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Posts posted by charaz123

  1. Yeah, the ridiculously high priced pack comes with a new weapon skin for the Dual Kama weapons and when applied they are waaaay to small.

    They don't match the ADVERTISED size in the bundle diorama at all.

    And it hasn't even been acknowledged by DE.

    oh ok. yea DE hasn't even acknowledged the bug with ivara's first and second abilities

  2. DESCRIPTION:A bug with Ivara's navigator that causes her Quiver ability to be locked to whatever arrow was currently selected at the time

    Who: Ivara




    REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

     1. Choose any arrow for her quiver ability

     2. use navigator and fire ANY projectile

     3. try to switch arrows on quiver and see nothing happen but firing the arrow you had on navigator activation

  3. Ok so I've had some issues with getting stuck on a single arrow type with Ivara's quiver ability. at first i thought it was something solely based on the ability's use itself. After a little bit of play testing I've found that it only happens when you use Ivara's second ability to guide her first ability arrow. I still don't know why it does that but that's what I've figured out is causing it.

  4. has anyone else had an issue with ivara's first ability? it seems that i can switch the arrow types until i actually fire the arrow, after i fire that first ability arrow i cant change it any more. is this a bug or what its meant to be?

  5. All those people saying "they are working hard to make it bug-free"...

    Yeah, because on release, they never hand out 4+ hotfixes because something game-breaking is happeing (like Exalted Blade when they released the Excal rework), yep, the releases are always totally 100% bug-free.

    i never said they were bug free. but they are a hell of a lot less buggy then what they could be if they put the first draft out

  6. well, they have a wopping 9 minutes of "thursday morning" left.  My hopes are not high at all. 

    I think what pisses me off the most about all of this is the fact that the last "State of deployment" update was given to us what? 12 hours ago? 

    If the build isnt ready then it's fine, but don't keep us in the dark and guessing. It's not that hard to post an hourly "we're still working on it! We haven't forgotten!" or something. 

    actually they updated the orginial post on this thread and they have been updating us on twitter every so often too

  7. Also, it might be nicer for them to be rested when it comes out, they're still humans that need sleep



    The thing I find best is that everybody thinks DE is late with the update, because the date 2 december was said, but as I see it they're only "late" when the last code runs out. 

    From the moment the first code came out I expected it to come out today...

    I thought it didnt make alot of since for them to release the update on the same day as the last code.

  8. I guess some of you never played games by other developers.

    Glorified companies like Rockstar, Blizzard, Ubisoft,... sometimes, if not most of the times,

    postpone updates / expansions for weeks / months on end, while leaving their costumers in the dark.

    If large® companies get to 'screw' up on (estimated) releasedates, why can't DE?

    The Queen / Spacemom keeps us informed, and she doesn't make empty promises

    ("we're still hoping to release the Update today" isn't the same as saying "it WILL be OUT TODAY").

    For the last two years (didn't play WarFrame before that) they've been honest and kind to us,

    wich is a rare trade these days, so give them a break.

    This guy has the right mindset. I love how DE doesn't make promises that they know they won't keep. they are honest and loyal to their fanbase.

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