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Posts posted by Azrael

  1. 5 hours ago, UnderRevision said:
    6 hours ago, Azrael said:

    Last time I was grabbed I pressed 5 and got out of it. It's not a guaranteed death.

    Really?  How odd.  I tried doing the controller equivalent several times and it didn't work.  I'll check again next time I fight it.

    Actually, later on I tried that and it kinda worked, in the sense that I went operator and used the floor laser to force him to drop my frame. 😄

    But I've also been dropped without dying, I guess just after a set time?

  2. On 2019-03-24 at 11:22 AM, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    However to get his Sledge you need to kill him an estimated 39-40 times to get atleast 1 Wolf Sledge part to drop.

    Uh...... what? Huh? He has a 35% chance to drop a wolf sledge part IIRC. That means to get at least 1 part you need to kill him 3 times on average. To get a specific part is harder, for example the bp has a 25% chance to drop IF the wolf drops a part, so that's .35 * .25 = .0875 or an 8.7% chance to get the bp from any particular fight. On average you'll need to fight him 11.4 times to get a bp (ON AVERAGE, mind you, meaning that if you farmed the bp 1000 times and then took the average number of kills required, you'd get 11.4). So yeah, it's bad, but it's not as bad as "you need to fight him 40 times to get a single part."

  3. 11 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    I know the feeling. I posted feedback about the bad implemention of him.

    A "limited time only" enemy whos' important drops are BURIED under a S#&$load of trash drops that everyday level 1-10 enemies drop is a slap in the face to the player who take him down. It kills any desire to encounter him when he should be something we look forward to.

    So far it takes around 39-40 something kills to "supposedly" obtain his Weapon. over 175 to guarantee getting it.
    Shame he spawns RANDOMLY and only in old content that the event & gameplay is NOT on.
    Doesn't spawn in Free Roam (Orb Vallis/Plains of Eidolon), Assassination Missions, Syndicate Missions, Arena, ESO/SO, basically every mission we have challenges for.
    So basically ignore the majority of Nightwave & you might bump into him.


    His drops are not buried, he has a 100% mod drop chance and I think a 35% chance to drop a Wolf Sledge part in addition to that. His appearances will become more common as the event goes on, and I don't know who did that math for you but there's no such thing as a guarantee with any random drop.

    However I agree it's not the greatest way to farm a weapon, I think the parts should be more common than they are.

  4. 6 hours ago, Diveris said:

    What I am saying is, negativity in a public forum can cause people who observe negativity on said forum to look elsewhere. They may see a negative forum as a clue to the in-game community.

    Right, I can understand this argument. My question is: are you saying that justifies being negative about hype? Because if so, then we have negativity that justifies itself by being the problem that it is complaining about.

    But honestly, I don't think there's any reason to say that DE's hyping the game has hurt it. They're a pretty successful company and they've been hyping updates for a long time. Fortuna is really popular and I haven't seen much negativity outside of a few people in this thread. People are mostly getting hyped and looking forward to playing it. And to be fair, the forums ALWAYS have negative people being needlessly toxic about DE, that's been a thing for as long as the forums have existed. The existence of people who think that hyping the game is "disgusting" is no reason to avoid hyping the game, as far as I can tell.

  5. On 2018-11-07 at 10:03 AM, Diveris said:

    And you see the negativity it is bringing out in some players.. That also hurts the game. Some people cruise a games forums to check out the community before playing.

    I just want to point out how strange it is to say "I'm being negative about this hype because it makes people like me get negative about this hype." You weren't being negative, I'm not saying that, but some are and it's weird to think that this might be a justification for it. You're essentially saying "I understand why they are being negative because the hype can cause negativity which can hurt the game."

  6. 2 hours ago, KlampFer said:

    But ther's a limit. You can post evert single hour something new. Tease on tease, hype on hype. There is a limit. And i don't say

    The limit is when it starts to hurt the game. I see no evidence that is the case. And either way, it doesn't warrant using the word "disgusting" to describe it.

  7. You guys keep talking about complaining making the game better, but how are you going to make the game better by telling DE not to hype their own game? NOT hyping it will result in lower player counts. They've worked hard on this for a long time, and all anybody has to say is "stop hyping it, that's disgusting" and "I hope they reworked a bunch of unrelated stuff as well." PoE saw a lot of tweaks after it was released, and that was pretty successful. They're trying to make fortuna even more successful than PoE was, so of course they are hyping it.

    Of course a paying customer has the right to give their opinion, but if your goal is to make the game better, you might want those opinions to actually be constructive. Saying "I hope there are high-level areas" or "please make the next version of eidolon fights work differently than on PoE" is constructive feedback. Saying "it's disgusting that you are hyping your own game" is not.

  8. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    wait till you start needing Nyth and Sentirum. I hope you took advantage of Plague Star, because I sure as hell am if it means not looking for those damn Eidolon gems!

    Pyrol can be a pain to farm sometimes, but you just gotta keep at it. Advanced Cutter helps locate Ores so you can reach them faster.

    This. Nyth/Sentirum is a horrible grind and far worse than pyrol. The advanced cutter is awesome and helps a lot, I highly recommend it. In fact I'd say you should skip the focused one and use that standing to help rank up so you can get the advanced one. It's kind of a waste of standing unless you're not gonna rank up again any time soon.

  9. Just now, Genji said:

    Nope, no ground pound. No type of CC whatsoever.


    11 minutes ago, zornyan said:

    Corrupted lancer is 10x stronger than the bombard (who offers no CC btw)

    Weird. I have no idea. If they're going to keep the bp non-reusable then it should get a massive buff, if I'm gonna pay 100 ducats every time I build some.

  10. 6 minutes ago, zornyan said:

    this only provides the regular bombard, that offers no CC,

    Doesn't he do his ground pound? I don't actually know because they're so expensive I won't use them. Anyway I assumed you could beef him up with a healer, just like with the corrupted lancer. Is that not enough?

  11. 25 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    I'm not supposed to make a judgement on a frame based on marketing materials?

    "Marketing materials" you mean a years-old flavor text? It's, like, one line of text. It's not like DE is releasing videos where they describe him as an alternative to gunplay and advertise the game based on that. This is hyperbole.


    27 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    These changes came out a year and a half after the last real change to Volt. They are small, do very little, and completely ignore all of the feedback

    They do not ignore all of the feedback, they are in response to feedback. They just ignored your favorite feedback, or don't implement it, and you call this ignoring all feedback because you're upset.


    28 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    They felt Oberon's initial rework was "ok" despite his 1 being unable to kill a lv 1 heavy gunner.

    Wait, are you criticizing DE for a thing that they changed in response to feedback, in a thread where you claim they ignore all feedback? Make up your mind! Oberon is in a really great place now, I love what they did with him and play him all the time. In fact this entire paragraph is filled with inaccuracies and opinions which you state as fact. For example, I personally take my Lato to sorties all the time, it works fine. Same goes for my MK1-Braton, MK1-Kunai, and MK1-Paris, all of which I've forma'd up and acquired rivens for. Not every weapon has to be top-tier, but rivens make bad weapons sortie viable on a regular basis.


    54 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    New player experience was deemed to be fine for a long time until Steve actually sat down and played the first few hours of the live build.

    Once again, you state inaccurate things in order to read unnecessary cynicism into DE's actions. They had stated plenty of times that they wanted to improve the new player experience, long before Steve started streaming. What that did was give him a better idea of what the problems were, and how to fix them. It still needs improvement, but claiming that DE thought it was fine before Steve started streaming is ridiculous.


    32 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    They feel current stealth mechanics are "OK" despite the fact that even one shotting enemies will wipe the stealth bonus.

    You also have a habit of reading negative things into DE's actions without cause. The above is a great example (though not the only one), DE is aware of the issues with stealth and definitely want to change it, but they've struggled to for several reasons, not the least of which is the ongoing discussion regarding focus gains and balance. Just because they haven't managed to improve an existing system or fix a bug, doesn't mean they don't want to, don't care, or think it's okay. Everyone knows stealth is broken right now, in more ways than one, and as much as I hate (really, truly hate) the current system I also believe that it will be fixed. It may take longer than I'd like, and it's legitimate to criticize DE's priorities, but saying that they think it's okay is silly.

    Also don't be so quick to demand stealth changes! Right now stealth melee kills can get a x10 multiplier, which is further multiplied by 1.23 (aggregate, since melee kills send 50% to the weapon) if you use naramon. Who's to say that the reworked system will allow a x12.3 affinity multiplier that can be obtained by spamming sleep everywhere? Personally I hope they leave stealth alone until focus gains are reworked and made more reasonable.


    38 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    Focus 1.0 and 2.0 are full of mostly useless nodes with a few overpowered ones.

    Focus 1.0 was like this, but the current system is FAR better about this. There are some nodes that are completely useless, and some that are stupidly overpowered (permanently open to finishers? who thought THAT was a good idea?). But most of the nodes are useful, or at least fun to use. I'm particularly enjoying Zenurik's CC-oriented nodes (the two Void Blast ones) and the ball lightning one, but really all of the trees have something fun and useful to offer besides their waybound passives and primary nodes. That's a big change from before, when the passives were all anyone even cared about. There are still problems, but we know those are on DE's radar and they've heard feedback (even though for some godawful reason they've decided to keep Convergence).


    Look, I think you have some points about Volt, perhaps. And there are definitely problems with the game, and I definitely take issue with DE's priorities as far as fixing certain issues goes. But it's almost impossible to focus on that when you make such extreme statements as " design team who instead implement changes that demonstrate immense laziness/ignorance of their own game and worse willfull ignorance of the players." By attacking the devs you place anyone who doesn't feel it's justified on the defensive, forcing them to defend DE instead of bringing up their own criticisms. This is why people feel like the forum's filled with "white knights," because feedback threads are filled with pointless vitriol and more reasonable people feel compelled to defend them instead of stating their own criticisms.

  12. 36 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    design team who instead implement changes that demonstrate immense laziness/ignorance of their own game and worse willfull ignorance of the players


    36 minutes ago, ADirtyMonk said:

    The current discussions -snip- were promptly ignored until DE felt the need to sell a new Volt skin.

    I'll agree there are some contradictions in his kit, and I'm not a Volt main so I can't really comment too much. But I know that many people really like Volt, and in particular his shield and Discharge abilities are useful in many situations. It's okay if not all of his kit caters to a single specific build. But suggesting that their reluctance to implement your favorite scheme is laziness or ignorance is ridiculous and unnecessary. If the devs felt that his kit was okay and disagreed with your position, that doesn't mean they don't know anything about the game or don't care. Further suggesting that any reworks are solely so DE can sell some skins is reading excessive cynicism into a company that is consistently and significantly better about p2w and aggressive monetization than most other companies. DE is not EA, they don't act like EA, Warframe is a far cry from the cynical money-grubbing we see in Battlefront. I find it hard to take your feedback seriously or respect your position with such unnecessary hostility in it.


    Edit: Also it's frankly silly to judge his entire kit according to some years-old flavor text. If anything we should be asking for a new description.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Nakak said:

    A lot of time. Hai-Luk scolds me and beats me behind my stand if I don't bring her fish.

    You need to spend less time fishing and more time dropping your prices.

    Konzu's all like "we need to stick together in this trying time, Nakak will help you" and then I talk to you and you're like "3000 standing homie!" What gives? Don't you care about Cetus? Daddy needs his forma!

  14. On 9/19/2017 at 8:44 PM, BlackRoseAngel said:

    On top of that, bullet jumping of the kind of needed in MR8 or MR11 doesn't exist in the game. Except in one side quest that can be ignored.

    I'm honestly astonished at the number of people with no interest in learning the parkour system. Not only is it kind of important in more than just a few places, it's also one of the more fun parts of the game. This is where we get a lot of our ninja feels. If you don't care about moving fast, being mobile or agile, or keeping up, at least consider that everyone else is going to be sitting at extraction waiting for you. If you're worried about people's fun, don't ask me to sit at extraction for 5 minutes while you slowly walk from one end of the map to the other.


    On 9/22/2017 at 2:51 PM, BlackCoMerc said:

    That way, the six people on the planet who find them fun and enjoyable can still run them and get something out of it.

    Actually, I think most of the people I've talked to say that they're too easy. They want a feeling of pride and accomplishment from finishing them, and they feel like they're too easy for that. Still, I think most players are proud of their performance and glad they finished the tests. Some of them require clever thinking or parkour skills, or quick reactions, and some are just plain fun. Remember the MR 22 test? The Rathuum one? That one was just plain fun, I want more like that. I ran it several times, just trying out different builds and strategies. I ended up doing it (for the actual rank up) with unmodded mk1 weapons, which was awesome and really fun. The parkour tests can be frustrating but once you manage them you'll be better at parkour and have a real sense of accomplishment.

    One last thought: did you know that enemies have a reduced chance to hit you while you're in the air? That's right, parkour is useful in combat, in fact it's very useful in combat and in high level situations is fairly crucial. I couldn't imagine playing this game unable to bullet jump or aimglide, much less without being able to use the more advanced combos.

  15. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Was this addet in a recent patch? Cause you are indeed beein held hostage on consoles still.


    24 minutes ago, (Xbox One)scarpsUK said:

    On console you can leave squad but if you are a host it will kick other player to dash board with no rewards but definatly is not a timer.


    Ohhh, my bad guys. I that functionality was on consoles already. But at least you know DE has already started addressing the problem. Soon you should (hopefully) be able to leave squads while keeping rewards and have a timer in extraction.

  16. 6 minutes ago, PeachyPurpleNova said:

    The chances are they're not trying to freeload but rather have their own tasks in mind.

    If you enter the plains with a bounty active, the only people who will join your squad will also have that bounty active. So OP actually has a legitimate point, if people are doing public bounties but not doing the actual bounty then that's essentially afk-ing in the mission.

    However, if 2 or more of you finish the bounty and return to the gate, a timer will start. At the end of that timer everyone not in the gate will be teleported there. So one person can't hold you hostage. Also, there's an option to;leave the squad, which will place you in your own instance and allow you to leave. Nobody can lock you in your mission. The only real issue is people not contributing, which is something you can't stop so you may as well just not complain about it.

  17. 1 hour ago, Yvnn said:

    I'm complaining because it is such an arbitrary change. Why make the distances longer and less consistent when you could have kept it the same and had absolutely no complaints from me (not that my opinion matters to them) ? It's already a boring operation, why make an update claiming to have fixed the issue, when all it did was disappoint?

    It still seems like you have some underlaying complaint that you aren't saying. I don't care that DE doesn'y fix things if they never bothered me to begin with. I can move fast enough on the plains that going 1900 meters takes 15 seconds, so I'm never going to be upset about the distances whether DE was supposed to fix them or not.

    I guess the main thing is: the plains are supposed to be big. That's the whole idea. And the result of all this bigness is that mission objectives tend to be far away. It does seem worse with the Plague Star bounties than with regular bounties, but the Plague Star ones are required to start in cave so that limits things. Also keep in mind that there's a problem with bounties cycling. Instead of changing every bounty the cave and vault you use are fixed until the bounties reset.

  18. 1 minute ago, Yvnn said:

    I say "running" because I'm complaining about the distance not the actual travel time in contrast to how consistent and short they were before.

    I don't understand your complaint then. If the travel time is fine, what's wrong with the distance? Why would you complain about how far it is - which is just an arbitrary and meaningless number - if you don't mind the time it takes? The only reason to complain about it is that it becomes so boring and repetitive to run back and forth, once you can zip over there in a few seconds there's really no basis for complaining that I can see. Am I misunderstanding your complaint?

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