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Posts posted by -Temp0-

  1. Цитата

    Then where are the beta testers? 

    What the hell makes you think companies nowdays have beta testers? 

    Just look at Bethesda, Ubisoft, Bioware and many others. Customers are their "beta testers". Freaking DE dont even have servers hence why you keep losing rewards 6th year ion a row, they arent paying anyone to test anything. Its actually also funny that sht of a game like Anthem does one thing right that "awesome" game like warframe doesnt, IT HAS SERVERS and you lose NOTHING regardless why you got disconnected, you retain ALL your xp and ALL rewards, even if you never finished a mission. La. Mao. You also have what feels like solid 5 minutes to reconnect to a mission - even tho you have way fewer reasons to do so, especially in regual activities but still noteworthy.

  2. 8 минут назад, Dragoss93 сказал:

    So the people who don't like the new melee are the people who used to spam quick melee button until it breaks. This new system allows to enjoy melee more, but that isn't the problem here, is it? You're salty because you can't fly all over the map after loading and killing everything  in 3 seconds with one button. 

    So fing dumb it actually should hurt. I actually hope it does.

    Nothing changed with "new" melle but the fact its now way clunkier IF you dont use spin to win (which nothing I repeat NOTHING has changed with it and nothing will, you also dont have to use spin attack and there are better weapons with better reach and momentum anyway than whips and atterax) and actually play,it also fecking breaks abilities like hysteria or exalted blade completely, not allowing you to use old fire button as melee so each time you touch it by accident it you're out of exalted blade or hysteria and in hysterias case it often means you're dead in a seconds.

  3. New dmc like switch is absolutely pointless. You're not dmc. It serves no purpose in warframe and just looks stupid.

    It also forces to use even more buttons to access melee now and breaks any exalted melee abilities especially annoying (af) with Valkyr because for SOME stupid gooddem reasons, you can no longer just use your fire button to melee in hysteria unlike before and on top of that, it breaks your hysteria completely.

    Utter trash.

  4. 2 часа назад, (PS4)shinzocan сказал:

    DE pretty much says that all,the warframes are versatile. That said I believe that any frame, can be used for any job in the frame.....!!!

    Yeah De not only says a lot of sht but also dont play their own game and when they do its level 30 at best. So no wonder.

  5. Цитата

    I don't consider grinding something over and over again using a fame that I dislike playing to be anywhere close to fun.

    Well the only thing you achieve with this mentality is stretching the time needed for the grind.

    Thats not to mention theres usually SEVERAL frames you can play to be both effective, contributing to the objective and having fun. But if all you ever want to play is like Hydroid or buts then theres no sympathy to be had.


    You don't have to play Limbo (which I agree is #1 for excavation) you can play Frost (bubble), Gara (Wall), Nyx (aggro redirector), Volt (stunlock), Nekros (army meat shield), possibly Hildryn...point is, there are a lot of ways to accomplish the same task.

    No you cant play anything but Limbo, Frost or possibly Vauban (for infested) for excavation unless its super freaking trash low level general content. Meaning if you dont have ONE in your group. If you have one, you can do what the heck ever.

    Garas walls even if shes spaming it is beyond uselees as the only stopping force in high level or arbitration especially, her damage reduction on excavator actually does more than her freaking walls with holes in it, same with Nyx. Even highest range bubble lets damage through.  So yeah, Frost or Limbo first, the rest can all just play anything. 

  6. Цитата

    limbo trashed your nezha in term of his effectiveness for excavation missions, nothing more nothing less and you didnt like it, you joined a public game for a mission that is known for hardcore cryo farming 

    Well that is where you turned to the wrong page.

    You joined a random party, expect NOTHING more than bare minimum. Doesnt freaking matter which mission you play. Want more than like 5-10 excavatros at most, recruit.

    But doesnt change the fact that he wanted to get carried.

  7. 2 часа назад, Violet_Xe сказал:

    I wouldn't exactly say that they're mandatory, I did mention this to the limbo but I've managed to hit 30-40 excavators without a defense frame cause we played it right and were careful.

    Well that is the sort of bull*** I personally hate.

    The only actual careful people are those that dont take unneeded risk and avoid it.

    Yeah once in a blue moon you will get a map and a team that does well even without frost or Limbo, but Im not playing with such trash composition, if I see theres none, I just abort. I dont care what the rest is doing, what frames they play, how much or little they do,  excavation with randoms especially NEEDS Limbo or Frost to not fck it up, especially since the only ones Im doing is arbitration.

    Everyone thinks theyre so goddemn unique snowflakes, so skilled such careful much wow. Only to then especially in Arbitration majority of randoms manage to die within first 5-10 minutes only to be brought back to life thanks to my phoenix renewal only to die again in the next 5 minutes, I see ph pooping basically  1 to 5 times for each player whenever i play. Then they manage to fck up and lose excavators with several seconds left several times during session.

    **** people. 


  8. В 08.04.2019 в 13:54, (PS4)Mono-Pop сказал:

    The GAME is GRIND. If you’re only just figuring that out now, that’s actually embarrassing.

    Just about everything that exists in this game is grind.

    Now, the developers are loosening that collar, giving us MORE STUFF for doing LESS GRIND and people are flinging more crap at DE than I’ve seen in a long time.

    It’s disappointing and I think hurtful to the game itself.

    What do DE do if trying to give us free stuff makes their own community hate them? 

    Youre delusioned af if you somehow think nightwave or other New sysyems like relics are less grind. Its 10 times more grind for no reward. Doing fecking nightwave for weeks now, only at step 15 and I dont fecking need ANYTHING there, all rewards are trash and the only not so good looking cosmetics will take even more weeks to get or that useless forma. Like always they fckd up rewards, giving awful looking scraps instead of cosmetics you would want. Creating good looking sigils takes minutes, pulling conclave skins to the nightwave pool and also sigils takes minutes, yet you keep seeing ugly trash no one wants to wear or use or grind for. Best looking cosmetics are buried in this dead game mode no one plays yet youre stuck with 7gly as hell grineer armor and syndana for what takes WEEKSof every day busywork. F this game

  9. Everything that doesnt involve "friends" or "clanmates" is fine.

    I absolutely NOT wasting extra time to get through 50 bodies friendlist and could not be bothered to pester people and bribe to play with me in this exact time in this exact mission for exact lenght. Yeah this concept is so stupid I cant even. Every activity or mission that cant physically be completed solo is trash.

    • Like 1
  10. 21 минуту назад, Kingsmount сказал:


    It's your choice whether to play a CC frame or not.   Don't ruin other people's enjoyment because you don't like something, particularly when it doesn't even effect you.  Worst case scenario you're still oneshotting everything and spinning to win as normal,  some enemies are just immobilized for you.

    I f your "enjoyment" involves ccing everything to death may I suggest watching paint dry instead, Ive heard its awesome.

  11. 6 часов назад, stormy505 сказал:

    I remember watching brozimes video about this. Where does it end? After they nerf itzal they will go after archwings as a whole, then mobility abilities, then operator, then bullet jumping. Cause, news flash DE, all of the above are faster then kdrive. 

    Issue isnt just that kdrive is slower than an internet speed of a router put into a bucket of water but the fact It cant go up and sht unlike archwing, wormholes or void dash.


    And I can assure you. If you start blinking with nova that's also gonna get nerfed. Cheesing through the game is hardly the developers intention.

    Gtfo seriously.

    Calling movement abilities and movement in general "cheesing" is asking for a special place in hell.


    If you do this I’m going to ask for a Nova nerf.

    Just so you lemmings know - theres about a dozen other ways and warframes that have means to travel fast as fck.

    Because thats 50% of what warframe is. Speed.

  12. She's already it.

    Past 6 or more warframes powers are so meh I dont even feel like farming or leveling them, forget forma. Compared to "original" ones like Loki, Trinity, Rhino, Volt, ect they are visually unappealing and uninteresting gameplay vise. Theres no need to pop warfarmes every other week if theyre all so meh. I keep playing old ones anyway. New dont do anything useful or new, they hardly even fit in warframe style. Meh. Just meh.



    If you remember when they announced unvaulting accessory pack they couldnt release it right away, it was launched next unvaulting because of the forums uproar.

    Well the thing is, this is completely ridiculous.

    I bought Misa or Tagris for its initial price, I couldnt care less that others bought it cheaper. Because I had money at the time, gifted to me so I could do whatever I wanted. I dont regret spending more to get thing I wnat earlier. But, only once. Partially because once again, most prime cosmetics dont even worth 5 or 7$ that tennogen costs, let alone 50-25$. Cant imagine what should go through someones head to spend 50 to 100+ on psa every 3 months. Even if their sallary allows them to buy 50 psa a months. Because thats just sponsoring laziness.


    You’re paying for time limited content that won’t return for years, you’re also supporting DE as Prime Access content is their primary money maker.

    Yeah "supporting" and they take your money and do NOTHING with it.

  14. 25 минут назад, Jinzanami сказал:

    theres a large collection of tennogen sayadan and its amazing that the only one you likes from DE is the misa and tagris armor, its really telling on how DE is playing monopoly on fashion frame lol.

    in either case cosmetics are just cosmetics and are waste of time, if you bought one then cool, but stop at that and save your money for useful things.

    I like some tennogen including syandanas, learn to read nex time before posting. Tennogen skins especially and some syandanas are really good, but misa for me is the ultimate syandana. Because it duits many frames and its 80% energy plus have good physics. Thats what I look for in syandanas. 

    Dont tell people what to do or what spend their money on and they wont tell you where to go. 


    • Like 1
  15. 26 минут назад, Jinzanami сказал:

    i asked you what value do you get out of that money you spent on PA ? if you want to look badass then you can spend less than that in tennogen and even that is waste of money, theres almost nothing special about PA they just add golden bits on that fluff, no craftsmanship and even if that was the case then why bother ? 

    Tennogen look better than regular DE skins even deluxe but it

    1 doesnt have armor at ALL

    2 certain pieces still look better or just not present in tennogen. The best looking syandana for me in the game which is misa isnt present in tennogen and has no replacement and neither are edo or tagris cause its armor sets. And tennocon 2018 armor is actually as I would consider it, one of the best looking armor in the game too. Cant be bought via tennogen or platinum. None of those things can be bought or obtained otherwise. I like cosmetics and price for tennogen is more than fine, unvauled price is also kind of fine, still could be 10-20% lower. PA is absolutely isnt. Thats all.



    people buy PA to ''support'' the devs as they claim


    They can say all they want buy they lie. To us and themselves as well, probobaly. 

    • Like 1
  16. Цитата

    why even buy PA in the first place ?

    Well I dont.

    Im only interested in cosmetics. And the only reason to buy it is that some (very few) look real good, literally best looking cosmetics in the game. But, ony 3-4 pieces for far. And you cant get it by other means but paying real money. Thats literally the only reason. But only during unvaulting. 20$ can do, 50 - hell no.


    even if divine intervention happen and they gave us the 20$ package, why would you buy that crap anyway ? .

    For the same reason you buy any other cosmetics.

  17. 32 минуты назад, Zephyr_TheMLGPro сказал:

    Even if it were to happen, it wont hapoen this prime access. People have already bought packs and they'd feel cheated that they spent 50$ for a syandana you paid 20$ for.

    Just like those who spent 50$ on cosmetics in unvaulting that are now half the price.

    But anyway. Syandaan looks nice, but at this point I dont feel like throwing 50$ for DE just to exist. They create weak and uninteresting, useless warframes for past 1+ year, make 1 cinematic quest a year if you're lucky, dont actually create new content for 2 years, dont actually make good rewards, end game is still a joke - what am I paying you 50$ every 3 months for? Hello? What kind of joke is that? If they wont lower the prices, I dont feel like buying even unvaulted cosmetics. They have a nerve to set up a price for cosmetics as a triple A game every 3 months as a millionary company while most people can barely pay for their living as it is. Simply put. You dont deserve 50$ for that syandana, armor looks awful as always,those 2 boosters are useless. You dont even ALLOW US TO CHOOSE THE BOOSTERS for our 50$. Seriously, *** that.

    • Like 1
  18. 11 минут назад, Enexemander сказал:

    Not better- just as good or close enough to not matter. Hence why asking for 100+ runs of something is ridiculous. This is not difficult content. You could master it in a few runs and a bit of Madurai grinding. Remember- I'm talking about 3x3s here, not 5x3 or 6x3.

    That's the problem with Elitism. It always trickles down due to people being lazy.

    You cant which is proven by various randoms. Ffs people manage to fck up regular starchat missions and considering that demand is lower than supply because everyones lazy and would rather not host ever, hosts have no shortage of people with 100+ runs under the belt after more than a year of eidolon being here. 

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