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Posts posted by DiamondLlama

  1. Hi!

    During Vox Solaris quest you have to locate 4 bodies within a time limit.

    I found the last body with seconds to spare, and when the UI updated to "Hack the Gate" it continued the countdown while Biz and Eudico had their dialogue.

    Before the timer could finish (I thought I had 12 seconds to find the gate), and BEFORE Eudico finished her dialogue, I had hacked the gate using ciphers.

    The beams remained up and I could not access the terminal again. A screenshot is available on request. So it seems hacking the gate before the dialogue finishes 'breaks' the chain.

    I tried leaving the immediate area, equipping my archwing and fighting in another area for about 5 minutes, then returned to the gate. I was still unable to access the gate, at which point I aborted the mission and exited the game.

    Hope this is helpful!

  2. On 2018-09-09 at 11:22 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    the debts accrued by the people of Fortuna are from their own doing, not ours. we just steal credits directly from the Index funds. the people of Fortuna either remain poor, or become so indebted to the Corpus they have to work themselves literally to death to pay it off. the people of Fortuna have been working tirelessly since before the Index was even a thing, and are still working now, so i don't think it's possible for us to make the situation worse for them (aside from aggravating the Corpus with our attempts to help them. you all know how it goes: dictators strike back against rebels by punishing the people the rebels are trying to protect, in the hopes that the people turn against the rebels. classic anti-revolutionary tactic.)

    I agree with this.

    Since the moment I watched that Fortuna trailer I've been struck by the idea that all DE have done is birth the reality of working in the 21st century into a video game.

    Don't we all work, all day to pay debt and start it all over again?

    It's a perverse, cynical and beautifully poignant take on the reality of living in our century.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

    Ninjas don't search every locker, break every container, open every cache, and rifle all the ship's crew to rifle through their pockets.

    I spend most of my day teaching, then half my downtime writing and that is my favourite thing to read in about a year.

    10 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

    Ninjas don't resurrect their enemies just to loot their corpses again.

    No - but you must admit that is just twice the fun. Necromancy for fun AND profit. 🙂 

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