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Posts posted by ReinAxefury

  1. Yesterday i tried to do an infested excavation Arbitration as Limbo, and discovered that excavators started to take damage even while i put it on cataclysm with stasis, after multiple tests i went to Hieracon (infested excavation) just to be sure and i can confirm 100% sure that Mutalist Osprey Carriers are dealing damage to the excavators ignoring the rift (but only to the excavators).

  2. What you experienced in the video, is a really old bug. When enemies enter the rift, there is a fraction of a second between them entering and being affected by stasis, if they enter the rift while attacking they sometimes manage to land some hits. On your video you can see you get hit from behind by a Scorch entering cataclysm while attacking.

    Edit: After more testing, there is something weird with Scorchs. Im not 100% sure if stasis behaves weird with the flames before they where on stasis or if Scorchs are actually managing to attack on stasis.

  3. A few hotfixes ago (not sure when exactly), this 2 Captura scenes got hinted, implying they can be obtained. Now, in the case of Deck 12, i've looked everywhere for a hint saying anything about it, and nothing i could find. Regarding the Ventkids Clubhouse, im maxed with them and the scene is just not there as it is prompted when reading the scenes description.




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  4. I agree with this post, i've been testing the Mecha set for a while, and sometimes the Kubrow will mark enemies really far or even hidding, making it a waste, and the worst part, is that marked enemies show the mark even when the effect is gone.

    Imo, to make the set more consistent, im fine with the cooldown, but instead i would remove the duration on the mark and make it so the closest enemy to the player is always the priority marked. Aside from this, some kind of Waypoint/Link or anything more than just an icon over an enemies head would be welcome. I have a Kubrow with blue energy, and sometimes i can't see the mark.

  5. We don't need every single warframe to be a "press 4 to kill the map". Loki has not aged because CC is not good, but because the game has been dumbed down as a result of power creep and lack of challenge, as most of the time people don't play missions to a point where that would matter to them. For those comparing Loki with Ivara and Octavia... Ivara and Octavia are broken OP and shouldn't be a comparison to anything but an example of what should be nerfed or at least not buffed, like the highest point a frame could go. We don't need more Ivaras and Octavias, if people want them, with those 2 is fine already.


    What is it that Loki can't do that he would require a rework? Nothing. If you thought about something, there you go, something you need to figure out (and im not doing your homework). "But he's outclassed by..." if there is any frame that's not outclassed by anyone, it should be nerfed. "But he doesn't outclass anyone" false, he is top tier CC/Stealth. "I don't need CC, i want damage!" play other frame. "But i want to play Loki and deal damage!" You can... "Why im pressing 4 and enemies are not dying?" Weapons. Use them. "But..." i said Im not doing your homework.

  6. You know you can recharge operators energy right? Dashing on enemies and using energy pizzas. If that wasn't the case and you have evidence, send a ticket to support desk, making a post doesn't do anything.

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

    Thanks a lot !! Its a lot mot clear now.

    I ran your calculations today and thanks it feels really great to know what my builds are capable of !

    So now when I want to know my EHP when I have damage reduction buffs I multiply my health by the total damage reduction buff ?

    Like :

    950×98,4375 = 93,515 EHP right ?

    thanks again

    EHP = (shield + (health * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers )

    Remember that armor only affects health and other damage reductions affect shields and health.

    In the case you mentioned, if the frame has no shields it would be:

    ( (0 + ( 950* armor multiplier)  ) *  98,4375)

    And Armor Multiplier = 1/(1-(Armor/Armor+300))

    So it depends on how much armor you have.


    To stay on topic, for Inaros this formula is much easier, since he doesn't have any innate damage reduction apart from armor, lets look at this build as an example:



    Following the formula it would be:

    Armor = 585 + 200 + 1200 (base+scarab swarm+arcane guardian)

    Armor Multiplier = 1/(1-(1985/2285)) = 7,6166666666666666666666666666667

    EHP = 0 + (7425 * 7,6166666666666666666666666666667) )  = 56553,75

    Therefore Inaros EHP is in a decent spot in comparison to other frames.

    Personally i use a build with a bit less of EHP but more utility:





  8. 5 hours ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

    Man, I have to say, it's very kind to take the time to deliver a proper explanation, thank you !

    I guess I was wrong from the beginning but now I think I get it. It seems very simple, I'll try to do your maths on my frames/builds today.

    I have one last question, please.

    How do you calculate the total damage reduction when multiple damage reduction buffs stack on top of each other ?

    Like your example : if 2 trinitys are in a session, both will use benediction, how do you calcul the damage reduction from their respective links, plus the one from the 2 benedictions ?

    It would be like : 75% + 90% + 90% = ?

    Damage Reduction skills are multiplicative, considering Blessing Gives 75% damage reduction, Link gives another 75% and other blessing would be another 75%, that would be:

    Damage*0.75*0.75*0.75 or (damage/1)*(1/4)*(1/4)*(1/4) = (damage/64), so that would be (100 - (100/64))% damage reduction = 98.4375%


    Lets make it easier, Gara, Nekros, Nezha and Nidus have buffs that can give them 90% damage reduction, Gara and Nezha can give each other their buffs. So that would mean:

    Damage*0.1*0.1 or (damage/1)*(1/10)*(1/10) = (damage/100) so that would be (100-(100/100))% damage reduction = 99%


    What would happen to each trinity with a Gara and Nezha on the team and an ancient healer specter?

    Damage * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.75 * 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1  or (Damage/1) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/4) * (1/10) * (1/10) * (1/10) = (Damage/64000) so.. (100 - (100/64000)) = 99.9984375% damage reduction, or you recieve (100/64000) % of the damage = 0.0015625% before applying damage type modifiers (armor vs elements and armor reduction).


    I hope this makes it more clear.

  9. 3 hours ago, Thanzilla said:

    I guess that means that Inaros falls behind in tankiness as well if we compare him to other frames. All the more reason for DE to take a second look at hit kit.

    I wouldn't say he's in a bad spot either, with the 3 umbral mods on a regular build and 2 arcane guardians you reach 7.61~ armor multiplier which on the past people would be attracted to use with more health mods so you could reach around 56k~65k (with primed vigor+gladiator resolve), now you can swap that extra health for Adaptation and he has base 49k + adaptation, which is already insanely strong, and while he is not the greatest tank for endgame, he makes trivial most content before that. Now, if DE wanted to give Inaros something to be even more tankier, it would require buffing his armor to high numbers or adding damage reduction buffs, but even now, you already could reach those on a team. If there was anything Inaros could get to make him tankier, i'd say it should require enemies to hit him harder, like "the harder he gets hit, more resistant he gets", that way it would scale decently and also woudldn't be broken in lower levels.

    Edit: fixed numbers, i forgot to take scarab swarm into account.

  10. 1) Defense Operative health got reduced to 8k

    2) My Ancient Healer specter reduced my damage to enemies. It didn't took the procs for them, but still very annoying.

    I took a screenshot, just to be clear the damage on those enemies is way lower than what i usually do. I noticed that enemies far away took full damage, so the only real explanation is those who got closer to the ancient where being protected, this happened after the host migration as before everything was fine.




  11. 1 minute ago, Yggdrazzil said:

    I haven't. If the logs are readily available, it shouldn't be an insanely monumental task for DE to provide us that info in game. I am paranoid to the extreme to using third party software on games like these.

    Don't worry about that one, it just reads a text file to extract the parts you are looking for ("was killed by" sections and such). It doesn't change anything, and also it's just a log file, which doesn't really affect anything. If still paranoid, copy the Log file and use the site to read the copy.

  12. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

    Wait then I guess i didn't know how to calculate EHP because i never did that kind of math. Can you explain please ?

    Sure, simply put your Effective Health Points are how much your health is worth.

    For example, imagine 2 frames

    Frame A:

    100 Shield

    300 Health

    300 Armor

    90% damage reduction buff

    Frame B:

    300 Shields

    700 Health

    900 Armor

    At first look, frame B looks more resistant than A since his armor looks really high.


    Damage Reduction formula from Armor (its on the wikia, it uses other formulas but the results are the same, also something i don't like about how it's explained on the wikia is how it neglects shields, which can be quite strong with proper stacks of damage reductions)

    Armor/(Armor+300) = total mitigation


    Armor Multiplier ( how many times your health is worth in comparison to having no armor aka: Armor Multiplier)



    Frame A :

    300/600 = 0.5 (50% damage reduction)


    1/(1-(300/600)) = 2

    Also, consider that shields are not affected by armor, so its fair to say that EHP = (shield + (health * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers )

    EHP from Frame A = (100 + (300*2)) * 10 = 7000

    EHP from Frame B = (300+(700*4)) * 1 = 3100


    But what if i use Quick Thinking?

    EHP = (shield + ((health + (Current Energy * 2.4) ) * armor multiplier) ) * (1 * Damage Reduction Multipliers ) 

    2.4 = 240% efficiency, so if using QT+Gladiator Finesse it would be 3 instead or 0.6 if using only Gladiator Finesse.


    There is also the factor of elements and how they affect armor and stuff but that's something that varies too much to take it into account . If you want to think about what could be one of the most resistant teams (just for fun), think about 2 trinitys, 1 gara and 1 Nezha, as Blessing stacks, and Nezha and Gara have 90% damage reduction buffs they can give to the team.

    Also, a good example of a damage reduction buff you can get regardless of which frame you pick is using an ancient healer specter (90% damage reduction and he takes procs for you as long as you stay close to him), which means you can make any frame 10 times more resistant and immune to procs (works for defenses, interceptions, etc).


    About Damage Reductions and real Scenarios:

    I just came out of a defense arbitration mission 30 waves, i used trinity with Adaptation+link+blessing and redirection+ancient healer. I face tanked last wave alone (team went with squishy frames, they got reckless and died one by one), enemies around lvl120~130 grineer, my health bar never took damage directly as my shield was too strong for them.


  13. 4 hours ago, (PS4)les2zamours said:

    I know what EHP is and im telling you that he has over 50k with an umbral build which is unmatched atm, but i could have missed a warframe that does better than him actually.

    Ok, see this build i put on a spoiler.




    Shields: 300

    Health: 850

    Armor: 1496  (296 Base + 1200 from arcane guardians)

    Another Factor: Splinter Storm (90% damage reduction = 10 times)

    Math Time:

    Health Multiplier from armor= 1/(1-(1496/1796))= 5.98666~

    Health EHP after factoring armor: Health * Armor Multiplier=5088,66~

    Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 5388,66

    Total EHP after Splinter Storm = 53886,66~

    (if you want to add Adaptation, think its 10 times that value).


    Now look at this one:





    Shields: 150

    Health: 925

    Armor: 2725 (175 base + 1200 arcane guardian + 1350 Health Convertion)

    Other Modifier: Warding Halo (90% damage reduction)

    Math Time:

    Health Multiplier  from Armor:  10.083~

    Health EHP after factoring armor: 9327,083~

    Total EHP from Health, Armor and Shields = 9477,083~

    Total EHP after Warding Halo= 94770,83~

    (As the case with Gara, i didn't add the multiplier form adaptation)


    Ill leave it here, but other good examples are Nekros and Trinity (trinity with blessing and link has x16 multiplier so... take a guess on who is the real unmatched)



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