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Posts posted by brewedjuice

  1. can confirm. ive build/bought all k-drives and leveled them to 30. only needlenose says i have mastery from it. presumably its a bug with "bought" kdrives since i only crafted 1. but i leveled them all to 30. would like my mastery plz.

    im pretty sure you got the mastery from them, its just a visual bug. i equipped the other boards, loaded out onto fortuna, hopped on the board, instantly got off and loaded back into town and they appeared completed on my mastery log. so from my understanding/testing, you ARE getting the mastery from them, but the older ones were visually bugged and didnt update on your mastery window.

  2. over all i like this augment in theory, i have to play around with it to see if it fits and how it compares ect, but its sounds pretty decent.  that being said neutron star or w/e is now borderline completely pointless, so having it reworked to something like "cast on allies" or something would be pretty nice. neutron star just seems pointless now. assuming it wasnt before.

  3. gara gets a 90% dmg reduction that infinitely scales damage and literally can walk through the highest level content, something ember still had to think about. all gara has to do is use her 4 repeatedly to build a bit of damage, then just refresh it again every now and then.  im not saying remove or rework or anything. but is it really intended for the damage to be 100% infinite? it seems a bit much. i assumed it hadnt gotten looked at cause most people either dont know, or were trying to keep it low-key to avoid nerfs. i mean im not trying to say nerf it.. more just assuming there would be some. but i just came back after 3 months and it still works. seeing a gara just walk past lvl 110+ enemies like heavy gunners and having them instantly die while she had 90% dmg reduction just seems... dumb.  maybe im just bitter? maybe the justification is how limited her range is, maybe its because you still have to move around, unlike saryn and ember.. and banshee.. (used to)   i dunno.  i'de like some other peoples opinions on her just so i have a better idea of what peoples mindsets are with gara.

  4. in any standard mission, vacuum is vastly more useful than some little cat that gets stuck on doors, and stands there while it dies instead of attacking.. or running.. or anything. if their AI and pathing were better i would be more likely to pick them over sentinel.  ide like to use pets, but outside of kuva theres very few reasons to use them on the star-chart. even up to sorties a lot of the time. sure cats eyes can be a dps increase, charm too. (not trying to exclude kubrows, i just know less about them after using all of them for MR fodder) but in about 99% of cases i really dont need extra damage. im already butchering everything with little to no problem so.. why bother with the cat. especially if its not a super extended mission so sentinel has no time to die. vacuum is just more convenient. my idea was always give players passive 6m vacuum. then give another 6m to sentinels so it adds up to the 12 we have now IF you use a sentinel. if you use a kubrow/kavat, it'd just be 6. so theres still a reason to pick sentinels if you want the extra vacuum space, or you can swap to the companions, and still have SOME vacuum (which realistically in a fast paced horde shooter like this.. you do kinda want it whether you know it or not). the only problem i see with a change like this is sentinels may get completely abandoned so they'd need some love.  the only reason they havent gotten any (imo) is probably because like 90% of the community uses them already.

  5. i mean we're not trying to badmouth or anything. more that if its an oversight, we're acknowledging it and trying to bring it up so it can stop being an oversight and start being a feature.  on the flip side, if its not an oversight and someone really thought not allowing us to split them was a good idea.. thats when the phrase "what were you thinking you moron" comes out.   kinda like it came out when they put vaulted relics exclusively behind bounties.  then again when DE nerfed their drop rates.

  6. and then theres things like Exodia contagion that isnt obtainable from anywhere but other players currently.  rip that.  partially i think you may be right, trying to make it more lax or something, but it just feels like something that wasnt through out. after a massive change to the system, the large number of people who made mistakes in a brand new systems get what, told to go F ourselves? I leveled 3 exodia contagion to rank one thinking "one for each zaw i like". i guess i didnt read quite thoroughly enough, or maybe it wasnt clear enough. but now im shafted without being able to upgrade it unless i wana spend.. like 700 plat? (im more inclined to blame myself because i think its more likely i skimmed and just didnt see it.  but if they in fact did not mention arcanes can now fit on multiple weapons/frame... thats a horribly massive oversight) being able to acknowledge i made a mistake doesnt mean we shouldnt get a distillation option. theres always been a way to split arcanes, and removing that feature was a bad idea. they need to be split-able, or atleast able to fuse pre-leveled ones together.

  7. we definitely need a way to break them down. i mean while it would be nice to be able to fuse ones that are partially ranked with other partially ranked, i think a distiller is the easiest and best option. currently.. i have 3 rank 1 exodia contagions because i was too stupid to check if 1 set of arcanes could be equipped to multiple places before i fused (derp)  but regardless of that being my mistake, ive seen numerous posts about people doing similar things, or fusing the wrong stack because of whatever. but the point is its a significant problem. especially for time sensitive arcanes. or exodias as the case may be.

  8. Doing hydron, like normal, leveling up my knell to fit a riven on it. i have a booster, and lucky kavat procc'd so i maxed it by 10, but some people with under-ranked frames wanted to stay, so i stayed to preserve the good xp for them (and to keep giving them that sweet, sweet oberon healing). RIGHT after the count down, all the mobs freeze in place, and then boom host migrate. after loading back in, my knell went back down to unranked and lost focus too, as did at least 1 other person in my group. it was definitely not visual only, because upon extracting at 15, it was only up to 19, which is what it gained durring those 5 waves according to the tab menu i checked before extracting. i did a search for "lost xp" on the forums, found nothing. presumably this isnt happening to everyone since the forums arent flooded about it, but i figured it was definitely worth noting and reporting. 

  9. i had "kill 5-6 dagryn pilots before they hit the ground" and had to kill roughly double the required amount for both rivens cause half the time it didnt count. i also just bought a "kill 15 dagryns with a bow while staying undetected" which sounds absolutely terribly considering they never spawn outside of bounties where you're detected.  i havent even tried it yet, but based on this thread im very worried to do so.

    after getting 5 kills i can say mine isnt bad, the only ones that havent counted for me are the grounded dagryns and the ones that spawn when doing bounties/incurions cause they're alerted. i would like to say that 15 is WAY too many considering how few the spawns are, especially when you have to stay undetected, but over all thats my biggest problem. finding the dumb things.

  10. yea i cant call it fact. because its just multiple peoples opinions. thats why i said consensus.  i have problems with gates not opening, loading into the plains with no bounty ever spawning, hijack drones not spawning, the timer on the area denial and defense not starting ect. its just too buggy for me to call putting any time-limited relics there a good idea. my Ostron is maxed, quills is max standing on second to last teir (i stopped hunting after i unbound everything and crafted all my arcanes so i ran out of shards to upgrade it, will get more with the new sentients.) ive done lots of bounties, and they have improved over time slightly. but i think putting time limited relics EXCLUSIVELY there (and in syndicate packs) is the wrong move. its fine to offer that as an option, but to do it exclusively comes off, to me, as saying "yea we know it doesnt work, but suck it up. or buy it." 

  11. 2 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

    Id just like to point out, still a personal preference. The biggest change to bounties would be to give an evac point (like they do in quests) next to the final bounty so that you don't need to run back to the gate.

    i stop calling it personal preference when literally everyone ive talked to in game hates them too. thats when it becomes a consensus.

    you cant even call these load errors something that came about after the MR reqs were added. loading into bounties has always been a problem, and im not on a toaster. and yea. it would help if bounty tables werent so painfully dilute AND an evac point would be immensely nice, as would bounties being close to eachother instead of the other side of the plains. i have been farming augur secrets since plains released. i ended up buying it last night because i already have enough cancer having to mine gems. if anything put gems on the high teir tables instead of wisps. getting a wisp from bounty 4 part 5 is a slap. add something USEFUL. this "bounties for vaulted relics" feels more like a way to make people shell out real money.  

  12. excellent point i hadnt even concidered the cancer that is void fissures right now. people aways do that when new frames come out too, but i think it'll be worse now cause no one is trying to do bounties to get relics in the first place. ive been saving up syndicate standing and bought relic packs for a few. but sounds like im gonna have to wait a couple days for the fissure leeches to come down. thanks for the heads up and good contribution!

  13. the problem is mostly that bounties are unbelievably boring and buggy. i agree i think selective looting is a good idea. bounties are not the place to put them though. no one ive talked to actually enjoys bounties. at all.  im not trying to be super disrespectful like "blah blah blah devbash blah blah" thats not the intent. more to acknowledge just how bad and insanely buggy bounties are. its also worth noting that TONS of people cant even load into the plains (due to crappy comps and things) so they basically locked them out of farming completely. im not exaggerating when i say i spent 20 minutes just trying to get a bounty to start last night. dear god no just let me do normal missions.

  14. Literally what the title says. just dont do bounties. let them know that the horrible drop tables, unfun missions, and incredibly buggy bounty stages are not the place to put vaulted relics. i spent over 20 minutes last night just trying to get a bounty to load up past stage 2 and work. this is an utterly horrible idea on DE's part and i hope the community lets them know in a mostly respectable way. (i thought the wall of NO's from twitch chat when you mentioned this was the plan was pretty clear.) this is one of the worst idea since changing embers deluxe to that horrible ugly turkey (THAT i acknowledge is personal preference. bounties being terrible and unfun is not.)

  15. cetus bounties are horrible. i never want to do them. im already just going to buy augur secrets because the drop tables are already so utterly terrible i cant stand doing them anymore. ive been farming it for a month or two. got plenty of wisps i didnt need anymore after farming them myself in far less time.. whoever thought up these drop tables and %'s needs to be fired. imma just quit. RIP MR 25.

    On 2/4/2018 at 12:06 AM, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

    I agree 100% I don't want to spend weeks doing Cetus bounties. I'm okay with them being in the drop tables of Cetus bounties and also in other locations, but forcing us to play in one place in order to get them is a sure way to bore some of us.

    its a sure way to LOSE some of us.. bounties are terrible and trying to force me to do them is a sure way to lose me as a long time user.

  16. i really love this arcane. i have so much fun with it. the projectiles do seem to remain after exploding a fair amount of the time so that needs to get looked into, but outside that i love this thing. (it makes my chroma a suicide master tho.. 1shots himself through full vex dmg reduction even if i only have 100% dmg increase.)

  17. On 11/27/2017 at 5:50 PM, noeka said:

    this is indeed still not fixed and i agree 

    as a new player this can realy make the game a bad experiance 

    hope they look in to this asap

    for an experienced player it can be bad. it costed me a solo brilliant kill, and all the other shards too. all the random little boils that were on the map still do toxin too, i wasnt near the actual crash site of the main boil, just where one of the little ones had landed. it really needs to be fixed. it was bad having an eidolon in there. nothing you could do till it got far enough. i cant even image a bounty sending me into that, or killing my drone/hostage. definitely needs a second look to make sure its really clear.

  18. i agree with Swaggi on this. why do i have to sell the amps i worked hard to get rep for.. to get the crappy starter amp back again. shouldnt i just be able to splurge a little standing (like 5k) and buy it back? locking this behind "sell all the amps that you actually want and get them back again!" is kinda obnoxious, though likely an oversight. (if its intentional tell me now so i can quit)

  19. did you wait for night? or the dawk/dusk part of the cycle? cuase i used ~20 bait and got at least that many fish. not every bait spawned a ray, but some spawned multiple. i love this spot, thanks for the heads up OP.

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