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Posts posted by Ventura_Highway

  1. Let's get to the point. When the Focus rework happened in Angels of Zariman I was kind of hopeful that the Focus Schools would have useful Active abilities, like, reasons to want to bring your Operator out and contribute to the bloodshed with them, but this was horribly misplaced. Two schools never really worked, another two schools (Unairu/Zenurik) are getting creeped out between higher access to energy and armor strip on Warframes and Madurai is good-ish. 1/5.

    Even if the Focus Actives were good back then, they kind of suck now with the general increase in power of Warframes, between the general powercreep in ability kits and everyone and their uncle stabbing their frames up with Archon shards and new Arcanes like Molt Augmented. A lot of them also just do not work on enemies with Overguard, being CC and all, and that kills any semblance of usefulness on Steel Path.

    It is possible that DE could just make new abilities for like the, fourth time? But I'm proposing an alternative. Specifically, a system where you can make and equip Operator powers as you see fit. Kind of like how you make then equip a weapon, you could find resources from a location, make them into a prism, then equip one or two of them on your Operator to do something themed to that location like blast an enemy with an Orowyrm's fire for Duviri or conjure Void Angel blades from the Zariman.

    I like this because it's free of the cumbersome themes of the Focus schools. No one wants to Withstand (Vazarin)/Know (Naramon)/Outlast (Unairu) enemies. The first or maybe second thought on a Warframe player's mind is constant infinite bloodshed. It's also very customizable unlike the impersonal and unmoddable powers of the current Focus schools. Finally, I think this is cooler than watching my space potato clutch her hand for half a second and seeing a buff pop up on screen.

    tl;dr/summary: I think Focus 3.0 stinks, I think the way it's set up right now invites failure and stagnation, and if I could I would scrap the system and remake it with the fun parts of Warframe, the power fantasy and customization, in mind.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

    I know, but also, it's taken 12 years and with all of these being opposite gender, that'd mean that whoever is going to fill the wizard frame niche with a more engaging kit will likely be a female frame and I'd also been waiting for a more engaging male caster frame in general. Though, to be fair, Kullervo and Qorvex do that pretty decently.

    There are other pairs of Warframes with themes that overlap, if not completely coincide such as Octavia and Banshee (Sound/Song) and Inaros, Atlas (Sand/Earth) (Citrine's geode theme is also inherently associated with earth), Voruna and Ivara (Hunting) Nekros and Sevagoth (Death and or Darkness) and Revenant/Caliban (Sentient) that are of the same gender, and in the final case were released roughly three years apart, a quarter of the twelve argued.

    Further, every part of Dante's lore indicates he is thematically much more of a scribe, a librarian, than a wizard, anyways. Consider for a moment that his content is associated with the preserving of a museum, and that his abilities involve attacking people with a book and writing stories. Manipulation of the arcane (The Void, here) is part and parcel of the capabilities of every Tenno-piloted Warframe.

    I think it better to reckon with the reality of the situation and make the best of it, perhaps with a Warframe like Styanax, who comes with my recommendation as an Ability Damage male Warframe for having armor strip, energy recovery and shield (overguard, even with his 4 augment) recovery than this.

    EDIT: Grammar

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  3. It is not a crime that DE did not design Dante with your tastes specifically, in mind.

    Further, in a game where Volt and Gyre, Ember and Nezha, and Yareli and Hydroid can co-exist, do consider that Dante need not be *the* wizard frame.

    • Like 4
  4. Can someone test if Overguarded enemies can be affected by Sonar? At least the damage amp portion.

    It should, if it doesn't. It doesn't make sense that Yareli and Citrine have similar abilities but their, iirc, damage amps work THROUGH overguard. You can argue about the efficacy of any of these frames, but I consider it a matter of consistency that Sonar works through Overguard.

  5. I don't like Shield Gating to survive but I also don't think Overguard is the answer, and that if anything Overguard further removes any sense of perilous adrenaline the game could have. Personally that's repulsive. Moreover the means suggested of providing Overguard also kind of means you either get the benefits of your 4 or the benefits of the rest of the kit. Generally, Warframe design these days means kits that harmonize, not kits that struggle amongst each other to see use. Or, yeah you can use both but that means playing piano with your ability keys, and I also find that gross.

    EDIT: I will say it feels a little pointless to argue the game should be "difficult" because this game could never force me to take the kiddie gloves off, but it feels a little bad to see an already brutalized corpse dragged through mud. I play Warframe because it's fun to be a godlike space ninja, occasionally.

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  6. It is funny to me that Excalibur, as far as I know was conceived of as a generalist, melee-centered Warframe for people starting the game, but I would think Rhino fits the bill more. Rhino's not particularly inclined to melee but the whole "powers that are generally applicable and reliable," yeah.

    Dunno, reworks come along so infrequently, and this is not without reason. I can't imagine fixing Excalibur without some serious changes to his kit.

    EDIT: To be clear I've thought about what a sturdy but not that sturdy, melee-centric "Swordmaster" Warframe would look like in my hands, and.. here's the thing, someone's going to say "That's not Excalibur!" but a lot of the older Warframes don't really have a solid identity.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm not unhappy with the developers opting to make reworking older frames a nonpriority. It's logically more of a challenge than just making a new Warframe.

    A new Warframe's just got to work alright and be generally fun to play. Reworking an older one means that you've got to not only do those things, but respect the original vision of the Warframe as much as possible, even when that vision is basically not compatible with modern Warframe, such as with Nyx. It's more effort for an equivalent, perhaps lesser reward. Not happy but not aggravating enough to warrant action, circumstances considered.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Xenevier said:

    as a consequence of this, dante will surely get an 80% nerf to his kit making him only usable in E-prime, this is truely a tragedy

    "Nyeh eheheh yesss we made a new Damage Type, Styrofoam-Peanut-Coated-in-Cotton just for that mistake of a Warframe!"

    Later that day...
    Registered losers, we've learned a lesson with Dante. We as humans have failed to stop Fun from infesting our game. Such was the task we were charged with, and in flesh and blood, we have failed. We thus pass the responsibility of Nerfing Bad to an artificial intelligence that was trained in Balan Wonderworld. Thank you; no refunds.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Xenevier said:

    him after his "peak" will still be an outstanding frame, dante as his kit stands is good, adjusting numbers and him a bit wont make him bad, youre severly over estimating how much an adjustment will change him

    How is that possible? I saw the Warframe team twirling their mustaches like those villains that slap people down onto train tracks. Hell, some of them were *growing* mustaches specifically to twirl! With chemicals that had hair erupt at the speed Dante, oh poor Dante, died!

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Oh wow, the first new Frame that I could actually farm in a feasible time frame, and I STILL won't be able to play him at his peak.

    God why do I bother being excited for anything new anymore? 

    I hear Destiny 2 has an awesome new patch next week

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  11. Another issue with Grave Spirit is that it, as far as I know, snapshots the Power Strength of your Warframe at the time of your casting. So, if I want my Cheat Death and turn it on at the start of the mission and at some point later have Arcane Power Ramp, Molt Augmented and Parazon Power Drain on, I have to do something to turn off Grave Spirit like falling off the map or dipping in a Nullifier Bubble if I want Grave Spirit at a bigger number. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to have a way to turn off Grave Spirit.

  12. I got off my high horse and tried Dagath over the weekend. Her kit is simple, and effective. She's good enough at Steel Path/Netracell levels so she passes my capabilities test but it feels like she basically has two powers as a Warframe. You either press 1+2 to make everything nearby really easy to kill, or prime them with that and then throw horses at them. So, compared to a frame like Protea, I feel like her kit could use more toys, and removing people's faces would be pretty fun and fitting.

    If Optimus Prime can do it and keep his good guy license I think we'll be fine.

    Really, the dilemma here is that her entire kit is effective, coherent, and elegant, but Grave Spirit is a passive. It's strong, I don't deny Crit Damage is good and that the Spectral Form has bailed me out of my carelessness a couple times. Nevertheless, a strong passive is still a passive. So I think if I had to rectify the matter I'd have a hold version one of her other abilities that did something different, probably related to unfacing an enemy.

  13. 6 hours ago, Kaiga said:

    It actually seems like (good players, anyway) have the opinion that much of the content is actually underpowered, and deserve reworks rather than just  nerfing the one good thing and calling it a day- like the response to the nourish changes, where DE's nerf announcement was met with a wall of underpowered or zero equip rate helminth abilities that needed buffs.

    They actually did this to let you self regulate or wind back the forma build timer if you forgot one day, the 23hr change was universally lauded as good

    I'm not sure if you remember the release, but you literally could go months at a time and get zero tau shards because there was no bad luck mitigation- and the subsequent systems have you regularly destroying your shards for upgraded or combo variants, so to not add this would have been utterly absurd 

    If I mained Limbo, I'd have been upset about scarlet spear but that was like 7 years ago

    YOU! You DONT. GET. IT. I play Warframe to see BIG NUMBERS. NOT WAIT. *shakes fist* I am a CUSTOMER. Look at this star! I paid money on this game and the customer is always right! Waiting for things, not getting to kill because someone put a toxic build... my playtime isn't meant for these things. And I will scream to be heard if I must.


    This whole powercreep situation would have been much easier to tamp down on in 2018 or so but the prevailing sentiment of the time was that "ThIs iS a PvE gAmE nerfs bad" so much so that the forums were set on fire when Scott? Steve? someone mentioned something like Multishot consuming ammo. It's very funny in hindsight.

    I'd like to say I care but the bell's been rung, the precious china's in pieces on the floor. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure but we're past that. This is the collective hell we asked for.

    EDIT: Also remembered Overguard showing up and players getting upset they couldn't disarm, paralyze and force every single Grineer to start choking out their nearest comrade. "How dare Digital Extremes nerf my extremely thoughtful and cunning playstyle! Warframe wasn't meant to be Dark Souls!!"


    • Like 3
  14. 12 minutes ago, EternaldrkMako said:

    what are people gonna ask to nerf now? 

    Nerf the Forma forges times!

    Nerf those chance of me not getting an Archon Shard

    And most importantly nerf any Warframe that someone else can play and make me feel irritated!

    • Like 1
  15. 7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    Hoping there is an explanation as to how warframes like excalibur and banshee haven't aged well. Look for the * as it will refer to this statement

    The rule I generally use for defining whether or not a Warframe's kit is fine is if you can use the Warframe in a Steel Path Incursion and four things apply:

    1) You can use up to 1 augment and have all four buttons be "worth pressing." If you have to fix the Warframe by replacing an ability, maybe look at the ability that gets removed most often. Lavos's kit is pretty solid in this regard. Excal's Slash Dash and Radial Javelin really don't work up here as far as I'm aware, nor does Sound Quake or Sonic Boom. You could argue that Sonic Boom is good for pushing enemies back but that's not something most Warframe players would find useful.

    2) Your Warframe's health/shields/main not-die resource doesn't disappear in ~3-2 seconds without the ability to cheaply and quickly regain it. If you have to use more than 1 Arcane and ~(3-4) mods to keep the Warframe alive, or have to use Decaying Dragon + Shield gating to survive at that level, something is wrong with the frame's defensive capabilities. I think Protea's defensive game is pretty fine despite her shields going away pretty quickly because it's not hard to reapply Shield Satellites, Nidus/Revenant have Parasitic Link/Mesmer Skin respectively, and Lavos' health pool does work with three or two mods + Arcane Blessing. Personally, I think it's really dumb that I get on a Volt and I'm just resorting to Discharge + Capacitance to keep the Shields topped. It's like "Oh man a Heavy Gunner looked at me again, let me just DISCHAAARGE." Really ruins the flow for me. Banshee is playable, I mean practically any Warframe is playable in Steel Path Incursion, but you've got to do a bit too much for my liking to not constantly worry about dying.

    7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    His passive is primarily useful to newer players coming into the game that want that extra damage at low levels.

    There's an argument that this is fine and that this is what a starter Warframe should strive for and there's an argument that this and other 1-buttons with poor scaling are byproducts of older Warframes not being updated. If you think this is okay, I respect that but choose to think it'd be more fun if all abilities were worth pressing all the time.

    7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    We also have access to means of armor strip so I fail to see your point. Not to mention volt's discharge is for cc, not damage.

    tryna nuke with limbo here?

    Protea's first ability is meant to stagger cc and the bleed procs are as useful as volt's electric procs in low levels. However, in steel path you are wasting energy thinking the bleed procs are worthwhile.

    Her heat scaling on blaze artillery is fine but nothing to write home about.

    As far as I'm aware, at Steel Path Incursion levels Protea's kit works and if a trash mob steps on one it's probably going to die, and an enemy group getting hit by Discharge will greatly thin them out.

    7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    not to mention his shield ability negates damage entirely.

    7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    I also tested in simulacrum. turns out that when I shot at the eximus it evaporated.

    I'm just saying, your Disruption video's Volt player doesn't even bother using Electric Shield to mitigate damage, and that it's a perfectly good damage amplifier but it's ideally supposed to be alright at blocking things.

    7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    it matters when newer players don't have access to energy pads, zenurik, arcane energize, and helminth. They need to learn how abilities work.

    See above about disagreeing/agreeing about what a starter Warframe should be capable of.

    7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    same can be said about excalibur's slash dash and mag's pull.

    I'd argue that Mag's Pull at least has utility for displacing enemies, but yes I think Excalibur's Slash Dash is pretty bad too.

    7 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    allow me to introduce a different perspective.

    I really, really do not see a point in arguing around level 9999 enemies, which is why I use Steel Path Incursions as a baseline. Those show up in the alerts. The devs don't really give you a reason to go up there, and if this is Warframe's endgame, it's a really spammy one that I'm not interested in because it lacks a sense of diversity in its tactics.

    But you really, really seem invested in this senseless oneupsmanship so I'm going to go do something more interesting. Consider this my final reply.

  16. 5 hours ago, (XBOX)Exoni Prime said:

    I did the kind thing and grammatically fixed all spelling errors here.

    I dunno. I always thought one of the coolest things about Shakespeare was how he made up words in his plays that eventually became part of the English language. I'm not so prideful as to put myself on his level, but languages are living things that constantly evolve and change. Take a look when you've got time. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/linguists-have-identified-a-new-english-dialect-thats-emerging-in-south-florida/

    EDIT: Oh, yeah you might want an explanation on both things. You actually changed what I meant by going from handsful to handful. There's like, eight? something Warframes they had on release iirc. It's a bit more than would fit in one hand I figured. You'll often find that two-word terms that get used a lot in a language start to get run together. It's my understanding German and Japanese are pretty notorious about this. https://blogs.transparent.com/german/german-kofferworter-portmanteau-words/

    This is kind of annoying and the last thing I'm going to say on this matter but I generally argue that languages are supposed to be efficient while not compromising clarity excessively, and that anything that doesn't unduly compromise either aspect really doesn't matter.

  17. 21 hours ago, Seele said:

    So the analogy was maybe not great, but the point remains: it's not a 'worse experience' to not yet have access to something in the game, it's a goal the player should have. If I booted up a brand new game and took to the forums complaining that I didn't immediately get the platinum trophy I wouldn't garner much sympathy.

    Well, taken another way, you wouldn't want to be given/farm for/unlock something that's pretty useless in a game, right? When someone gets Volt, they get three good abilities and a garbage one, and when Shock levels, it chains to 4 more enemies, but 4 times a zeptogram of utility is still very small.

    22 hours ago, Seele said:

    Shock is a particularly contentious point for me, philosophically, because on the whole I personally oppose the Helminth system and think no Warframe should rely on it, and instead every frame should be complete on its own; Shock is a near-objectively bad ability whose only niche function is rooted in an augment that may bring unique benefits but inspires no unique gameplay compared to the other myriad "hold to buff" augments; but Volt is a good Warframe who is incredibly far from the one most in need of improvement.

    I'll admit to some hypocrisy in that I have subsumed off Shock on my own Volt, it's one of the few cases where I actively use a subsumed ability. I do think Shock should be given some enduring utility, but of course if it becomes too good than either Volt does in kind or whichever frame can best use it through the Helminth system does.

    Basically agree with everything here, and yeah, if I had to get rough, one of the first tweaks any sane Volt player would do is kick off Shock for Pillage/Tharros Strike/practically anything you could subsume.

    Volt is also, I think I've said this, holding up surprisingly well despite how old is design is. But as for the "but Volt is a good Warframe who is incredibly far from the one most in need of improvement," consider this dosage of cynical wisdom: "Is it possible to fix Hydroid? At all??" Consider not only how warranted it is to fix a Warframe, but how feasible it is. Hydroid's kit is an utter mess. They made four abilities with no Steel Path damage potential and gave them some of the worst damage types. Frankly, I'm not sure anything besides basically deleting Hydroid's kit and making everything from the ground up would suffice. For Volt, it's easy for me to point out that there's two problem points on his kit and two problems he's inherited regarding Shields and Electrical damage.

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  18. 12 hours ago, Quimoth said:

    His shield was meant to be different. Just like how gara her mass vitrify isn't a cheap copy of frost his globe. The fact that his shield can boost weapons fire makes it unique and to me it is a perfect reason to add a flaw to it. Hek if any shield ability needs changing in this game Atlas would be the first to deserve it. Making it easier to wield the shield is reasonable but thats about where I would stop changing anything about this already really strong ability.

    Well, it's still different. Actually, if your definition of "needs to be different" means we need to remove anything that has approximately the same role/effect, well


    Frost, Volt, Saryn, Oberon, Ember, Rhino, Mirage, Harrow, Wisp, Mirage

    Good God, look at all these Warframes with access to a team damage buff. This cannot stand! let's get rid of all but one of them.

    I'm joking. That wouldn't make sense because each Warframe buffs team damage in a different way and with a different end-result. They're variations on the same idea, capisce? It kind of happens when you've got 200+ abilities across 50+Warframes. In the same vane of this newfangled "variation" concept, Garuda's Dread is an oval as opposed to Volt's held Electric Shield being more of a rounded square. The shape matters when you're trying to block with it, actually.  She rips it out of an enemy as opposed to generating it, it's 25 energy instead of 50, and it feeds the meatball on top damage instead of buffing gunfire. It's still different, unless you want to fairly apply your definition of different so that there's only 1 heal button, 1 teleport, 1 damage buff, 1 aoe CC, and so on, in the game.

    12 hours ago, Quimoth said:

    His speed is already cheap enough and lasts long enough if you want to mod for it. Simply getting everything without modding for it makes no sense. Making it harder to buff allies isn't a good thing either, allies already can do a backflip to cancel its buff. If anything they should add another key/action bind to cancel buffs like his and Limbo Rift to improve consistency and avoid confusion/furstration. Using roll isn't an option since people use roll after a bullet jump in forward momentum where they want the buff to remain.

    Tenno, like, I've been on the receiving end of some lunatic's 250 power strength Speed buff. It's annoying bumping into walls because you can't sprint for .5 seconds without slamming into one, and it's even more annoying that they kept pressing Speed over and over backflip after backflip. It wasn't helpful and it wasn't a buff. If you want to find space on a Dualshock Controller though for something as trivial as a "cancel annoying buffs" button, go ahead.

    12 hours ago, Quimoth said:

    I guess it is a defense deficiency for 90% of warframes out there that they require rolling guard and augur set mods to be able to survive anything in SP. Solving it by buffing Volt in to cheese heaven isn't a solution to that, especially given how good Volt still is without any reworks/buffs.

    There's 22 Warframes out of the 51 or so in the game (apparently there's more than that? 220?) with the ability to achieve ~75-90% Damage reduction, stay invisible, have some kind of ability that nullifies damage/death or prevents bullets from hitting, or can just make shields out the wazoo without an augment. I'm being generous and not counting the Warframes with high armor.

    12 hours ago, Quimoth said:

    He really doesn't need a teleport. The copy paste is where you give Volt increased damage after the teleport, something which... wait that is EXACTLY what Kullervo does. If you really want that teleport so badly just subsume Kullervo and put it on your Volt.

    Okay, for one, all you really "need" to play the game on Steel Path is Zenurik, a well-modded and somewhat meta set of weapons and eight mods with some thought put into them on a Warframe of your choice that's not on the very bottom of the Overframe tier list. The rest is unnecessary. And again with this myopic "It's the same" business. Let's break this down.

    Wrathful Advance has Kullervo teleport and Heavy Attack with his melee weapon. This costs 25 energy and 25% of his combo counter, and it buffs his critical chance for 10 seconds afterwards, duration scaling.

    The proposed Volt ability's melee half (It does something completely different with a ranged weapon) moves him into the air, then teleports, then shock-stuns nearby enemies while giving Volt a fixed four seconds of increased melee damage.

    Under your logic, Kullervo's ability should have never existed because Nezha's Chakram is a teleport that makes him do more damage. The teleport is also strong melee attack on an enemy like Ash's Teleport, but really, new things or even just the thought of them make you uncomfortable.

    12 hours ago, Quimoth said:

    Your described passive far from avoids shield-gating, it enables it just like arcane barrier, arcane aegis and a decaying dragon key do.

    The defined phenomenon I am trying to work around is being able to constantly generate full shields with a Decaying Dragon key and an Augur set. By avoiding changing Volt's base shields, at all, we avoid messing with people that want to do that. By changing the Shield's ability to resist damage, and retaining a regeneration delay that is more sane than four seconds, the shield actually has a chance of passively regenerating on its own while still asking people to not get hit or killed by a dot for ~1.2 seconds. Please elaborate.

    12 hours ago, Quimoth said:

    Volt doesn't need more damage boosters for weapons, he has 2 of those right now, or 3 if you use his augment and that should be plenty. Yes speed is a DPS buff. Making Volt a jack of all trades isn't going to make him more enjoyable per se, it is however very likely that such changes would make you see 3 volts in every random squad because of how strong your suggested changes would make him.

    The drawback of Volt's dual steroids of Electric Shield and Speed is that Electric Shield basically only increases the damage of guns, and the latter primarily helps swing your melee faster because Melee Speed is a lot more noticeable than Reload Speed, usually. There's edge cases for both, where a gunblade gets damage from E. Shield and Single-Shot or low-mag weapons benefit a lot from Speed. (I suppose the Incarnon transformation counts here but I'm sure DE will powercreep those in due time too.) But nothing about playing on a Steel Path Incursion actually warrants paying close attention to a build or resorting to something like a clapspam Gauss. Warframe is not a game that actually pushes people to the edge, and this "difficulty" you're trying to preserve is hilariously minimal. Of the other shooters I've played I'd peg endgame Warframe as being as difficult as the middle difficulty of Deep Rock Galactic or the second lowest difficulty of Division 2. Warframe is interesting, but the idea of it being actually difficult to a player with normal endgame gear is amusing.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Quimoth said:

    I'm getting the impression you can't deal with criticism. You are just as free to disagree with my opinion as I am free to disagree with yours.

    Volt isn't a shield frame, he is a caster.

    Shields are objectively better than overguard in SP unless you can properly stack millions of overguard it will evaporate even faster than shields.

    Your speed changes are flat-out stupid OP buffs.

    His shield is already pretty unique given how it boosts weapon fire that passes through.

    His passive is just fine, most warframes have passives with negligible effects and I see little reason for volt his passive to be suddenly changed into something as ridiculous as you suggested. Making shield gate even easier to achieve on Volt is not a good thing.

    The only rework in your post I actually found somewhat interesting was the rework for his Shock(1), but it doesn't make sense to given him a vortex or a straight up kullervo copy ability.

    Could Volt use some changes? Yes, but mostly for his 1. A passive doesn't have to be broken like your suggested change.

    Do I think your suggested reworks are good for Volt? No, most are flat-out buffs he really doesn't need and his passive makes 0 sense thematically since the "shield" warframes are Hildryn and Harrow. Not Volt.

    Oh good, finally.
    I wouldn't call Volt a caster, or at least exclusively one. 2 out of his 4 abilities straight out of the box are weapon steroids, at least in part, and the first ability can be modified to improve weapon damage. He is a highly versatile Warframe, but just like you can make Rhino a support instead of a tank, there's more than one way to play this particular Warframe, and I fail to see how the potential for high ability damage rules out access to sane amounts of damage reduction. Further, there is, a Warframe that more strongly fits the caster identity with multiple direct-damage powers in her kit, that happens to do electrical damage exclusively: Gyre.

    I have to wonder what level range you're talking about when you mention millions of Overguard, because it takes enemies being way over level 200 in order for them to start doing four digit damage. You basically have to go looking for that kind of enemy in an Endurance Survival, or you have to be in the Steel Path Circuit, and those simply cannot be accounted for, and they are not situations the average player will encounter on a regular basis.

    I completely fail to see how adjusting the cost and duration of Speed to require less refreshing on the buff is overpowered, unless there's some weird argument about high APM gameplay in here. There could be something said about the status resistance portion here, but there's no argument here besides calling it stupid and I've self-scrutinized it to the best of my ability.  If you want to expound on that go ahead.

    Unique =/= Good with regards to Electric Shield. Not to be rude, but you described using Archon Stretch and Capacitance to survive damage in your first post, neglecting to mention blocking with Electric Shield, and only described its capacity as a weapon steroid in the second one. This really leads me to think that well, you don't manage to block too much with it either.

    Many Warframes do in fact have passives that take but an entire sentence to describe, but there are in fact other Warframes such as Wukong, Nidus, Khora, Gauss, and Sevagoth that have considerably lengthy descriptions on their passives, nor does this passive have anything to do at all with Shield Gating besides trying to avoid affecting the mechanic at all.

    I also have to mention Kullervo hardly has the monopoly on Teleports. They show up in the kits of Ash, Wisp, Loki and Nezha as well; some of those frames are from the very start of the game. Unfortunately, Warframes by default are pretty frickin' fast, so in order for a movement ability to be worth pressing for the movement, you have to make it move much faster than even that. That's why this is a teleport. The slow/Vortex is there to help differentiate it from other Damage Vulnerability abilities like Blazing Chakram while complimenting Electric Shield's Critical hit component.

    Yes, Capacitance is a thing, but I call it a defense deficiency if a Warframe has to constantly press its ult to survive gunfire comes their way. That's not normal at all.

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