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Posts posted by Abzu

  1. Here's why it's a dude: A. water is usually associated with the female gender, why not break some barriers? and B:


    Abzu | Ember

    Water | Fire

    Male | Female


    Abzu is meant to be the opposite of Ember, not Frost.



    Prolly, but this is an older thread, from before people actually cared about that technicality

    That is what I was going for + I want him to be my main and would feel better if it was my gender.

  2. blastoise.gif


    Technically, Frost is the Water frame already.

    If it's Ice, liquid or vapor, technically it is water.

    Water is a liquid, you do not call Ice water, you call it frozen water. There is a giant difference between a liquid and a solid. When they release liquid abilities for frost then this will make sense. Also frost has nothing to do with steam, hot water, humidity, drowning.

  3. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/34282-warframe-concept-water-frame-concept/

    MALE water frame: Cascade, Rahab, Engur, Abzu, Apsu, Ahab, Sachiel, Alignak. (Possible names to vote for)

    Power explanantion: He is able to produce hydrogen from his body, using energy he can bond hydrogen coming from his body with the surrounding oxygen in the air to produce water. This requires a large amount of energy which is then cooled off through the tubes of D2O (Heavy water) flowing through him.

    Cascade is a sleek MALE frame, how he looks and his inspiration can all go to Mynki.

    SOAK Debuff: My idea for a Soak debuff that comes with all of cascade's abillities Increases electrciity damage, increases freeze length, causes a steam DoT when hit by fire, and speeds up poison DoT ticks. It is meant to improve teamplay and make Cascade a valued support frame.
    Soak debuff lasts 15 seconds.

    Base Stats:
    Health 100.0 (200.0 at rank 30)
    Power 150.0 (225.0 at rank 30)
    Armor 10.0
    Shield Capacity 100.0 (400.0 at rank 30)
    Shield Recharge 40.0
    Sprint Speed: 1.2

    First Abillity: Waterlog: DoT water prison, traps a target and deals damage over time. This abillity also soaks the target. Upgrading this increases power length.
    Cost: 25 energy

    Second Abillity: Wavedash: Highly increases Slide speed, and raises jump height from slides, you can slide without stopping. This does not increase sprint speed. Jump kicking/sliding into targets soaks them. Upgrading this increases power length.
    Cost: 10 energy

    Third Abillity: Spray: Cone shaped aoe (Like sonic boom) that deals flat damage as well as staggers targets. Soaks the targets. It has a longer forward range than Torrent. Upgrading this increases damage and power range.
    Cost: 50 energy

    Ultimate: Torrent: Creates a giant whirlpool surrounding the caster that deals high damage and knocks down targets. Soaks the targets. Upgrading this increases power range.
    Cost: 100 energy

    I would say in official art his melee weapon should be the Ankyros seeing as his ultimate knocks down targets and his Wavedash ability encourages jump kick knockdown play.

    I give Mynki free reign over my concept edit whatever you wish, please keep him male? I am freely giving you (DE) this concept for it's use in Warframe and all future products in said franchise, I will NOT file any legal disputes over it toward you if you use it without giving me credit. I write this so there wont be any legal implications at all.

    If you're interested, send a private message my way.

    Here is some concept art drawn by my friend, a possible design for it. (Those are tubes of water/energy not dreadlocks)

    Concept by Ausako

    Concept by Myheropatrickswayze

    incomplete concept sneak peak by a friend( Vandre )

  4. I believe Ben died around 44 or 45? (He was down a man for half the mission) Rebecca claimed and exited at wave 40, then they dueled to decide the winner, because of a invincibility bug Rebecca had with Absorb.

    He was down a man at wave 38, which was me.  Because my computer crapped out on me and shut down.  I wouldn't call that half the mission.

  5. Okay everyone speaking in this thread without using the Dera yourself, stop trying to defend it.  it is a bad weapon weapon at the moment and for it's cost this is unacceptable.  I have great mods on it and then it only becomes acceptable on low levels.  Do not try to bring that on high levels, it is simply useless.  I LOVE the Dera, but it majorly needs a buff.


  6. They really need to reimburse atleast the keys used since U8's release. People spent REAL money, alot of it, on something that on purpose or not, was in DE's favor financially, and unfairly. Its the smartest way from the sale point to get your paying customers to not feel punished for investing in you in the first place.


    I would agree with this, if they were generous enough to not rollback anything else.  otherwise this is impossible.

  7. After todays update it is not possible to press "t" to open up chat/type in it unless you click first(which causes you to shoot, wasting bullets).  This happens whenever you use your controller, for example I click the screen and I can press t and chat like usual but when I start to use my controller I won't be able to press t to open the chat window again.

    I have no idea why this is happening but wanted to bring it to your attention because it's annoying me.

  8. Yeah, I know it has been used as racist slang before, but the point is that the phrase "Target Cracker" isn't even formed to convey that meaning. The way it is phrased essentially means something that cracks targets. I just can't see how you get a racial slur out of it unless you completely drop the context and the first word.

    THATS THE POINT, Shotgun Spazz Target Cracker NEITHER are offensive.

  9. Founders aren't unique or special. The are an interest group that wants to support DE in their endeavour of creating Warframe. Founders is not an elite supersecret club house group, it is DE thanking those willing to put trust into their goal and expressing this trust with funds DE needs/uses to develop the game. Founders are nothing but that - a supporter's financial group, with no entitlement to limited editions other than those provided. You don't buy Warframe. You give DE money to make Warframe and you receive a little "thank you".


    Any other outlook on Founders will cause friction, because Founders are no different than other players, have no elevated rights or importance. They get a little sneak-peek forum where they can oversee their investments if they paid US$100++, otherwise, they get a handful exclusive items and discounted Platinum. That's it. They are not a core feedback group, people that can demand to be pleased specifically, or otherwise special. If you think differently, if you deem that Founders should be treated better than others, or should continously be pampered, I can only disagree.


    You support because you believe in the game. You don't support because you want to be a special snowflake.


    DE's stance is clear: There will be no segregation between paying and free players.


  10. What would be nice, is if these 'soaked" enemies would have various damage multipliers from other warframes, like, Volt would do more damage, Frost could have more freeze damage, Ember could too (water boiling is rather hot lol).   Eiterway, its a nice concept but I don't think its a good one to add because what would it do that others can't already do?  Thumbs up for uniquness and concept work.

    But thats what it DOES do.. didn't you read "

    SOAK Debuff: My idea for a Soak debuff that comes with all of cascade's abillities Increases electrciity damage, increases freeze length, causes a steam DoT when hit by fire, and speeds up poison DoT ticks. It is meant to improve teamplay and make Cascade a valued support frame.

    Soak debuff lasts 15 seconds."

    Volts abillities do electricity damage, ember does fire damage, frost has abillities that freeze enemies etc.

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