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Posts posted by Railgun_Alter

  1. 13 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Everything will be Primed.

    Prime all the things!!



    Lore-wise, Valkyr is difficult. I guess at least I can point out her origins and concept (for the new ones?)
    She's based on Norse mythology, so both her names, Valkyr and Gersemi, and her theme being Berserker are on point.

    • Valkyr : Form the Valkyries. Those female "angels" who chose who lived and who died in a battle. (Well, Valkyr here says everyone dies. Too bad XD)
    • Gersemi : From the Goddess of Beauty of the same name. Well, The Deluxe skin sure is pretty (IMO)
    • Berserker :From Berserkr(Berserkir = plural). Do I have to explain this one? Pretty obvious. RAGE ON YOUR BUTTS

    That said, I don't see a reason for a Valkyr Prime to have a different skillset

    As for in-game story goes....
    Gersemi Valkyr was caught by the Corpus. They experimented on her and from the results created Zanuka. This left Valkyr in trauma/constant rage, perhaps even amplifying her powers.

    Perhaps they can add a certain twist to her abilities once Primed, but all skills should remain essentially the same.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Catacomb said:

    I'm up for that, although i remember from a recent devstream, they were talking about stealing sentient arms and using them as weapons, and showed concept arts of excal having a large gun mounted on his arm+shoulder, mecha arm style. I wonder what happened to that.

    Apparently it may come with War Within.... maybe

  3. 51 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Allow me a few suggestions that I feel would turn melee into its own nuanced, deadly art form worthy of an enemy's fear and respect.

    Melee not deadly enough?

    Trinity and her Galatine would like a word with you, sir...

  4. Just now, Darkwave1098 said:

    So Molecular Prime + Teleport with tweaks + Shattershield (+damage) + Implosive Vortex?

    Have to agree with this guy, OP.

    General idea is not bad, but the skillset itself is just a pick of different frames skills that already exist. :(

  5. Chesa was really helpful for me in my early days. Disarming whole groups can be a lifesaver... specially with 5 bombards incoming... X_X

    Huras being called a "copy of Shade" hurts my doggy's feelings.
    I actually own both Shade and a Huras, and I can say that Huras is MUCH better and precise with its cloaking than Shade.
    Sentinel would soon rather just let myself be shot at than actually do its job >_< 
    Huras always has my back and gives me sweet steatlh kills :D

    That said... I feel guilty now, having left my 2 doggies in the fridge in favor of my new Adarza.....

  6. 1 minute ago, clemza said:

    It won't be the prime version at all, they said that there will be others umbra frames, it will be an umbra version wich will use a new gameplay style.

    I'll ask you though...

    Hypothetical scenario

    You're presented with the choice between Excalibur Prime and Excalibur Umbra...

    How long does it take you to shove off Prime and hug the fabulous Excal Umbra?

  7. No one here ever uses Nova for spy missions???

    I mean... Portals! (?

    3 minutes ago, wathor88 said:

    ivara is easy and quick to get

    That's.... not entirely true...
    It's easy to get yeah... if RNG is on your side.

    Also, easy is subjective here, again, because of RNG (excluding whether or not you're good at spy missions or not)

  8. 5 minutes ago, Varacal said:

    also, lets ignore the fact that a founder wants to compromise for non founders to get excal prime, but nope, just another excal prime wants thread




    On a serious note, It's not that we don't care if OP is founder or not, but I hope you'll agree that it is objectively true that DE won't do anything Founder related because

    1. Releasing anything from it would violate contract with founders and blah blah blah
    2. Even without the point above, doing so would literally incite another flame war between people who think it's fair and who think it's not

    It's simpler (and more fair?) to not do anything about it.

  9. 10 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    Having Excal Prime doesn't increase the current mastery level cap, in fact it literally never has.

    If only people could see this truth already >_<

    On topic: I don't hink DE would do a Prime Cosmetic like that available to the public. I mean, as far as I know, the only Prime cosmetic you can buy outside of PA is Eos Prime Armor, and it's whenever Baro decides to bring it. A whole skin, and at that for Excalibur?
    I mean... the idea is nice and all... but I don't see it happening.


    2 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    He never had Fashion Value. He looks like poopy

    This as well. Lato and Skana Prime? Sure, they are flashy :P

    Excalibur Prime himself? Just... no.... I'll put any other helmet on him, but please, I don't like keys on my face >_<

  10. 14 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    I would honestly just rather have Focus itself tied into abilities as one connected system, instead of adding on a new mastery point-ish thing.

    I don't see how the idea proposed is related to MR in any way.

    38 minutes ago, (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan said:

    Having a mainframe would mean something.

    This is what sells it to me, IMO

    Cool concept

  11. 2 minutes ago, svanced said:

    Whats with the need to have larger font size is what grinds me right now at "3 am"

    Specially if you're like me and use the dark theme.
    For some reason, it's also highlighted in white as well >_<

    Tone it down, aleks. Please (?

  12. It's a redundant, and therefore silly, idea. No.

    Founders get enough hate on them already, and that's just for an all-around frame and 2 weapons I'm sure 80% of the playerbase wouldn't use anyway.
    Giving them a cosmetic, while it's a nice gesture, would just make silly people be more silly and hate them more.

    EDIT: By no means I am saying Excalibur, Lato, or Skana are inferior/useless in any way. But it is a fact that not many people use those weapons and Excal is well-suited for pretty much everything

  13. 11 minutes ago, SoulOfTheHunter said:

    I didn't quite understand how the relic interacted with the void fissure. The idea of sealing it is no longer a thing as it will continually corrupt enemies and spawn more fissures for the duration of the mission? So at the end of the mission we extract and leave that node's inhabitants to be consumed by a never ending stream of corrupted enemies?

    As I understand, I think that you have to be picking up reactant (seems the drop is now kinda rare, in order for the fissure to be able to go on during the whole mission) and when you get enough (limit in stream was 10, I think) the fissure(s) are closed and Neural Sentry activity ceases.

    So I think you don't have to worry about feeling guilty over leaving planets succumb to Corruption.

    ...Unless you leave mid-mission? XD

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