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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. I need some scientific research on these while we're waiting for a clear idea/reply from [DE] if they'll be revisited or not.


    I just had my Vitality and Vigor Mods removed from 1 of my frames and Stalker came after me while soloing for Cosmic Specters.... 3x and I defeat him twice and lost the last as he pulled out some crazy warframe abilities on me.... AGAIN NO DROPS!!



  2. The sigils should grant Higher % chance they spawn it only makes sense


    But then they should drop the Sigils aswell! :-D I just happen to have all the sigils after update 15 they all were dropping like crazy... but not everyone have this luxury!




  3. Despair is garbage... Yeah okay... I mean if you don't like throwing weapons then that's cool but calling something trash because it doesn't fit your play style is just weird. It has the highest damage of all throwing weapons with pretty comparable sustained dps. Granted you don't get 66 of them like with hikou prime but they reload plenty fast and look cooler imo. The hate as far as scythes go is the better of the group but the group needs buffed overall. Then we have the Dread. Well Red Crit... That is all.. Lol


    I believe that every weapon have their purpose! ;-) so I collect and Forma ALL! They'll be useful one day in a mission!



  4. I have played this game for over a year and a half and I have only gotten Despair once and Hate twice. For such rare weapons, they're kind of S#&$ty actually. There are vastly superior weapons elsewhere, so don't get too upset by it.

    For me it's just a matter of 'achievement' and 'completeness'.


  5. DE

    I solely want to receive game invites from my friends (everyone knows why).

    But lately if someone send me an friendship invite and I ain't even accept it, they can send me in-game invites!

    I think you should have a look at this (when you have time in your busy schedule of course).

    Will be much appreciated!


  6. Sounds good but then you have the problem that people will be forced on one spot and or they choose to cap their own cache! :-/ not to sure. The Survival is being worked on atm...? After the last update I bet they will make it more challenging.


  7. Why is it that whenever I get to fight Stalker (maybe once a month) and I beat him, he goes without dropping anything or SOMETIMES a mod or the Dread that my collectors wall is full of drops!?

    I've been playing this game for exactly 9 months and 2 weeks now and I only got this Dread!

    The same comes for the G3's Brakk BP that I always get when (maybe once in 2 months (not counting LOR)) I finally get to fight them!

    An idea maybe for DE: Put in a special key or attachment for attracting Stalker, G3 and Zanuka Hunter... To boost the chance for them to come after you! Whenever they come after you and you either loose or win you will need to build it again.

    -Like the key for Vault Runs but then with difficult components to farm in order to keep the difficulty-

    I'm curious what you guys think!


  8. That's a good thread but it can be made difficult if that's what DE wants. By making a kind of key or so that is one time use and maybe even hard to farm components.. The sigil can make it a bit to easy to farm, so my suggestion is to keep the required difficulty in the game!

    So u make a respective key like that of the vault runs.


    Not sure that this belongs in this category.

    Where do you suggest??

  9. Why is it that whenever I get to fight Stalker (maybe once a month) and I beat him, he goes without dropping anything or SOMETIMES a mod or the Dread that my collectors wall is full of drops!?

    I've been playing this game for exactly 9 months and 2 weeks now and I only got this Dread!

    The same comes for the G3's Brakk BP that I always get when (maybe once in 2 months (not counting LOR)) I finally get to fight them!

    An idea maybe for DE: Put in a special mod or attachment for attracting Stalker, G3 and Zanuka Hunter... To boost the chance for them to come after you! Whenever they come after you and you either loose or win you will need to build it again.

    I'm curious what you guys think!


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