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Posts posted by EinsteinAndAGun

  1. 38 minutes ago, --PV--EasterEgg said:

    TYPE: In-Game
    DESCRIPTION: Anytime I go from my obriter into dojo or into railjack my forge resources get reset and below normal limits. I can go from one mission to another and limits stay the same as I overcrafted them but when i go into my orbiter then into railjack my limits get reset and get go below normal quantities. I can even overcraft hull into infinity but then it gets reset after getting into orbiter.
    VISUAL: https://youtu.be/3WJdGRUs-K8
    REPRODUCTION: Overforge stuff on RJ then go into orbiter for it to reset.
    EXPECTED RESULT: Should have at least 100 rev limit and 3 dome charges at the start of ever ymission.
    OBSERVED RESULT: My max resources on forge dont match my plexus level and they get reset everytime I go to my orbiter in anyway including login in or out.
    REPRODUCTION RATE: Every single time.

    This is my forge everytime I start a mission from orbiter or dojo arfer coming from orbiter. Revo max is 76 and dome charges at 1.


    And this is my forge after overcrafting everything on one mission.


    Seconding this. Not only do quantities reset, you can no longer rebuild railjack resources in dry dock, the bars and amounts on the forges are a complete mess (1 of 1 dome charges? Amount bar shows full? Really?), crafting amounts are a mess (can only make 22 revolite per forge? Why? A catastrophic failure costs 100 to fix!), and sometimes crafting one of something makes multiple. I've crafted one dome charge on one forge, got one dome charge, went to the next forge, crafted one dome charge, got three

  2. 9 hours ago, Culaio said:

    You do realize its possible to  nerf power of pilot without killing solo play right ?  Orginally when asked about solo play DE given possibilties like auto-turret mod  for rrailjack or NPC doing gunner roles and thats how you can keep solo play viable without giving pilot too much power.

    You say all those ideas are bad so tell me HOW are you going to prevent gunners from feeling sick ? because its unacceptable that pilot can make gunners feel sick when he is chassing enemies. 

    I only mentioned possibility of removing weapons from pilot because to prevent gunners from feeling sick ability to make quick/tight turns will most likely need to be nerfed, this in turn would impact pilot ability to aim his weapons. Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack.

    You are correct that gunners can use abilities but its pilot who control where railjack is going and he is always first one who has opurtunity to use ship abilities since he is on front of ship.

    I would fight with archwing if you know pilot already didnt wipe everything soon after it spawned...archwing cant compete with railjack abilities that can wipe 10+ enemies in instant.


    You seem to have misunderstood me, I am not complaining that its too easy now, pilot was able to wipe all enemies in well geared railjack from the beginning, I played a LOT of railjack game mode, I experianced both railjacks that were extremly fragile and railjacks that  nothing could take down where pilot soloed pretty much whole run(except for other objcetives), railjacks with very best gear, where every time he used ship abiltiies 10+ enemies died instantly.

    But YOU know whats best for railjack...

    If you get motion sick on a turret, nothing can fix that for you. It's free movement in 3D space, and you have an intrinsic that removes all points of reference on the ship itself. Your "solution" is IDIOTIC. If people get motion sick playing a game, then that's their problem. It can't even be fixed in many cases. There are some things that can be done for some people, like making an "anchor point" for the eyes in the center of the screen, such as a crosshair, but that's already there in Railjack. But to say "I get sick in a 3D spaceflight game, so everyone should stop moving so fast" is exactly as dumb as a seasick passenger demanding the captain stop the ship and let him off.

    And yes, if you remove too much pilot power, you will kill solo play.

    And if it was always so easy, did you speak up against the changes to make it easier? Where were you when everyone was complaining about how "hard" railjack was and how "weak" it felt? And yes, I seemingly understand Railjack better than pretty much any player I've ever played with, or seen play elsewhere. Seriously, it's something else. I'm not some expert gamer, I get wrecked in competitive games, and I'm no genius at figuring out game mechanics in general, but holy crap, it really seems no one understands how to play Railjack properly. As I detailed in my original comment, I strongly suspect that the handful of Warframe content creators that put out total baloney on Railjack early on put an bee in everyone's bonnet and essentially made them unable to figure it out on their own.

    Also, what the heck is with this statement?

    "Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack."

    It's already like that! I can move in any direction and aim in any direction! The only way the mouse affects the movement is if you just hold one direction, like forward, and then aim around to steer. And I'd like to see how you would have us steer if the mouse can no longer control our direction.

    Bottom line is this--you suggesting removing pilot power is going exactly against what seemingly everyone wanted. Nobody want's the ship to be slower. Nobody wants them to be weaker. Nobody wants them to be clunkier. That's just you, because you forgot to take a Dramamine. I get it, getting motion sick sucks, but demanding the entire game to slow down because you can't handle it is ridiculous. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Culaio said:

    There is plenty of people who are neither of those who have good reason to criticise railjack, for example me, I spend quite a bit of time with railjack(all avionics, maxed out all intrinsic, and most of gear in max bonus), also I genereally criticise stuff others people dont, like for example I have problem with the fact that when railjack pilot does tight turns it makes people doing gunner role feel sick DE should nerf railjack ability to make tight turns to prevent that from happening, though that could negativly effect pilot ability to shot with weapons he has so maybe they should remove those weapons completly, pilot in the first place shouldnt chase enemies like they do currently.


    DE should also give more to do for the person doing engineer role on the ship, player doing this role already had barely anything to do and last time I heard Scott planned to make this role even more meaningless by nerfing amount of fires, not sure if that change went live, because all the ships in was one were very well geared so enemy didnt had much opurtunity to damage it. DE needs to give MORE to do for player doing engineer role, not less, being fourth player on the railjack is very boring.


    DE should also nerf power pilot has in his hands, ther is currently too much power centralized in hand of pilot, many times I was on very well geared railjacks where everyone but pilot had nothing to do(other then maybe other objectives) because pilot was wiping all enemies alone before gunners could even shot them(and since they were wiped so fast, enemy didnt had chance to damage or board the ship), rest of team with exception of guy doing other objetives were standing by the pilot bored, pilot wiped all enemies before guy finished doing other objective.



    If you over-nerf the power the pilot has, you effectively kill solo play, which is a terrible, terrible idea. I honestly can't find a single thing you talked about that I agree with. Remove the ability to make tight turns? Remove pilot weapons? What? What dreadful ideas. Also, have you forgotten than gunners can use the railjack abilities, like the newly buffed Seeker Swarm, or Void Hole, or Munitions Vortex? Also, have you forgotten that you don't need to just sit on the Railjack and complain that it is "boring"? You can go out in archwing and fight everything directly with the newly buffed and properly scaling archwing weapons.

    Also, here we go, exactly as I predicted, people are now complaining that it's too easy, the pilot wipes everything too fast, no challenge, yada yada yada. Now made even easier with the recent and much demanded changes of hugely nerfing enemies. This community--I swear, so many of you all dropped your brains out the holes in your heads with Railjack. Schizophrenic, inconsistent, and oxymoronic complaints about things you don't even understand how they work.

    Like I said in my first comment; DE has made a lot of mistakes, and community feedback is normally fairly solid, so they would do well to listen to it more. But not Railjack. The community has lost its collective mind over it, and is just objectively wrong about so much concerning it. 

    • Like 1
  4. Same. When in the pilot seat, the forge node is blocked by the unnecessarily large player list banner at the bottom, and when in the forge, the pilot seat node is blocked by the resource display. There's no need for the map to move dynamically. Just have it in a fixed position in the middle.

    • Like 1
  5. THIS! If you're at the front of the ship, you can't teleport to the back, because the node is covered up by the unnecessarily large banner on the bottom, and if you're at the back, you can't teleport to the front, because the node is covered up by the resource display. The internal ship map just needs to be in a fixed position--there's no need for it to move up or down.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Vit0Corleone said:

    I'm not sure if I would 100% agree with this .

    This would definitely be the case when RJ released, because of the time it took to research Sigma gear at the Dojo, but as soon as you have access to that gear, my advice to players would be to use them, or at the very least a weapon and reactor. 

    It's really not that expensive to build, resources wise, and it has the big advantage that it has no build timers, so you get them instantly. You can also get 80% of the resources back when you don't need them anymore, so you aren't really wasting that much resources ( ~500 Titanium or whatever you lose in total, isn't really a bottle neck IMHO )

    A few runs on Earth Posit would be enough to get what you would need to build, say a Sigma MK2 weapon.

    That alone would at least tipple your DPS, IIRC. Same goes for reactor, etc.

    Oh and btw, no, you are definitely not alone.

    You know what, what you say is fair, and most of what I said was describing the way it was on release--which was when I was progressing, so those were the problems I ran into. I haven't really experienced the way the changes work when it comes to the progression, because by the time they made the changes, I had already...uh, progressed. So, bam, I guess another complaint against Railjack largely dealt with and fixed by DE.

    I still think progression needs work in the game at large, not just Railjack, to be honest.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

    Is the underlined part directed at me? Because i only voiced 1 complaint in this thread 😛

    Fair point, my verbiage could have used some improvement.

    2 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

    Not that this is an excuse, but the Warframe-Players simply "unlearned" to fail a mission (according to DE, the Mission success rate is way above 90%).

    See, this is something I felt as well. When I first started Railjack, I felt like "Hang on, THIS feels like the challenge we've been waiting for in Warframe for so long! Enemies don't die in one shot! I have multiple things to manage and think about! I'm actually in danger here!" And it was GOOD. It actually felt like a reasonably balanced challenge, which by the way is mathematically impossible in the regular game, due to the fact that everything from our health and damage, enemy health and damage, objective health, mods, THE LOT, scales by multiple orders of magnitude. You can't find a balanced, happy medium in that mess. BUT Railjack was a new system, with new numbers and new damage types! They could fix the crazy scaling problems! And to be quite honest, I felt like they mostly did with the fighters, less so with the ground enemies (same old trick of just multiplying everything by 20 to make it more "challenging", aka, "it takes a well-modded Mesa a whole 3 seconds to burn them down instead of 1, but new players can't even scratch them").

    But yeah, cue the exact same single-functioning-neuron crowd that whines that warframe has no "challenge" whining about how Railjack felt "weak". Probably the same crowd that whines about "content droughts" then immediately turns around and says DE should spend more time fixing things instead of releasing new and broken content.

    And now, my Railjack feels like how taking my Equinox to a Lith fissure defense does. Which yeah, is its own kind of fun, to be sure, but now watch complaints start flying about how there's no "challenge" anymore. Ugh, this community sometimes...

    • Like 1
  8. I feel like I must be the only person on earth who actually likes Railjack.

    Quite literally every single complaint you voiced is a problem with the main game too, and even more so in many ways. If anything, the basic Railjack gameplay loop is more fun to me than the main game. It pretty organically involves every aspect of Warframe in a connected fashion: ground, archwing, and space. It's visually gorgeous. It's actually pretty well paced, in my opinion, and is far less of a 1-dimensional meatgrinder than the regular game is. Perhaps it's my Elite: Dangerous experience talking here, but the space combat is actually pretty well designed in Railjack missions.

    I believe there are two main reasons a lot of people are saying various negative things about railjack:

    1. They don't have one, or have a very, very basic one without good intrinsics or avionics, so it feels bad--kinda like the normal game does before you have good mods. Just sayin', a lot of you have forgotten what a drag it is to be a beginning player without basic mods. Remember the Grendel missions? Yeah...that's what it's like. This could be a valid criticism if it weren't for the hypocrisy involved, e.g., forgetting that the entire game is like this.

    2. Several big youtube content creators have put out utterly bogus, factually incorrect, and downright moronic information about Railjack, beyond just their own opinions. Things like "Railjack feels so slow" (bruh, do you even drift??), and "I'm always on fire" (like how? How are you flying so badly that you're getting hit all the time?), "Enemies are so tanky/my guns are garbage" (you mean like every enemy and every gun in the game is before you properly upgrade? See above). And like a hive mind, the community has latched on and made those opinions their own without even learning how to Railjack properly themselves. I've watched these youtubers play, and it astounds me how bad they are at it, considering they have thousands of hours in the game. This is further reinforced every time I do a pub mission in railjack, or when someone else hosts and wants to fly their own ship. It sounds so arrogant to say, but I legitimately begin to wonder if I'm the only person who knows how to properly fly the thing (I'm not, I at least know my clannie is a great pilot as well, maybe even better than me). Ramming themselves up the anus of a CS for no reason, never drifting, just slowly turning around like the thing is a walrus on land trying to catch dragonflies, then acting all surprised when they take tons of damage and their ship is on fire, followed by going to the forums and complaining about railjack.

    Now, there are valid criticisms of Railjack, for sure. Bugs are a big one, and by the void, they were awful at the beginning, but significantly less so now. Progression is completely borked--the best strategy is to completely skip mk1 and mk2 stuff and just hitchhike to the veil to get mk3 stuff, because costs are so prohibitive that you just can't be wasting resources building subpar equipment. Intrinsics are a pretty crazy grind, and several things that should be default are locked behind intrinsic skills, like dodging or boosting (what the heck, DE? should bullet jumping be MR locked or something?), making basic things in the forges, or even using the basic equipment in the railjack, like the artillery or the archwing slingshot. RNG equipment used to be a huge problem, but with the changes to it, and the addition of valence transferring, it's mostly moot now. Costs are still rather high, even with titanium and asterite drops being tripled. Amesha being the only valid archwing to the point of the others being totally unusable was also a problem, but again, some of that has been rectified in the recent changes. Amesha is still by far the best choice.

    There are also invalid criticisms of Railjack; "Railjacks feel so slow"--because you have no idea how to drift, and how utterly bonkers your mobility is while in drift. You can quite literally fly circles around everything--I can trace a 1000m radius circle around a CS faster than it can turn and look at me. I can instantly leave all fighters in the dust and give myself a full 30 seconds of space between me and them to do repairs, forging, etc. I can quick burn tens of thousands of meters from one objective to the next in seconds. I can make the thing dance while in drift. Oddly enough, and contrary to popular opinion, Railjack mobility was nerfed in Railjack revisited, because you use your boost meter twice as fast, dramatically limiting your drifting potential. "I'm always putting out fires/dealing with boarding parties/everything is overwhelming"--because again, you have no idea how to fly. Even before the changes, I would solo veil missions all day, and maybe deal with one fire and one hull breach, neither of which did a darn thing anyway. I rarely even took enough damage to matter, because I could kill everything fast enough, and move fast enough to get out of the way of most damage. NOW? It's almost stupidly trivial. In the dozens and dozens of missions I've done since the update (the vast majority solo), I can count the total number of hazards I've had to repair on my ship on two hands. AND MOST OF THEM ARE BECAUSE A RAMSLED HIT MY SHIP WHILE I WAS IN A POI. Fighters get swatted so fast the second crewship doesn't even have time to spawn before I've killed the required number of them. It's so fast now it's a joke.

    DE has done a lot of dumb in the past, and there are TONS of problems with warframe, and most of them would be at least improved if they listened more to the community. But not on this. Railjack has been the one big thing I have sided with DE on against the community. I've never seen the community be so wrong about things before, and I'm not just talking opinions here--I'm talking about the community being very ignorant of how a game mode works, and how to play it.

    TL;DR Railjack is much better than most people say it is, because most people don't have a clue how to play it. Long essay over. 

    • Like 5
  9. On 2020-04-16 at 1:21 AM, vegetosayajin said:

    I had a bug a year ago that seems very similar to your situation.I was running the derelict with all 4 dragon keys, after I finished the runs I took them off but the effects stayed.I changed frames, reloaded the game, nothing worked.
    After a few(20-ish) missions the effects disappeared.
    That thing repeated several times, I didn't get the reason for it but it never reappeared again.(that said I don't go to the derelict very often ...)

    That might be something to be considered if I was struggling to kill anything else other than my lich. But I'm not. Everything else takes normal damage.

    And I haven't reinstalled warframe from scratch yet. That'll be the nuclear option. What's actually happening now is that I'm just not doing liches. I've got my last lich weapon to level, and I see no reason to revisit them.

  10. 13 hours ago, (PS4)Raven-Ghosthawk said:

    I'd need to confirm, but I'll say try my Ivara method for the Wolf of S6. Wolf was only active if he saw in-range players/allies (=targets), and would go inactive if nobody was (visible) in-range. This means a cloaked team would be free to go up and melee him to death.

    See if this works on Lich.

    I mean, I can kill my lich with brute force using a similar method with Loki. He's not totally immune to damage, but it takes way, WAY too long. I've watched videos of other people fighting their R5 liches, taking careful note of the builds and the damage they are doing. My damage is orders of magnitude less for very similar builds. There is no earthly reason someone with a Venka Prime should be getting redcrits of 3 to 4-digit damage while my redcritting Fragor Prime is doing 3-often dropping to 2-digits of damage.

  11. 15 hours ago, vegetosayajin said:

    What frame are you using normally(with what powers) and what is the build on the melee exactly(a.k.a. do you use ppp or co or both).
    I'm asking for the frame because they are doing some changes for revenant.
    Are you considering your lich's immunity and the elements you are using on him?
    Last I played corrosive was still the best for them in 99% of the cases, no matter if viral is king now.

    As said in the original comment, I did in fact check that my lich was not immune to any of my main damage types. The only exception was the one that had a slash immunity, and I was using Fragor Prime, which has a small amount of slash, but it's not significant.

    I've also used multiple frames, and am not relying on the Revenant trick. I've used Wukong, Inaros, Revenant, Loki...heck, I've fought my lich with Ember, Harrow, and Baruuk. As also stated in my original post, I've used multiple weapons and multiple builds. I've used the heavy attack Fragor Prime build (the one with both Sacrificial mods, heavy attack speed and damage, initial combo, etc.), I've used a Blood Rush critical build with Nikana Prime (using PPP typically), and I've also shot him with regular guns, such as Rubico Prime, Corinth Prime, Kuva Nukor...I can't even list all the things I've shot him with. Crit weapons, status weapons, exalted weapons, ranged, melee...none of it matters, nothing does reasonable damage to liches for me.

    Again, this isn't an occasional case of a specific tactic not working like it did before--it seems to be a case of "liches have some kind of resistance to all my damage, all the time". And that resistance seems to grow throughout the fight like a sentient's does. I've been in public lich hunts, where my lich, or even someone else's lich appears, and everyone else, even quite low MR players (not saying low MR players can't do damage, but typically they don't have the min-maxed builds) can do large chunks of damage to them, and I just tickle them...despite being able to absolutely slaughter everything else on the map. Nothing is wrong with my damage to any other enemy; only liches.

    As said in a previous comment, I brought a clanmate into a lich hunt with just the two of us. We were both using nearly identical Fragor Prime heavy attack builds. And he was doing about 20 times the damage I was per swing. He was Inaros and I was Revenant (just for the tankiness, not the Reave tactic).

  12. 45 minutes ago, Shy0 said:

    i'm pretty sure DE mentioned somewhere that they would adjust lich health/armour because they are now no longer status immune (but have a status cap). not sure if they are meant to have a damage cap like the sentients do. whether this was intentional or not, it seems like another poorly-implemented idea. rank 5 liches were already pretty bullet-spongy, and now, from what you're saying, it seems worse. i've not done a lich since the status changes so i can't really add much. maybe check the other forum sections to see if anyone else is reporting the same or send a support ticket with some "evidence" e.g. screenies/video.

    Thing is, I'm pretty sure it's JUST me. I brought a clanmate along with me to fight my lich to test it out. He did normal damage to it, while my damage fell off in a few hits. The reason I'm posting this here is because I can't find anything else anywhere that talks about it.

  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)crashteddy03 said:

    I have to ask the stupid question - you don't have a Dragon key equipped do you?

    Just read on a bit further - damage numbers going down as critical hits increase?!? Now that definitely sounds like a bug of some sort. I know there's a weird mechanic with the Scarlet Spear Condrix's where the higher your attack speed the lower the damage goes. I wonder if this is taking effect for the liches somehow. That still wouldn't explain the damage dropping as criticals increase though.

    It's a fair question, and the answer is no, I don't have a Dragon Key equipped, fortunately. And yeah, it's not really related to criticals, as I see it. All I was saying is that when my damage should have been getting higher, it was getting lower. It does that with other weapons too. It genuinely feels like the lich has the sentient trait of gaining resistance to my damage. The more I shoot/melee it, the less damage I do, and the starting damage isn't what it should be either.

  14. First off, I'm MR 28. I've been playing for over 3k hours. I don't say this to toot my own horn, but to establish that I at least know a thing or two about the game.

    Ever since the lich status chance, I've been unable to do any real damage to liches, mine or anyone else's. Weapons that used to oneshot a lich shield and first health bar up to level 3 now do double digit damage. And I know this isn't everyone, because I can see other players in my squads doing large chunks of damage to their liches or even mine, just like before. This happens to every lich I've had since the update, regardless of their elemental resistances or weaknesses.

    In addition, they seem to have a sentient-like growing resistance to my damage--I'm fighting a level 5 lich using my Fragor Prime modded for heavy attacks (you probably know the build), and it doesn't have any damage types the lich is immune to, other than the small amount of slash Fragor Prime has. First swing does about 1k damage (well under what it should be doing, even for a lich). I back off, and swing again--this time, the damage is in the hundreds. Continue this a few times, and my weapon is only doing about 70 damage per swing, on a build that normally hits for millions. Nothing about this is right.

    I tested on another lich using Loki prime, so I could just go invisible and more carefully watch my damage numbers. I used a blood rush-modded Nikana prime, again, a pretty standard build, and again, without any damage types the lich was immune to. And even as I can see my combo counter climbing, going from yellow crits to orange crits to red crits, my damage numbers were going down. It took probably 5 minutes of just invisibly whaling on this lich to kill it, which is so far and away from what I was able to do before this status change.

    To clarify, melee and ranged weapons are no different. Both do DRAMATICALLY reduced damage than they should.

    What is going on here? Is there some hidden mechanic that was added that I don't know about? Am I just bugged?

  15. 38 minutes ago, Miyabi-sama said:

    From what I understood, all resources you gather are stored unrefined in ship's forge, ready to be converted in ammunition and other consumables. Before you're going to dock you have to refine resources stored there to retrieve them, otherwise they're lost.

    I don't believe this is correct, or if it is, it's the opposite of what was stated in the update notes.

    "All Resources earned in Railjack missions that are not spent Forging will be awarded upon a successful End of Mission!"

    This is straight from the notes themselves. What refining most certainly does do is give you a higher number of resources, but removes them from the crafting menu.

    • Like 1
  16. Same, although for me it's not just rivens, the entire mod station causes massive FPS drops. I have an i9 processor, RTX 2080 Ti, and the game usually runs 400+ fps, drops to ~30-60 in mod station. When the update first came out, I also noticed visual artifacting and massive screen tearing only in the mod station. Something is broken about it.

  17. On 2018-11-28 at 2:43 AM, Macrocilix said:

    Is it recent ? I began to have a lot of problem to deal with him since a moment. Sometimes he just levitates out of the map (litteraly), I personnaly don't hear his attacks or don't even see his projectiles. The Rhino spam in Index is just the best thing to do to avoid weird deaths

    It has been since the Staticor buff, which he also recieved. His attacks now wreck you through walls and defenses, since his staticor has an 8 meter death zone.

  18. Currently in the index, Jad Teran is many, many times more dangerous than all other enemies, and for some of these reasons seem like bugs. Several I've noticed:

    1. Whereas in the simulacrum his sapper mines are visible, in the index they are not, at least for clients.

    2. His shots from his staticor ignore all defenses, such as frost bubble or volt shield, and he seems to have received the staticor buff as well. A single shot to your general area is typically a team wipe, even with defenses up.

    3. He uses the old Comba/Scrambus mechanics of mag proccing you at range with no indication whatsoever that he's doing it. Was he just not updated when the normal Comba/Scrambus units were?

    Seriously, even in rounds with pre-made, experienced squads, the end screen is almost hilarious: for the Corpus team, Jad Teran, 15+ kills; Everyone Else: 0. He's currently very broken. And apparently, he's been this way for a while, but I don't see many threads even mentioning this topic.

  19. If a Nox is the Pyrus essense carrier, his body simply explodes on death renduring the player unable to extract essense from his corpse. For me, a Nox has been the carrier two times, and both times this has happened, so it's at least not just a one time bug.

  20. Personally, I've found that Excalibur does enough damage without using Chromatic Blade for the VAST majority of the content in this game, especially if you're using your blind properly along with you EB, so going a more utilitarian route isn't a problem at all. 

    It also stands to be said that the 100% status/CO build doesn't help when killing enemies immune to status, such as sentients.


    Edit: are you absolutely sure that you can get 100% status chance with just Energy Conversion and Power Drift? I'm pretty sure that you need 180% power strength, and you won't get that much with your build.

  21. Thanks for the answers. Turns out I had deactivated the preceding node Void Siphon and forgot that it would also deactivate Void Flow. I really can't tell just by looking because I am colorblind, and the difference between activated and not activated is impossible for me to see just by looking at the color.

    Anyway, this is cleared up for me, thanks again for your answers.

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