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Posts posted by ZiLei

  1. 2 minutes ago, bubbabenali said:

    If it's amor stripping and crits you want, I recommend the Prisma Grakata.

    But honestly you should go with 4xCP anyways.

    Actually Damage test that i done above was with headshots... so + more bullet count if you talking about missing shots + body shots.

    Also when you run with random sometime... you can't really have that nice 4xCP  24/7

    Also i am going to up your post to ruin your 1,337 :angry:

  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

    Depends but here is my Shotgun build and it's currently not maxed out. Because i don't feel the need to spend 15k Endo to make it stronger currently. Eventually will but it is strong enough to handle anything i do in Warframe.




    Yeah my tigiris can pretty much delete anything in the game period. The whole point of this post is for me to see where does rifle stand in this game. Is rifle meant for only low and mid tier enemies? Are shot gun, bow, blast, and melee type weapon the only ones viable for high end endless mission or sorties? Just asking for other play's feed back. So far all I got is armor are OP, also crit Rifles and rifles in genenral do not excel in sorties. Status > Crit. Maybe DE should make head part of enemy have no armor? So rifle can kill more enemies?

  3. 13 minutes ago, --Nef-Anyo-- said:

    The problem with the game is people look at weapons differently depending on what level enemy they are fighting. I suspect 99% of the player base fight up to sortie level and thats about it and even then its only a small percentage of game time compared to the star chart levels. Also you need to take into consideration are people running with 4cp/buffs and correct elements with said weapon. For example I was in a public game some time ago and the guy was saying how OP his pistol was against a bombard as he died with one shot.  The problem is he was only level 30 odd ;-) 

    So you are saying Rifles and shot guns are at good place? Actually my Secondary weapon like Lex Prime does a lot better than Some Prime...Is there a Good Rifle for high end missions?

  4. Is Soma Prime OP?

    I would like to know all of your opinions.

    Before the Riven mod got nerfed for Soma today. I did some damage test yesterday.

    My Soma P stats (before Riven change):


    It roughly takes around 40~60 bullet to kill a level 100 Eximus Elite Lancer. So that means in a mission I have to unload all 1000 bullet killing only roughly 16~20 of these enemies. Which is a possible situation at the Last level of Sortie daily with Eximus Strong hold. Also I have to calculate The amount time unloading the bullets and reloading. So in conclusion Soma Prime DPS is not that great even with Riven Mod "Buff". While Shotgun like Hek and Tigiris can still 1 shot and have very nice ammo efficiency. So my question for you all! Is THIS suppose to be the difference between rifle and shotgun? is Soma Prime as OP as [DE] Steve presume it to be? Should Soma Riven mod stay as Faint or buff to Neutral? Maybe I am modding it wrong? Maybe rifle not meant to be late game? I would love to hear all your opinion and thoughts! Thank you for reading!

  5. 9LWtnj2.png

    1. Slapped on Bleeding Dragon Key

    2. Slapped Mod on to Rifle

    3. Slapped Body Count + Drifting Contact on my melee weapon

    4. Enter Akkad 

    5. Slapped the living **** out of infested and got the 135+ Combo for the 3x for more than 30 seconds

    DID NOT WORK! Please help!

  6. 14 hours ago, MXultra said:

    Honestly, it was Damage 2.0 and a number of other changes that gradually killed it for me. I was hoping fresh enemies an environments would rekindle my interest.

    Probably bugged for you then? I only had to do scanning, principe, and new enemies that I haven't kill when I came back? Or maybe I just play the game and complete majority of them without noticing. Anyway just go back to your hiatus until Warframe "fix" this... if they ever will.

  7. 2 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    cause it's a new update and they just want to play it.

    They dont want to load up the game and have to run a bunch of stuff over and over.

    This stuff was completed on their own time before.

    Actually the stuff they complete before would be count as completed already... The only reason it's asking you to do them because they have not done them at all. 

    These guys are just saying if they have the planet unlock they should progress the story... which makes your argument invalid

  8. 1 minute ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    there's not reason to complete them for vets. They provide nothing to most people.

    They dont want to do it because they have  completed those requirements endless times but because of the new system they have to do them again.

    If they complete it endless times... I don't see the point of infinity + 1 because it's still infinity... so just do it?

  9. 5 minutes ago, MXultra said:

    I already cleared everything before that stuff was being tracked. I joined in U7, I'm MR 22. This is like putting a professor through summer school.

    A lot of you just see this as a personal complaint, but I really mean it as constructive criticism. We've already heard of players wanting to get back in, but being turned off by the requirements and quitting. I liked WF enough to waste my time on the forums trying to help them out, knowing full well that I'm going to get **** from noobs.

    My hope is that 10 minutes wasted on the forums will save me a few hours wasted in WF. But that 10 minutes is up, so I officially quit Warframe until the restrictions are lifted.

    You are someone who has accomplished as much as you say you did... it really saddens me how easily you give up on Warframe.

  10. 3 minutes ago, ..-Hayden-Tenno-.. said:

    u dont need to spam your abilities to be able to do all those things... if u can disable the whole map 24/7 there is just nothing that fights back.... dont u think thats a little boring?

    do u want to fight this?

      Hide contents


    or this?

      Hide contents



    very constructive mate... im proud^^

    Well better than me on the floor 24/7 :)

  11. So Zenruik is good for enemy scaling than... energy pizza + skill spam = rip high rank enemy.

    I mean in all honesty I enjoy spamming skills while doing melee and gun gameplay.. or else this game would be the same as any other FPS.  We got 4 skills per warframe! Spam 4 lyfe!

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