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Posts posted by Steeldragonz

  1. i dont plan on selling any of them, or mods if i can help it. I will Sell ability mods i dont need, but thats it. This new system doesnt encourage you to sell anything other then abiltiies because of the sheer volume of cards you need.

  2. Streamline's bonus is miserable compared to flow.

    For example, with 30% streamline you can just do one uber skill (70 points) and one minor (18-20 points), with flow you can do uber skill twice and you still have 50 energy.

    It do raises the efficiency of energy siphon, but otherwise is not very useful.

    very true, but a streamline lets a basic banshee, nyx[3 chaos], saryn ult twice, etc... and only need 1 mob in that collective kill zone to drop a nergy to be able to do it again. So unless you are the unluckist person around you can still spam the hell out of any skill you want.. or atleast i could. I have a Flow [rank 2 anymore is overkill on power usage in my builds] that im actively using right now and honestly theres been no change to the way i play other then i always have power now instead of 95% of the time to use any skill i want....

  3. tbh you dont NEED a flow mod if you get a ton of streamlines instead [which are way easier to get] 30% streamline and knowning how to play still means you can spam any skill you want.... also i got 1 flow mod yesterday [first for me] i will check how many kills its take postU7 when i can login.

  4. lol, this is why i only have Chaos on my Nyx, the only reason ever to have mind control in a squad situation is for distrupting atttacks, And people will never change because this is a game that rewards killing everything... so everything trhat possibly can be killed will be killed. Saying that though, i have over 7 million xp on my Nyx

  5. maybe some level/rank balance would help

    like: ''person 3 you are too high rank for the current players, you are being kicked

    kicked out of mission reason: '' you were kicked to prevent 'rushing'/level balance''

    i also keep up. and keep a pace with the rest of the players. there is power in numbers

    problem with this is that just because im rank 9 profile player, doesnt mean im using a rank 30 warframe, something new might of just come out and im trying to level it up. so thats rank 9 profile player will be in a rank 0 warframe.... so again this just causes problems with the fact that it can't be kept from being abused. in one way or another.

  6. I personally think that players who make it to the finish before everyone else and are more than 2 rooms away from the rest of their team should have their payout removed and shouldn't get any bonus credit for the mission. It would discourage them to rush and help encourage teamwork.

    Oddly enough, its just the opposite, which is crap.

    this just encourages trolling via being slow.

  7. as much as i like all the hotfixes the fact that due to the fusion price mess some of us lost millions of credits, still really &!$$es me off. Because all i feel like im doing is trying to grind credits over and over right now, not mods, not precepts, not trying to rank weapons or sentinels up... just grind more goddamn credits to replace what i lost. and its starting to get old because grinding for money isnt a goal that feels "fun"

  8. im asking for this for one simple reason, im bored and i would like a set of weapons.. 90% of the time im currently using lato/Braton Vandal setups + Fangs/or Gram. So why not give us a Skana Vandal please, so even with no "set" bonus [which is something you should look into as additional content] some of us can feel we are carrying a set of weapons [it its not useless]

    edit: dual skana vandal too

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