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Posts posted by Aimop95

  1. I no longer know what to think about the Lotus. It's clear that her caring for us is far more complicated than it seems. Whether it was programmed into her or she actually felt something, it's clear that now she is just as much a prisoner as we were.


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  2. I've recently gotten into Octavia and saw this amazing skin for the Boltor. The patch notes say that it was regulated exclusively to the boltor due to technical limitations in the reloading animations, but in the next hotfix, it got its own custom animations.

    I was just wondering if these limitations were still present or if we could allow the Bravura Skin to be equipped on all rifles, as it's a really nice skin, and I'd love to use it on the Tenora.

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  3. I want to know where Hunhow is and what he's been up too. Mother clearly is churning out Condrix and Murex for probing the origin system, but what's her husband been doing since Natah turned? We know he's not dead and that of all the creatures alive, he has displayed the most desire to bring Natah back into the Sentient fold. 

    Concerning Ballas, I think he's more Sentient than Ballas now. When he gave us the Paracisis, he still had enough of himself left to reach out to us and give us the weapon, perhaps his last creation in an act of vengeance (and we all know he loves his vengeance). But by the time of Scarlet Spear, he's already gone. A sentient with an Orokin torso being used by Erra/Hunhow as a means to confuse Natah.

  4. So I logged in today, I noticed my saryn prime's attachments were their default color and her sigils were all lopsided (same settings front and back). Confused, I went to go fix the issue and that's when I found out that nearly all my Warframes suffered some sort of default coloring bug. Where their attachments were set to default colors and their sigils (if they had them) were all lopsided and having the same settings throughout. Several of my Warframes straight up lost all their customized colors and were sitting at default with default coloring attachments.

    I know this is pretty petty but is there a way to revert this? Cause I really liked my fashion frame and now 80% of it is gone.

  5. I think WoF's range should be a fixed range (10-15 meters?) and that she only ignites enemies in her LoS. However, the fire pillars that erupt under enemies will linger for several seconds (10 seconds perhaps?) burning and proc'ing the fire status (affected by mod strength) on all who touch it in a constant radius (affected by mod range) around each pillar. When the timer for the pillar ends, the pillar explodes proc'ing the blast effect (affected by mod strength) and doing blast damage.

    As for her passive, I don't know if it works when a heat procs on her shields, but it should. 

  6. The problem with PvP in warframe is that the mobility system requires players to invest a lot more time and effort into becoming good at PvP than most other shooter PvP game require. Add onto the fact that Conclave has a pretty small population, with no MMR matchmaking, and the high possibility of lag infecting any game you get into, PvP in Warframe is pretty much a dead end.

    Ensuring that lag is not an issue has been partially solved with Player hosted dedicated servers, but the lack of skill match-making and the small population mean that newcomers can quite literally be beaten away from the game mode.

  7. On 2018-06-20 at 10:54 PM, CaptainStrawberry said:

    I don't believe every generation of Warframes were made through Human sacrifices. 

    So the sacrifice quest is kind of confusing but here is my theory: 

    The very original Warframes are the proto Warframes that were mindless and not true Warframes. For example Proto Volt and these were all experimented Humans

    .Out of desperation, they went to the void and created Warframes from the conduit of Humans i.e Human corpses  from the old war or had sacrificed themselves to become models of Warframes. 

    Thus we had plain Excalibur but he was just a mindless drones so they were all failures including Nidus. 

    Umbra Warframes are one of the very first Waframes created that were considered somewhat of a success.
    They were created through very powerful Dax soldiers that could handle the infestation but created with dark emotions to fuel their wrath and power. 

    They were used for assassinations (The shadow of the Orokin) like taking down failed Warframes and were powerful figures in the Sentient war, Sentient hybrids but they were still failures possibly due to their increasing negative emotions which led them to be savages and untamed beasts.  

    So the Umbras are the first to be created directly from and through Humans (Humans mutating in to Warframes) while later generations were created through biotechnology (like nano technology that could repair itself) and cloned Human tissues) and non-primed Warframes that were simply made by cheaper materials but not necessarily from Humans. In TSD, Ballas refers to them as Mindless Golems so the later generation of Warframes could have been made from empty vessels such as Hallow empty tissues (shaped like Humans) but infested on the inside and whatever disease they had.

    I believe their technology and understanding grew so much they were able to make gardens from the infestation in production of Warframes. So while it is possible The Orokin may have used cloning for Warframe production, I believe as they grew better between the generations of Warframes, they longer had any need and simply created golems that is able to attach the infestation on it and repair itself (keeping the infestation under control) with the Helmith being related somehow.

    The beginning timeline I find sort of confusing but this is what I think.

    P.S I don't think we have fully learnt everything about Umbra Warframes and I think there is way more lore to come about them, just that we have been given a small picture of them. 

    The way I understand it, is that the very first Warframes were created out of humans (Umbra cannot be the first as he was created DURING the Old War), but they proved to be unreliable and uncontrollable until the Tenno came into contact with the Originals or their clones. The rest is history.

  8. On 2018-06-19 at 4:38 PM, -CM-Kinnison said:

    First Prototype = Umbra

    Unfortunately, no, as the Dax was turned into an Umbra DURING the Old War, not before it. Implying that Warframes were already being utilized in battle against the Sentients.

    What it does clarify is how Warframes are made and the differences between the Warframes tenno craft and those crafted originally by Ballas.

  9. Spoiler

    From what I understand, Umbra confirms that the Original Warframes (primed or otherwise, basically the very first Rhino or Ember, etc) were once people. What we build in our foundries now are essentially giant piles of weaponized infested flesh that may carry the memories of its original.

    Speculation time: Umbra is unique in that his creation is a direct result of Ballas being a $&*^ and wanting to tie up a loose end. Unlike our Warframe in TSD, Umbra is far more cognizant and displays more personality than our impaled Warframe, that may be because unlike our Warframes (which are not infested people, unless Ordis is actively capturing people and infesting them for us), Umbra was directly turned into a Warframe, similar to how the Original Warframes were made. In fact, Umbra might technically be the first of his kind of Warframe, given how his "turning" was done during the Old War. This would explain why he looks different from the Primed Excalibur, which has been generally accepted as the very first successful battle-ready Warframe.


  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    Well consider Ballas' rank in the Empire too... probably not much anybody could do to stop him even if they wanted to.  Not to mention the Dax' son was def. atleast partially unaware of what was happening and he was right in the room - so likely nobody even actually knew he was doing that.  

    I don't think he was deaf. Pretty sure Ballas was telepathically talking to us half the time.

  11. 1 hour ago, KubrowTamer said:

    It wasn't you sacrificing something. I think the point of the name was that people had to be sacrificed in order to make the miracles that is warframes happen.


    This makes the most sense for me. Ballas more or less insinuates that the Dax and his bloodline would be Warframe flesh for him to craft with.

  12. I don't understand how Umbra is Hunhow?

    As I understand it, Umbra is a poor Dax who got to watch his body and mind give into the infested (every scene we get with the poor bastard, his room becomes more and more infested filled) and finally kill his son.

    I'm more shocked the Hospital staff allowed this to happen.

  13. 1 hour ago, Tellakey said:

    I don't know about you guys, but kinda feel DE either drew out some stuff from the quest or completely retconned it. Whatever the case, here is some food for thought:

    0. In what manner does the Operator arrive at Lotus' HQ during The Apostasy Prologue?

    1. Why does Lotus' helmet trigger Umbra's vision?

    2. What is the sacrifice? Remember, during the initial trailer Ballas said, "If you could trade, could you? Surely. But All miracles require sacrifice. For their lives, yours." Only this time, Ballas omits most of the sentence.

    3. Ordis' backstory, as explored in the Codex fragments, reveals that Ballas doesn't flinch in the face of death when Ordan Karris goes on the murder many of the Orokin. Ballas explains that the Orokin die many times. Why then, do we inflict a seemingly grave wound on Ballas?

    4. What happened to Ballas' sword? If you remember, DE showcased it during a Devstream? Are they saving it for another quest?

    5. Mechanics aside, what distinguished the Umbra from the primes? For all we know both variants form by infesting a Dax.

    6. Is Ballas Hunhow's ally? He does employ the use of sentients. And what about the Lotus? Is she under Ballas' control or acting of her own volition? The manner in which she addresses the Operator at the end of the quest seems to imply self-recognition, "This is what I am."

    7. Who is this mother the Lotus refers to? Where is this home she returns to? Presumably Tau.

    8. If this quest concludes the Operator trilogy, what will the next quest do to distinguish itself as a non-operator quest?

    9. DE mentioned expanding the Umbra arsenal by designing the variant for other, but not all, frames. Will we then need to explore every Umbra's backstory separately?

    0. Pretty sure it's a vision or astral projection of some kind. 

    1. Lotus is calling out to us for some reason.

    2. I thought the Sacrifice was referencing how Ballas is sacrificing orokin civilians and soldiers for the Warframe project. 

    3. I doubt he's dead. That said, I feel like you never quite get over the pain of dying. From what I understand, if enough Kuva is collected, the grineer queen we supposedly killed could come back to life.

    4. Probably

    5. I think Umbra is the predecessor to the Primes. Umbra was one of the first infested warframes, yet lacked an operator to control it. Transference eventually was discovered and the Primes were made.

    6. Ballas is Hunhow's ally. Though how tight they are is up to debate. My understanding is that all those sentients "under" Ballas's control, aren't Hunhow's, but Natah's own personal army. Reasoning for this is that many of the Sentients we fight are "mimic sentients". Natah is a shapeshifting Sentient. It would make sense that her fragments would be similar in nature to her. Now why Natah is taking orders from Ballas is anyone's guess though at this point.

    7. Good question, no one knows right now.

    8. Same as 7.


  14. An idea for her passive: Overheat: If Ember casts 3 times in 6 seconds, she deals 35% more ability damage and gives herself a set amount of energy (100 or 150). This would have a cooldown of 5 seconds. 


    WoF I think should have it's ramping up ability strength increase scale with strength mods, but with a lower ratio maybe. 


  15. I think pull should have a hold and release mechanic. Where on hold, you pull enemies toward you and keep them suspended as long as you're holding down the ability button. On release, pull violently sends them flying away from you in the direction of your cursor.

    Other than that, I really like the rest of your changes.

  16. 40 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Aeries Vendetta said:

    The learning curve is still a cliff....they havent done anything. 

    They have destroyed a major part of clans and alliances. They have destroyed majority of the reason for conclave, took pvp rails away and replaced it with a survival mission because people cry about not winning or cant win because they refuse to be part of an alliance or dont want to put in the effort to grow a clan.  

    Most people who are against pvp walked in, got shwacked because they assumed it would be like every other pvp and as soon as they couldn't win easy, they came here and cried to de who of course listens to all the cries of these rotating new players. 

    Its frustrating for a lot of us because im watching as all the players who were around for rails hang it up because they are tired of the same old missions but hey, the new players dont hesistate to weigh in against us older players because warframe has that fresh out of the plastic feel to them. 

    I agree that the learning curve is a cliff, that's why I'm all for DE devoting resources to making this game more new player friendly. There's a lot of content to sift through and even describing the modding system can be a hassle at times to someone who's never seen it before.

    As for the dark sectors, many did not want PvP, that's why conclave and Lunaro are consistently underpopulated. The majority of Warframe are PvE players. If conclave was the endgame, you'd think many Veterans over the past 3 years would be populating those modes, but reality says otherwise. 

    The Dark Sectors as they were back then were horrible. As soon as people found out you could prevent sessions from loading in, everything went to hell. It wasn't fun for any person not in one of those 3 big alliances. I honestly didn't even care about the rewards, I just thought the mode was interesting to play, but it's hard to have fun if you never load in.

    I'm not a big PvP fan, but I appreciate the work done for conclave and Lunaro, hell, some of the games I played were really fun too (when I finally got in one). But it's so woefully underpopulated that its completely turned me off. There's a cause behind it's underpopulation and I don't think it's because it's an unbalanced game mode. As far as I can tell, any frame is viable as long as you can parkour and shoot on a dime, and lunaro is probably the best balanced PvP mode we have. I just don't like PvP and I believe the majority of the Warframe community shares that sentiment.

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