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Posts posted by Keybones

  1. On 2019-08-23 at 5:43 AM, ShortCat said:

    First of all, there was a lot of begging and whining for an Umbra Froma from the community's side after release of Umbra mods, which creates pressure on the developer's side.

    Can you explain why you believe this idea is relevant to the topic?

    On 2019-08-23 at 5:43 AM, ShortCat said:

     for every Augments like Ore Gaze, there is one Chromatic Blade or Venome Dose, which can efforlessly grant 200% more Corrosive damage to all weapons for the whole team.

    Then that power disparity between Augments might need to be addressed as its own thing, much like the disparity between different Warframes. And because these values can be tweaked at any time, this is not a good argument against allowing Augment mods into the Exilus slot/adding a dedicated Augment slot.

  2. 20 hours ago, Test-995 said:

    And he can banish you again, again and again and again and again... untill you stop rolling?

    I don't know any systems that stops this, except reporting and banning.

    If your only justification for why a frame is "the worst in the game" is the capacity for trolling, then you must have a weak grasp of Warframe overall.

    Vauban has bouncepads, Valkyr has ziplines, Loki has switch-teleport, Nova has portals, Trinity and Garuda can stall Defences by making enemies difficult or impossible to kill.

    Limbo is great and I pity anyone who can't understand that.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Nukesnipe said:

    There's nothing toxic about pointing out that the market is flooded by Excalibur cosmetics.  63 of the 247 items listed in the Workshop are Excalibur items, that's a full 25.5%.  One out of every four items is Excalibur, when Excalibur is only one of 39 current Warframes.  I'm arguing that there's too many, yes, but at what point did I bully any artists?  I'm criticizing the fact that there's so many Excalibur items, but criticism is not bullying.

    If there is no feedback, there is no improvement.  Shutting down dissenting voices with cries of toxicity is how you get Overwatch.

    "There are too many of _____" as applied to this scenario is not a critique. It's not. That's just complaining. It only would constitute a critique if one artist were solely responsible for creating every skin in Warframe. You could say to that individual, "Hey, we all depend on you to create cool skins for our favorite Warframes, and some players feel a little left out because of how skewed the numbers are at this point". But as you know, the reality is that many different artists create skins for the game, a task that takes weeks of effort on their part, all with the knowledge that their work is a labor of love that might not even make it into the game and will not result in any kind of financial return. And you're sitting there saying "I don't like that you did that. You should have made something else. What a waste."

    I tell you again; if you want something, either MAKE IT YOURSELF, or take steps to encourage an artist to make it for you. Feedback like yours can't possibly improve anything.

    • Like 2
  4. On 2019-04-16 at 4:45 PM, Nukesnipe said:

    Ah yes, the "if it doesn't affect you then shut up" argument.

    That isn't what he said AT ALL. It is extremely toxic for non-creators to cry foul when their personal desires aren't catered to by artists, and I for one am plenty sick of seeing it. If you want something, then either make it yourself, or take steps to ensure that it will be made, such as by reaching out to an artist whose work you admire and convincing them that it's a good idea. Art comes from an inspired heart, not from being bullied and scolded by people like you.

    • Like 4
  5. The Void Trace alerts seemed to always be longer mission types like Defense and also seemed to always be in increments of 20, so I never bothered. Your experience is the complete opposite of mine; I'd rather do a 90 second capture mission and come out with 30 Traces than a 5-6 minute Defense for just 20.

    We've already got the occasional player who demands to know what the point of Mastery Rank even is. I don't think uncoupling the Void Trace cap from a player's Mastery Rank is going to improve them game's quality. The Relic system isn't balanced around players using Radiants every time. Traces are intended to be used on Relics that you view as a priority.

  6. 2 hours ago, (PS4)TX_CHAINSAW_81 said:

    put better rewards where they belong...in boss fights. 

    You mean behind RNG. And probably some kind of gearcheck meta that an embarrassing number of players cry about being too restrictive.

  7. 17 minutes ago, (PS4)TX_CHAINSAW_81 said:

    Make the reward pool in Nightwave have just the rewards you had from the old alerts.

    Have the Wolf drop the stuff like themed emotes/sigils, catalyst/reactors, Wolf Sledge weapon parts, and maybe a Forma or Kuva

    Umbra Forma, Slots, and Energize should be from big boss fights if you ask me.

    These are all horrible ideas, sorry.

  8. 2 hours ago, (PS4)TX_CHAINSAW_81 said:

    Nothing...but I didn’t have to do a ton of alerts for the better part of roughly 10 weeks to get the 1 thing I wanted (Umbra Forma).


    Umbra forma didn't exist back then and there is literally no other way to get one at this point, so what exactly are you trying to say here?

  9. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    Yeah... I did comprehension in school, I understand how to read.

    I simply don’t get what you’re trying to say.

    You’ve taken the time to reply, it would’ve been nice if you had elaborated or explained yourself a little.

    Okay. I think there's a lot of truth to what you're saying, which is that hanging out with people who are smarter than you, more experienced or talented than you, etc and learning from them is the best way to improve yourself, rather than always being alone and trying to reinvent the wheel, or hanging out with people who are extremely lazy or unskilled or otherwise your mental inferiors.

    But is seeking fast self-improvement REALLY what the average player does? Nah. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it; to be "carried" and to be "taught" have only a little bit of overlap, and are otherwise wholly different things. Your example of "I carry my friend and now he's a good player" is a nice story but does nothing to debunk the claim that "handing people everything in life doesn't make them respectable people". Give a man a fish vs teaching him to fish, as it goes.

  10. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    I’m not exactly sure what you’re implying, but judging by my general experiences on forums, this is an approximation of an insult, yes?

    I get “Being taught how to think is greater than being taught what to think,” but I’m not sure what exactly you’re trying to imply with that.


    I'm not implying anything. What I said is what I mean; there's no need to try and read between the lines or hunt for things to be offended by. Rather, please try to follow the train of this conversation and see how my comment relates to what has been already said by yourself and other posters.

  11. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)RevenantRequiem said:

    A game shouldn't interrupt your sleep schedule just to do so some dumb alert.

    This is a very "the universe revolves around me" statement that I have heard a lot from Warframe players, and even Nightwave doesn't completely eliminate it since I still see people complaining about Catalyst invasions that happen at "night". But an online game like Warframe has events happening at all hours to serve the needs of players in all timezones and with individual schedules. DE doesn't expect you to wake up at 3am to do that alert; they expect that someone like me who works until 2am can come home and do that alert.

    edit: didn't mean to sound like I'm criticizing you, just the idea in general.

    • Like 3
  12. 6 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

    Is there some people that feels apothic farming/sabotage caches as "quick and painless"!?

    Well, maybe yes... it doesn't even take an hour...

    The best way to play Warframe is to always kill two birds with one stone. I grab plant samples with my scanner while running normal missions, and so when it comes time to craft an apothic, I already have everything I need.

    Try it. Maybe the problem isn't the game, but how some people play it.

  13. 1 hour ago, Marvelous_A said:

    It takes an uneducated person to say it's a good change. 100x the effort for mostly the same reward? Duh..simple maths.

    Calling people who don't agree with you "uneducated" is definitely a winning strat. It works every time, just ask Patrick Soderlund.

    There's no reliable method of measuring "effort" since what's difficult or time-consuming for certain players is quick and painless for others, thus it's hardly worth discussing. But "same reward" is outright incorrect, as anyone can see from this season's unique rewards.

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