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Posts posted by ReinAxefury

  1. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    People shouldnt be forced to work around another frames CC ability. It’s the exact reason people hated Limbo so much. Because his stasis forced team mates to switch to melee weapons even if they didn’t want to.

    Limbo thing is just a hate wagon i never cared about considering other frames can be equally annoying (not gonna give ideas), it's just people being uncreative trolls. Back to Khora, if enemies aren't getting killed when in Strangledome then the player using Khora is doing something wrong, be it position of the skill, a bad build or whatever, it's the same thing as a frost putting a snowglobe in a corridor between you and the enemies so you can't shoot at them, that's not problem with the skill but the player.


    1 hour ago, Peter said:

    1. Or take a nuker and kill the entire map with one skill.

    2 and 3. Only Khora can deal damage with the Strangledome because of the mechanics behind the whip, unless your team is equipped with area damage weapons like Lenz (which I like to use in Khora).

    And to this day I do not understand why Kavat is a skill, it is completely useless, perfect to be a passive only...

    (I'm not saying it's bad, but the strangledome can both mess up and help.)

    1. Khora on low levels kills big areas already using strangledome (as i said), and on higher levels where enemies are not going to get killed with 1 skill, Strangledome gets another different role anyway as a CC/debuff. Yes, there are some frames that fit better the nuker role, but that doesn't mean Khora does it bad anyway, ill even dare to say she's actually in a decent spot doing that, not top 3, but still decent. And even when she's not, she actually gets more into a role close to a Nova, so why pick khora over nova? you don't (unless fun reasons), but you can pick both in a team and stack even more damage 😆

    2 and 3 is exactly what i said, but skills work too, for example Equinox's Maim, Saryn's Misma, Volt's Discharge. Weapons that require low to non aiming like Amprex and Ignis works well too. So we agree, Strangledome is one of those skills that depends on how the player uses it.


    About Venari, the way it works it's a leftover from the old desing that never saw the light considering IPS rework never happened and was dumbed down because it originally had too much micromanagement, lets see what happens with pets 2.0, but at least what i do for now is just make it into heal mode and just stay there without moving or plainly follow me depending on mission type.

  2. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    She’s not the best, but she gets the job done. Just never use her 4. Waste of energy and super inconvenient for your teammates.

    I disagree with this almost entirely.

    1. If you go against low level enemies, it kills them even before getting grabbed. (works for hydron btw).
    2. On high level missions it provides not only CC, enemies grabbed by Strangledome receive double damage from all sources+become targets from enemies outside. So If you go past the point of one-shotting enemies, it becomes a debuff and protection for allies at the same time.
    3. If you are going to a point where you can't kill the enemies inside your own Strangledome (lvl200+?) i highly doubt most people will go there with pubs, in which case if people know what they are doing, they are going to bring a setup to work with Strangledome (AoE weapons and skills work great with it). Considering is not totally imposible that a team of pubs get past lvl200+ is the only reason why i disagree almost entirely and not totaly.
  3. Sometimes i use inaros with 2 maxed arcane graces, to put it simply: you can just stare at enemies up to lvl100 or something and they can't do nothing to you. Instead of doing damage to you, they heal you. So yeah, Arcane Grace is strong.


    I've tested it with Nidus (with both sets), and results are good, but Nidus can just keep re-stacking virulence anyway so is not like he needs it that much really.

  4. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

    Grustrag are heros against the hordes of bloodthirsty mercs infesting the system. :cool:

    Well, not exactly. The grustrag actually have some weird mutation, which makes them bloodthirsty, to the point they killed their comrades (they killed a whole batallion from sargas ruk, from which they used to be part btw). They are hostile to everyone, even other grineer, to avoid them from killing more grineer, Dr. Tengus made the "Grustrag Bolt" which makes them deal less damage to the grineer and when they defeat you they implant that same "Grustrag Bolt" in you. Now they are more like beasts that Vay Hek use to deal with the tenno.

  5. 1 hour ago, ShinTechG said:

    Why not make it so that the damage that the lasers do are based on the Warframe's energy color??

    Nice joke, there's people asking for this to not be a thing all the time for frames that already use this (like chroma) and you want Revenant to be one more of them? no ty.

  6. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

    Hmm, I am unaware of this, perhaps that update hasn't hit Xbox yet, cause I haven't ran into this issue.

    It's been like that for a long time really. Sometimes you can just do what you want on a capture mission avoiding to be detected by the capture target, and when you are done, just capture the target and leave, other times you can just do the mission really quick but at the moment of capturing him it becomes an exterminate anyway. The way i see it's totally random really.

  7. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Shodian said:

    Are you hanging around the mission for too long after capturing the target? If so they did that on purpose to prevent capture missions from turning into endless missions.

    Except sometimes it happens at the instant of capturing the target. I would understand if there was a timer after being detected by the capture target and if the timer runs out it becomes an exterminate, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

  8. Ok, so for another test i went this time to the Simulacrum.

    First i just spammed Strangledome many times and nothing happened. So the problem wasn't the skill itself.

    But then, i spawned 20 lvl155 Drudge Scrappers, since those are melee units with high armor it made easier to test Strangledome on them. After several Strangledome casts, the Fans of my PC started to sound really loud (so i guess my GPU temperatures where quite high at that moment), and after many more casts, my fps started to drop, specially if i watched enemies hanging, so i think it has something to do with that. Then, i purposely killed miself, and my fps went back to normal.

  9. After some testing as you can see in this video (watch the last 5 minutes), it's clear that Strangledome leaves something behind (like something invisible, but still using gpu), and the constant stacking of it is making high gpu usage, it's clear because as you can see, when im leaving the mission (when i die), my FPS starts to go back to 60.


  10. 56 minutes ago, Lancars said:

    That and you can command it. Don't have to hope it attacks the enemy you want it to attack.

    I totally agree on this. I think Pets should have a way to be commanded and not rely on a mod and procs for doing so, a key to make your pet attack or stay would be cool. I would change Hunter Command into something more helpful, like a Hunter Munitions for pets with a higher proc chance.

    A button for commanding pets, i imagine it working like this:

    • Press aiming at an enemy and the pet will attack the selected enemy, if the enemy dies the pet will just go and do his thing fighting enemies. (Attack Mode)
    • Press without an enemy being pointed and the pet will go back to you and only attack if you get attacked. (Defensive Mode)
    • Hold to make the pet just follow you around and do no-attack skills. (Passive Mode)
      • On this mode you can "press X" when next to the pet, like a Specter to hold position. Would be really helpful on high lvl missions to prevent your pet from commiting suicide.
      • Pressing the Button again will change the pet into Attack or Defensive mode, overriding Hold Position. This would be helpful to make your pet follow you again if it's on hold position and you can't or don't want to go back.
  11. So, i made a video of me playing Khora on Selkie, Sedna and i wanted to share it with all of you for 3 reasons:

    1. I enjoy playing Khora, and i wanted to show how i play and build her (builds at the end of the video if someone is interested in those).
    2. I see quite often people trash-talking about Khora's skillset, which i agree does have some issues and could be improved, but it isn't as bad as people make it look (Specially Whipclaw).
    3. Strangledome has some issues, and im not talking about mechanics, the more i keep using it in a mission, my FPS starts to go lower, at some point is unbearable, on the video you can see me go from 60 fps to 40 and even less at some point (by testing in some missions i've even gone to less than 20fps at some points), just to make it clear, this doesn't happen to me with any other skill in the game (the video was recorded just after a clean install of windows btw), also i know it's strangledome because the first hour of the mission i didn't use it even once, then when i got to the last part of the video, after constant castings i got my fps lowered, if someone else has experienced this or knows how to fix it i made a thread in the bug section and would love if DE paid attention to it so it gets fixed because it's one of the main reasons i just can't go further on a mission with her.


    Here's the video, it starts at the second half of the run, the first hour was me pressing 1 and everything dying so it was rather pointless to record.



  12. I'd say the slot where you have Chilling Grasp is your wildcard, depending on where and how you are going to use the weapon you could put there punch through+reload (seeking fury) (forgot the innate punch trough oops), vigilante armaments for more pellets or even a mutation mod if you are using a pet instead of a sentinel for any reason, blaze also is good or sweeping serration if you want more slash procs (doesn't increase slash proc damage, just the % for procs to be slash).


    Edit: If you use it with Harrow, you could put Primed Ravage.

  13. 2 minutes ago, mmmjuice said:

    dang, so hunter munitions only good with something that shoots fast or spits out lots of pellets at once?

    Not exactly, 30% chance means you need many shots to give one proc for a single enemy. The good thing is the lenz is made to hit many enemies at a time, so it works, but is not that consistent. I use it and i have no issues doing that, but depends on where and how are you planning to use the weapon.

  14. Since Khora was released, i've had performance issues with Strangledome, using it a few times doesn't make much of a difference, but when used constantly with enemies hanging from the chains starts to slowly make my GPU struggle, at 30~40 minutes i start to have really bad FPS and this only solves if i leave the mission. I've played with Khora many times, and this only happens using Strangledome, using only whipclaw i have 0 issues. I have a Nvidia GTX650, i run the game with some settings on low but apart from that game runs fine for me.

  15. 1 hour ago, --Q--uiescence said:


    I think it should be the opposite, those quests should be replayable. In the case of quests like Sands of Inaros you should be able to just restart it without buying it again. Also, in some cases even if you can't replay the quest by yourself, you can join someone else doing it, just so you know. Not sure if it works with last part of the Inaros quest anyway.

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