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Posts posted by Keybones

  1. While OP is baffled why people would go into Free Roam mode for mundane tasks like hunting/mining/fishing/casual incursions, I'm over here equally baffled that he'd want to go into Free Roam mode for highly specific objectives. I was once cussed out by an Excalibur Umbra for collecting wisps instead of helping him to kill a Teralyst, when we weren't even in a Teralyst bounty.

    So now I'm aware that this perspective which is polar opposite to my own is apparently a thing. It'd be nice if people like OP and that one Umbra player could have a similar revelation.

    Perhaps players who wish to roam freely in Free Roam mode should indeed just go solo every time, despite that playing with others might be more enjoyable for them. Perhaps players who want to complete specific objectives which might require the assistance of fellow players should first group up with similarly-minded people.

    Personally I think it isn't reasonable to expect total strangers to act in a certain way when you haven't communicated with them about it ahead of time, and I think it's immature to get irritated at them for it.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)AntiCaesar said:

    There is 1 daily. The one that rewards 1k standing. Rest are weekly. After you do the weekly and dailies, you're pretty much out of luck and just waiting for the next cycle. Also quick maths have been done and basically if you miss just a few weeklies you are kinda boned from getting the max tier.

    I believe there are two dailies: one for scanning 25 times, and one for placing a glyph.

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  3. 1 hour ago, DeaHamlet said:

    Maybe not everyone plays them for the same reason you play the elite alerts.

    Regardless of whatever personal reasons a player has for playing Arbitration missions, the idea of wanting to "get in then get out" is utter nonsense. Arbitrations are endless missions where the most desirable rewards require players to stick around for a long time. Rotations in an Arbitration mission last significantly longer than in ordinary missions, and to start the mission and extract after just one or two rotations invariably results in a ratio of time investment to reward that is absolutely not worth it.

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