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Posts posted by Gruzelda

  1.  Like Navigator without any efficiency mods?


    And regardless, I think Prowl is fine the way it is. It kinda makes sense, I mean, it is called "Prowl" There is no timer, and it's limited by energy drain. Might as well have a few things that just turn it off. Jumping, Double Jumping, Rolling, and using ziplines keep you in Prowl, while bullet jumping, sliding, or sprinting take you out of it, and if you're invisible and take damage, your energy just gets DROPPED. 


    Personally I think it's fine, but, to each their own.


    I'm fine with not being able to stay in prowl while using parkour, I just want it to automatically re-cast when I'm done with that action.

  2. Ivara's Prowl is a pretty good stealth skill, being a constant energy drain rather than a set duration like Loki. Firing a loud weapon will break Prowl temporarily, and when you stop firing, your cloak resumes. 


    It's not the same for parkour, however. Every parkour move besides rolling cancels the skill entirely, forcing you to stop and recast it. I'd like it if parkour merely interrupted the invisibility, like firing a loud weapon does. If you start sprinting, your cloak drops until you stop sprinting, and the same with the other parkour moves.

  3. If you act like a child, you are a child, and should be treated appropriately, the physical age of the body is of little consequence.  

    These little leeches should of been put down a long time ago.   Stalker....sign me up...this needs to end. 


    They are being treated like children, hence Mommy Lotus. They just so happen to be super powered, nigh-immortal, at-least-several-decades-old children.

  4. Not saying it's bad, I actually like the idea too myself. It'd open up a lot of possibilities BUT, with that probably will come exclusives mods for the bow cause omg it's a new system so new mods...THEN comes the, "Omg it takes too long to farm this/that spoon feed me mods plz ty" OR, "Omg I gotta use my rifle mods with the bow but my regular rifle has that mod too and I only have 1 serration so Im mad that I have to rank up a 2nd serration yak yak yak." You get what Im sayin hopefully...


    Or they can just not have the same system as with sentinels, which requires different mods for both. If they did allow you to mod Artemis separately, I'd hope they'd let us re-use mods already on our primaries. 

  5. Which is the best for bad situations


    Mini boss/stalker surprise attack


    Against the Stalker, it would be Rhino for his tankiness. The Stalker cancels all abilities you cast, so you wouldn't be able to heal or iron skin around him, leaving the stats of the frame and the weapons you have as your only defenses.

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