfare (original trilogy) and Black Ops ll lasted for years despite many other games releasing and the amount of what I best sum up to as cheating (modding, hacking, glitching, etc.) that is done with it, because at it's core the game was a well made game, the community despite it's rather vulgar and distasteful side, was enjoyable to interact with, and it was just fun to play. While Warframe has such a community and FAR more content, most peoples perception of things is been tainted. I myself will even admit to having been infected with this I guess what you could call the nostalgia virus.

    But thats just it. When it comes to warframe, its about collecting, maximizing and refining an arsenal. Once you have that arsenal there is nothing to hold you playing anymore. resource stacking is pointless because DE use an island system to stop vets instant building of new things [thereby having nothing to do again], so its all about how fast they can keep the content going.


    Personally i used to play warframe as a side game between other games i would complete and not go back to because I felt why bother... but lately theres been nothing worth playing [or thats lasted that long]. meaning im back do more warframe then i normally would.... even though i only have the new liches [i got 2 of the weapons since that last post], and about 100 in intrinsics to get, which i will put off till i have all the new kuva weapons

  12. On 2020-01-31 at 4:23 AM, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

    So you handicapped yourself and cut your efficiency in half because you don't want people shooting ur pew pew stick... Eh play however you want it's pubs 

    thats just it tho, with void hole there is no need for anyone on gunners, because 1 missile can kill 20 ships from the pilot, so the crews time is better spent doing things that are actually productive like... flux management/engineering/boarders/killing a damn CS so the mission is over faster. lol have a person just literally afk on a gunner turret just for that 1 kill they might get or whatever when you are running a void hole railjack means nothing, its a literal waste of a player.

  13. without constant content, what are the players at the top end to do, and if there is no new content why would new players come along. Constant new content allows for the retention of players and attraction of new ones, wanting to see the new features.


    Otherwise players like myself would of stopped after about a month. to max the old [U4+ CBT] content. but here i am now some 8 years on, still playing because I obviously have a problem lol, and im trying to drag out intrinsics instead of instantly maxing them.

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