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Posts posted by DarkDrakeDrakus

  1. 6 hours ago, ShadowExodus said:

    I think you're mixing that with ragdoll 

    It is not that hard to continue headshotting an enemy who only staggers backwards a few inches

    Naw stagger is annoying when they inch a bit back. Sleight aim change (I'm lazy k). 


  2. no. The stagger affect from impact is a huge pain to deal with for most of the community as high impact damage and high status weapons are disliked for their reason of making you need to shift your aim slightly back when aiming for the head. So complete removal of stagger would be nice as it wouldn't disrupt accuracy.

  3. On 03/11/2017 at 11:34 AM, cenat_cenat_alternate said:

    he isn't even a melee character or a fan of melee in the lore so i don't see why his passive is melee based

    This is why i asked if you looked into his lore but from your lack of knowledge of his 95% use of a staff and meleeing i would say you didn't. 

  4. On 03/11/2017 at 2:16 PM, cenat_cenat_alternate said:

    did you? I definitely did. 

    Then you would know he uses his staff ALOT. Therefore since wukong was ripped off from China's warframe his passive  combined with DEs lazyness( no offense devs) makes him a melee frame. Hence me asking if you researched him. 

  5. Rhino is a pretty good starter frame that you can farm however it'll make you stand and tank S#&$ on other frames (as it becomes a habit) so i would recommend just playing around with your first frame for a while (but by the end of all those grindy fights you'll probably get use to it). Weapon wise... kinda depends on your style so i'm not too sure. I guess my only advice for weapons is start with melee first then whatever of secondaries/primaries you like. Then as you go to vet you go back to melee... (melees pretty strong when un-modded against your typical starter mobs)

  6. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)falconpwnch0234 said:

    I was really afraid of mining, but it looks just harmless and refreshing enough to provide sufficient breaks in combat and be fun to pull off. Side activities like these are important because they provide a way to relax, and having unending skirmishes without these breathers isn't good for an open zone kind of mission.

    Ooo can we use extractors as midget mining drones... (haha i got sidetracked)

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